
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Crops & Clips: Purple, blue and gold

My weekly potpourri of photos gathered from the archives features the colors of beauty, love and value,... purple, blue and gold, symbols of royalty, the sky and the most precious metal. 

CRITTER: Great Blue Heron

This heron was walking along our lawn at the edge of the lake, but as soon as I opened the back door it took off:

Great Blue Heron 20141231

Purple, blue and gold adorn not only the peacock's tail, but also these baby Peacock Bass:

Young Peacock Bass 20090314

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


FENCE: Purple pre-dawn at the dead end

This is the view looking back to the east towards the barrier that separates the paved portion of Miramar Parkway and the unfinished western extension that leads into our local patch of wetlands. Happily for us, funding and property acquisition issues stalled the project over 12 years ago. About 10 minutes before sunrise, the sky is already quite bright: 

Miramar Parkway gate to east HDR COREL 20141230

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 


SKYWATCH: Blue sky at dawn

As the road curves northward, a look back as, just before sunrise, the sky takes on a blue hue:

Miramar Parkway bend HDR COREL 20141230

By the time we reach the lake, golden sunlight sets the altocumulus clouds ablaze:

Sunrise HDR COREL 20141230

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy



Sunlight has reached the tree tops on the opposite shoreline but not our side of the lake. The bellies of the clouds reflect purple, blue and gold on its surface: 

Clouds on water HDR COREL 20141230



Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Hi Kenneth WOW! And all this before the sun is even up. How wonderful to live so near all this. The sky shots are fantastic whether blue or gold in colour. I love the Heron in flight and the reflection is marvellous in the last shot

  2. Wow, gorgeous collection of sky shots. The colors are all beautiful.

  3. such beautiful skies! thanks, ken!

  4. I love seeing those long, graceful legs on that Heron.

  5. Always love stopping by because your photos are gorgeous. The skies are so full of color here. Great capture of the Heron too.

  6. I like this series of sky shots... each more dramatic than the last!

  7. Beautiful photos!
    I especially like the Heron in flight
    Hope you are having a great day!

  8. Ken, I am stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  9. les photos de ciel sont magnifiques !

  10. I love the shot of the heron and the skies are so pretty. Enjoy your Sunday.

  11. Wow! Jaw dropping sky shots, just beautiful, and great Heron shot too.

  12. The sky is really gorgeous ; it was a good idea to catch its reflection on a pound.

  13. Wonderful shots of mesmerizing sky and blue heron.

  14. woooow...what a great series of photos...nice capture! Love to see those golden skies...Bon weekend...

  15. Whoa!! Magnificent sky and its reflection. Just when you think you've seen all possible sunrises/sets, this comes along. Kudos!

  16. Wow! very nice captured pics. I like sky. One of my favorites of God's wonderful creation :)

  17. Wow! nice captured. I like sky. ON of my favorites of God's wonderful creation.

  18. The golden sky is beyond beautiful! And as always I envy your flight shot!.


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