
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Crops & Clips: Close to home

My weekly potpourri gathered from the archives features... watching the natural world close to home.

CRITTER: White-tailed Deer

In our local wetlands this past week. We do not see many deer, and it was a pleasure to see two does with a couple of youngsters, the one on the right sporting a new spike.

White-tailed Deer 2-20141125

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


FENCE: Granddaughters watching the wildlife at Green Cay Wetlands, West Palm Beach County, Florida, February 4, 2009. They were three and four years old at the time.

Nietas At Green Cay 20090204

 Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 


SKYWATCH: Pastel sky about 10 minutes before sunrise on our local west Miramar wetlands, December 1, 2014:

Harbour Lake2 HDR 20141201

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


REFLECTION:Great Egret before the sun hits our lake, December 1, 2014:

Great Egret 2-20141201



Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. HI Kenneth Those deer are lovely looking, great reflection shot and a wonderful sunrise photograph. the shot you took of your grand daughters is very cute.

  2. a lovely set all the way through. great sky, reflections, deer, egret, but i loved the sweet grands!

  3. I just love that pastel sky!
    And I wonder how that fence looks by now,
    and how your granddaughters look by now :))


  4. Wonderful reflections with the Egret!

  5. Stunning shots - I love those two last ones best.

  6. Lovely series of images. The little ones are cute. and the sky is gorgeous.. Have a happy weekend!

  7. Great pictures here and thanks for showing.

  8. Really nice skywatch image. Have a blessed week-end.

  9. That pastel sky is magnificent! It would make a beautiful painting!

  10. Gorgeous photography ~ love the little children at the bridge!

    artmusedog and carol
    Happy Weekend to you

  11. The sky photo is really nice and the others are too.
    We get plenty of deer where we live and sometimes one has to be careful, even when riding a bicycle, to avoid a collision with them. I love them though. Makes the environment cheery!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Have a Beautiful Day!

    Peace :)

  12. Beautiful!! Have a great weekend!


  13. All three photos are delightful - the 'twins' are so cute (not twins? They really looked they were. Do their parents always dress them the same?) and of course, given it's Skywatch Friday, a special mention to your beautiful sunrise.

  14. Those last 2 shots are fantastic Kenneth. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Beautiful reflection of the egret.

  16. stunning reflection of the egret. Beautiful photo of the deer too!...and the kids...and the sunrise

  17. Hi Ken, stopping back to say thank you so much for linking up, Have a happy weekend!

  18. We see our deer less and less as winter goes as they hunker down to stay warm and feed in the darkness of early morning...beautiful sky and reflection and cutie pies on that fence.

  19. Fabulous shots and captures of the moment.

  20. Sweet deer and kids! Beautiful photos!

  21. The deer are gorgeous animals. Enjoy your weekend.

  22. Beautiful photos. Cute one of your granddaughters on the ridge.


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