
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Crops & Clips: Dewlaps and dewdrops

My weekly potpourri gathered from the archives features... red dewlaps, rainbow dewdrops and more.

CRITTERS: A couple of lizards displaying their dewlaps

Brown Anole, an invader from the Caribbean
Miramar, Florida May 18, 2008


The native Green Anole is disappearing, forced out by the exotic Brown Anole
Pembroke Pines, Florida July 18, 2014

Green Anole 20140718


Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


FENCES: A Little Brown Job on wrought iron

Savannah Sparrow
Batavia, Illinois, May 9, 2012

Savannah Sparrow 20120509

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 


SKYWATCH: Stormy Sunrise

Miramar, Florida
October 13, 2013

Storm HDR 20131003

Linking to Skywatch Friday 


REFLECTIONS: British Columbia Cruise

The Spirit of Columbia at the dock at Malibu Club, Jervis Inlet at the rapids, BC.
September 24, 2007

MalibuClubDock (2)

This is the door to our cabin, the "Astoria," on the top deck of Spirit of Columbia. My reflection is in the shower/head door inside. 

Jervis Inlet, BC
September 24, 2007 

OurCabinReflection (2)

View of the "Parliament" building lit up at night in Victoria (BC) harbor.
September 26, 2007

Victoria BC Night Scene

Morning sun reflecting off dew on spider silk
February 4, 2011, Miramar, Florida

Dew beads on silk 20110204

The low sun creates a silken rainbow.
Miramar. Florida, December 24, 2013

Silk and dew rainbow 20131224

A single drop of dew captures its entire world upside down.
Miramar, Florida, December 24, 2013

Dew drop 20131224



  1. what a great collection! all are beautiful, but the dew drops on the web took the prize for me. wow!

  2. Wow Ken, what a fantastic variety of images. They are all splendid. I have a soft spot for lizards, those are really cool. The spider webs are works of art!

  3. What fantastic photos! That sunset, the dewdrops, the anole, the spiderweb...all I can say is Wow!

  4. HI Kenneth What a fantastic critter, fantastic reflections, great fence and a lovely little bird sitting on the wrought iron.

  5. Oh my gosh so many amazing and gorgeous shots here. Loving the rainbow spiderweb, the Stunning sunset sky and of course the sweet little bird on the fence. It was all wonderful though.

  6. Beautiful collection of photos. That sunrise is gorgeous . Love the last one as well...

  7. I love the lizards - they are extraordinairy! And such lovely spider webs.

  8. Yes, the spider web shots really are stunning. Like works of art!!

  9. What a great series of photos!

  10. Olá,

    Lindas fotos, céu colorido! Beijos!

    Eliane - Brasil

  11. I can't help myself...this skywatch image is just stupendous!!

  12. Wow, so much beauty in one post! Loves all of these diverse photos! The critters are wonderful (wish the two varieties of Anole could successfully co-exist, they're both lovely creatures), and that stormy sunrise absolutely breathtaking! I'd barely started breathing again (and getting over my envy of your Victoria, BC visit - I adore that place) when your magnificent and magical spider web photos took it away again! The reflection in the dew drop is also wonderful. Thank you for a really beautiful and special post!

  13. Awesome and creative shots with the reflections!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Fantastic series! I do hope you will link up with I Heart Macro, either the current post or the next one Sunday evening.

  15. wow- incredible photographs!! The storm clouds!! The mountains!! The dew drops!! The birds and lizards!!

  16. Wow... Your participations are so beautiful, I can't figure which one I like best... I came for the week-end reflection constest of James, so I find your nightshot of Victoria's harbour absolutly gorgeous, but the lizzard you captured for the camera critter is amazing... And what to say about the Florida storm in sunrise light ! So dramatic, so stunning !

  17. Love the Anole shots! Excellent!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  18. All fantastic photos! I am going back to look at them again.

  19. Fantastic group of photos. The night shot in Victoria is really spectacular.

  20. Fantastic series of images. Very unique.

  21. Wow, the drops on the spiderweb shot is incredible! so uniform in size. I grew up in Houston with the green Anoles to enjoy, I'm sad to hear they are being replaced by the foreign Brown Anoles. People are always messing up the natural order.

  22. The anoles are beautiful. Too bad the green is disappearing.

  23. Lovely series of images.. The anole is a cute! And I love the sky shot. Awesome capture of the web. Thank you for linking up, enjoy your weekend!

  24. Oooh...I love them all! Gorgeous photography!


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