
Friday, January 3, 2014

Hungry cormorant babies

At Wakodahatchee Wetlands in Delray Beach, Florida, these two Double-crested Cormorant chicks beg incessantly for their parent to feed them. Adult males and female are indistinguishable, but I'll assume this is the mom.

Double-crested Cormorant feeding chicks 01-20131210

Instinctively, they peck at her yellow gular pouch to stimulate her to regurgitate.

Double-crested Cormorant feeding chicks 03-20131210

One chick thrusts its beak into her mouth.

Double-crested Cormorant feeding chicks 04-20131210

It reaches into her throat...

Double-crested Cormorant feeding chicks 06-20131210

...deeper and deeper!

Double-crested Cormorant feeding chicks 07-20131210

Its head is disappearing!

Double-crested Cormorant feeding chicks 05-20131210

The second chick takes its turn.

Double-crested Cormorant feeding chicks 02-20131210

The outlines of the youngster's sharp upper and lower mandibles are visible halfway down the mother's throat.

Double-crested Cormorant feeding chicks 08-20131210


  1. that has GOT to be uncomfortable for her! i love their feather detail.

  2. Awesome captures, Ken. We haven't been to WW this winter.

  3. Awesome sight to see! Cool series..Have a happy weekend!

  4. These are absolutely incredible shots!! Amazing to see nature in action like this. Thank you, thank you!! What a mother won't do for her youngsters...

  5. Oh my gosh, these images are like their right straight from the Audubon Paintings!!! Superior!!!!

  6. Spectacular photos, really a great series.

  7. Fantastic photos of these beautiful birds!

  8. Fantastic detail here Ken. Poor mom, that can't be fun.

  9. Amazing series...isn't nature wonderful. I would think it would be painful for the mother corm. but apparently it works.

  10. Amazing shots of the parent feeding the chicks! Beautiful photography.


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