
Thursday, November 28, 2013

This Week's Crops & Clips: Anhinga

If your flair in fashions favors green goggles and corrugated tail feathers, you will just love the Anhinga.

Male in breeding plumage.

Anhinga 3-20100228

Anhinga 20100228

This is a classic pose, as this female Anhinga dries her wings.

Anhinga 20130128

This is an exciting encounter that I had with an Anhinga at Green Cay Wetlands in Palm Beach County (Two minute slide show). If you cannot see the video, try this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNIvDIk09uk&feature=player_detailpage

Back near home in our local wetlands, I watched as this Anhinga took on a big fish (one minute slideshow).  If the video does not display here, try this link:

Caring for a hungry chick.

Anhinga chick hungry 20100301

Anhingas are very graceful in flight.

Anhinga 20121127

As I walked the trail along a canal where the water was only about two feet deep, I saw an Anhinga splashing noisily ahead of me. It was disturbed by my presence and took flight down the path away from me. 

Anhinga overhead.

Anhinga Overhead 20091114

Ii suddenly made a U-turn and headed down the path straight at me. I know this was a deliberate hostile act.

Look out below! The cascade of excrement missed my shoulder by inches.

Look Out Below 20100118


  1. Awesome photos and a great post on the the cool Anhinga!

  2. amazing gullets on those birds! enjoyed the slide shows a lot! thanks, ken!


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