
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Osprey:Another missed opportunity

My luck in trying to photograph an Osprey diving for a fish reminds me of the joke about a parking attendant who is guiding a driver backing into a tight space in a crowded lot:

"OK, c'mon back... c'mon back... c'mon back..."

We might be sitting in our back room and I would suddenly hear a huge splash just outside the back door, then looking out just in time to see an Osprey lifting off from the surface of our lake with a big fish. Not to miss a photo opportunity, I then run to get the camera and sit out on the patio, waiting for a repeat performance that never happens.

One morning I stationed myself out there, resolving not to move until the Osprey came by. Finally, the big moment arrived. With camera at the ready, I watched as the big raptor circled above me, banked away a bit, then suddenly dove straight down towards the shore on the opposite the side of the lake. It was a golden opportunity

"He's looking down! Click!...

Osprey Overhead 20091028


Osprey 2-20100228

...Hovering! Click!...

Osprey Hovering 20091028

...Diving! Click!...

Osprey Diving 20091028


Osprey Diving 2-20091028

...(no click)...



Osprey Takeoff 20091028

The action had taken place so quickly that I could not depress the camera shutter quickly enough! I had left the shutter in single shot mode! The Osprey left empty-taloned.

At Wadokohatchee Wetlands in Palm Beach County I anticipated another "golden opportunity," as an Osprey wheeled over an adjacent lake.

Osprey 20111204

Osprey diving 20111204

The Osprey disappeared behind a tree!

Undeterred, this past week I saw an Osprey fishing on the far side of the Harbour Lakes impoundment in our local wetlands. This bird was either incompetent, unlucky, or both, as it made repeated unsuccessful dives. I caught the "Splash!" this time, but not the dive.

Osprey impact 20131020

Osprey impact 2-20131020

Osprey impact 3-20131020

Osprey impact 4-20131020

Osprey impact 5-20131020


  1. so cool though! you still showed great action!!

  2. I love the flight shots anyway (I can't ever get them). (And I'm hoping the picture I got this afternoon on of a couple of ospreys sitting on a pole is good enough to use... my expectations are much lower.)

    I guess the punchline for your joke now is "Splash" instead of "Crash"!

  3. I would have to say, they are awesome shots Ken, even without the fish!

  4. In trying for "the" shot, you have produced many "wonderful" photographs, Ken! Keep trying for that special shot - just think how many more great shots you'll be getting!

  5. I like the photos - of course! - but I like the story of how you got them even better - it gives me motivation to try again for those shots I haven't yet managed!

  6. You'll get it:) It is tricky......and sometimes they throw me off when they are about to dive. I had an accidental viewing and was able to get pics but it was unexpected. Thankfully they like to make routine runs:) Awesome shots and I enjoyed your narrative:)

  7. not easy trying to follow them on down to the water and picking up the catch; you did well to get what you did; well done

  8. A super series showing behaviour at its best, some you get some you don't, but best of all its good to be out trying, lovely post.

  9. Lots of great Osprey shots!

  10. You got some awesome shots though!


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