
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Crops & Clips: Big dogs and Great Egrets

My weekly potpourri gathered from the archives features... white egrets, big dogs and an angry cloud.

CRITTERS: Tibetan Mastiffs. 

I took these photos just after I drove up the driveway of our daughter's home. They recognized me from a distance and promptly resumed resting in the shade. They have never tried to jump over the four-foot fence, though I bet they could do it easily.

Our daughter's two Tibetan Mastiffs, though very independent and stubborn, are very gentle with children, other dogs and even strangers if they sense that they are welcome visitors. They spend most of the day sleeping and we must step over their bodies. If the doorbell rings they may look up and go back to sleep. They are very large and during the winter have heavy manes, making Agramonte look like a lion. Indeed, a zoo in China tried to fool the public by putting one in a cage marked "Lion." This breed has the distinction of being the world's most expensive dog. In China, one sold for $2 milion

This is Agramonte, an intact male six years old, about 150 pounds.


Sagua is an altered female, a year younger. She shows black and brown, the other main color type. Other strains can be entirely black, chocolate or very rarely, pure white. 

Sagua y Agramonte 20140926

The children are rushing the season by getting Sagua ready for Halloween.

Sagua with girls 20140930



GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 


SKYWATCH: Suddenly out of a blue sky as we exited our motel--

Roll Cloud looking east over Canyon, Texas.
November 4, 2013

Roll Cloud over Canyon Texas 1-20131104

Roll Cloud looking west over Canyon, Texas, November 4, 2013

Roll Cloud over Canyon Texas 3-20131104



REFLECTIONS: The long and short of them--

This Great Egret cast a very l-o-o-o-ng reflection from the other side of the Fox River.
Kane County, Illinois, September 26, 2014

Egret casts long reflection 20140926

Two days earlier, at the same location, probably the same egret hunted in very still water.

Great Egret 20140924



  1. Pretty gate and entrance. I love the gorgeous dogs! Pretty captures of the egrets and sky! Enjoy your day!

  2. good skies. what great shots!! nice meeting ya through Good Fences. ( :
    take care.

  3. Gorgeous dogs and what a great capture with the rolling cloud!

  4. loved the dogs (and cute girls), loved the roll cloud, loved the egret and reflections! nice set, and thanks, ken!

  5. Now Sagua does not exactly look amused! Love the Egret and its reflection.

  6. Amazing cloud formations! Sweet girls, and excellent reflections!

  7. i love those dogs and the kids are pretty cute too! wow, that roll cloud is awesome!

  8. Wonderful post. Those are very gorgeous dogs behind those gates. I might be a little intimidated by their size. I've never seen a "roll" cloud before, that is something else.
    Nice shots of the Egrets and the reflections.

  9. Beautiful dogs and a nice fence to contain them. Your granddaughters look adorable getting Sagua ready for Halloween.

  10. Gorgeous dogs! You have captured such a great rolling cloud. Your granddaughters are adorable. Lovely smile!

  11. Very nice photos of two very big dogs. I think they might intimidate me in person. Those pretty little girls don't seem concerned at all. The cloud and Egret shots are amazing.

  12. Gorgeous dogs, so cute! Love that white line over the sky in the cloud formations.

  13. Gorgeous dogs and sky!

  14. Gorgeous dogs and sky.

  15. I don't understand why people put that much money in a dog... It is the best way to get animal abuses very quickly, cause when that much money is at stake, people are able to do really anything to get it... This little thought of mine doesn't change the fact that the dogs you photographied are great. And Saga seems very sweet with children ^^

    The cloud pictures are very impressive, and you took a very elegant bird for your water reflection, well done.

  16. amazing cloud photos...and I LOVE your egret photo

  17. That cloud looks like an omen of something significant ... makes me wonder what happened next.

    Beautiful big dogs.

  18. Ken, thanks for linking up your post to my critter party.. Wishing you safe travels...have a happy weekend.

  19. Love the big dogs and cute children ~ Wonderful photos!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  20. Enjoyed every parcel//I have 3 huge dogs and several tinys

  21. I have several huge dogs and tinys Enjoyed every parcel of your selection today Sandy

  22. Some beautiful images, thanks for sharing :)

  23. I love the dogs, they're adorable. Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Gorgeous dogs, for Critters. Loved your other photos as well!

  25. Gorgeous dog, wonderfull fotos
    Greeting from Belgium.


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