
Friday, August 8, 2014

Crops & Clips: Great Egret reflections

Great Egret on local wetlands, Miramar, Florida, November 18, 2013. The egret took flight. My eyesight is not that great and my fixed 420 mm f/5.6 lens system provides a limited field of view.

Great Egret reflection 4-20131118

"The trouble is not with your set."  In my haste to obtain a flight shot I followed the reflection rather than the bird!

Great Egret reflection 20131118

As a kid I scarred the cornea of my right eye by injudiciously trying to shoot a hole in a penny with a .22 rifle. I put the penny on the muzzle and shot straight up. This caused gunpowder grains to strike my right eye. Surgeons could not remove all of the residual stains and fragments. Subsequent cataract surgery seemed to actually decrease visual acuity in that eye, and I could no longer focus my camera manually. The surgeon suggested that I use my left eye in the viewfinder but I found this impossible, as my hand on the shutter button hits my nose!  Now I have sympathy with "left-eyed" folks who try to adapt to the standard camera configuration.





  1. awww. sorry about the eyesight issues! but i loved the reflection shot, too!

  2. What. great refelction shots. Love them . Sorry to read about your eyes trouble.

  3. HI Kenneth Didn't know about your eyesight. That 2nd shot is extremely unusual but fantastic. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Wow... Those reflections are truly beautiful, well done.

  5. As a person who suffers with some eye problems...I send you hugs on that score...oh, to have perfect eyes... if ever we could find a magic wand, eh? ...but...what a couple of fantastic shots you go today!!

  6. wow this shot is breathtaking... Lovely objects...

  7. We all do things we regret and pay the price for later in life. I am so sorry that your mistake was so costly, but I think you are compensating for it quite well, as these pictures would attest. I hope you are able to find a comfortable way to make your camera work for you.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Very creative shots of the egret ~ you are using your eye well ~ xoxox

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Beautiful shots! My left eye is stronger than my right, so I have to use it for shooting.

  10. Wow, these are great shots. Really enjoyed this post. The reflections are so vivid it's like a mirror! Some of the pranks we do as kids... amazing that we survive sometimes!

  11. Stunning reflections, very well captured

  12. Sorry about the eye sight problems.. You did get an awesome reflection shot.. . Thanks for sharing your post with my critter party.. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Bloghopping :)

    The one with the moose is one amazing photo! Not only because the timing was perfect but also because all the elements in the photo coincided with each other--the depth, the colors, the texture.

    Glad I came across this!

  14. Lovely shots of this elegant-looking bird.

  15. Fantastic shots. I like that inverted flight shot as well as reflection.

  16. Gorgeous reflections! Sorry about your eye.

  17. wonderful reflections ... just amazing! Sorry about the eyesight.

  18. Just stunning and great reflections.

  19. Wonderful! Sorry to hear about your eye....Can you use live view instead??? My DSLR camera has live view and it is recommended to use it for manual focus instead of the viewfinder....takes alot of getting used to though and there are issues... but I suspect you are probably a way more experienced photographer than I am and would have already thought of this!!!


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