
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Crops & Clips: March, 2012 Meme Mashup

My weekly potpourri gathered from the archives features... a look back at this month, March, three years ago. Trying to find a photo from that month that fits the respective themes (critters, fences, skies and reflections). I will attempt to get two photos for each meme, but am putting no limit on this first category, as there were just too many critters around. This month I had to search until March 18 to get one photo for each group. Some bittersweet comparisons about what has changed


Our local pair of Bald Eagles started the month off very nicely, on March 1, 2012. As of March 1, 2015 the female (the bird at the top of this photo) had disappeared and the male has found a new companion, but she is probably too young and inexperienced to breed this year:

Bald Eagle adults 4-20120301is

A pair of Yellow-crowned Night-Herons displaying to each other on March 4, 2012. Sadly, there were none in the rookery area on March 1, 2015 and it may be abandoned due to herbicide treatment of the nest trees:

Yellow-crowned Night Heron pair displaying 7-20120304

A pair of Common Ground-Doves on March 6, 2012 (do you detect a romantic sub-plot?):

 Common Ground-Doves 2-20120306

A most unlikely pair, a Great Blue Heron roosting on a Mallard decoy, on March 2, 2012:

Great Blue Heron on decoy 4-20120302

A pair of Purple Swamphens on March 9, 2012:

Purple Swamphens 20120309

I can't resist throwing in this extra "pair" of delightful critters, a mom and calf along with a Cattle Egret, on March 9, 2012:

Cattle Egret cow and calf 20120309

Least Bittern, March 18, 2012:

Least Bittern 20120318

Marsh Rabbit coming out of the water, March 23, 2012:

Marsh Rabbit coming out of water 20120323

The Night-Herons have eggs in their nests on March 27, 2012:

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron female with eggs 20120327

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,



A pair of White-winged Doves, March 16, 2012:

White-winged Doves 20120316

A female Painted Bunting, March 18, 2012:

Painted Bunting 20120318

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 



A storm brewing on March 10, 2012:

Harbour Lake rainbow 3-20120310.hdr

Sunrise on March 16, 2012:

Sunrise HDR 20120316

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy



Storm clouds reflecting on Harbour Lake wetlands, March 16, 2012:

Harbour Lake at dawn HDR 20120316

Blue-winged Teal, March 18, 2012:

Blue-winged Teal 20120318




Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Awesome collection of photos. The birds are great, I love the cattle with the egret.. Beautiful sky captures.. Wonderful post, Ken!

  2. A wonderful collection of critters. I love the calf and the marsh rabbit.

  3. Those Herons are just so strikingly beautiful!

  4. my connection would only load about half the photos today (grrr...) but i did see a fence shot or two! :) thanks for linking when you have time. love the eagles and the skies!

  5. Fantastic selection of bird and critter photos. I smiled at the Heron standing on the Mallard decoy, and the Mom and calf with egret is a delightful capture. I also love the colours in the Least Bittern and the sky shots, and last but not least the picture of the displaying Herons.

  6. Beautiful pictures all together!
    I like most the sky and reflection
    pictures because of the beautiful
    landscape :)
    Have a wonderful weekend

  7. A great series of photos Kenneth. I hope the Yellow-crowned Night-Herons were successful and hatch some healthy young ones. Thank you for leaving a comment on my latest post. I was very interested in reading it.

  8. Wonderful post. Loved your "pairs" theme with the birds. I chuckled over the Heron and Mallard Duck decoy shot. Some gorgeous skies, love the pink clouds. Also nice shot of the doves on the fence.

  9. Every photo is dynamite! Fantastic! Love the rabbit!

    Happy Weekend coming to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  10. Wow - a wonderful series of shots. That unlikely pair of birds is amazing!

  11. Yet again, a fantastic array of images. Love the Night Herons and the cute shot of the cow, calf and Egret. Love the Heron standing on the dummy Mallard!

  12. The photos are fabulous...Unlikely beautiful creatures...Excellent job...

  13. Incredibly awesome photos! I loved them all. Wow. Had to chuckle over the heron on the mallard decoy, though.

  14. Good Morning, Ken! I am stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  15. Wonderful images, I have not seen Common Ground-Doves before.

  16. Quite a stunning collection of photos! Love that shot of the heron on the mallard decoy as well, and your sky shots are beauties!!

  17. These photos are all sop appealing

  18. #2 so beautiful!

  19. Great set! Love the bird couples, especially those displaying Night Herons. The calf is just adorable. So neat that you got the Cattle Egret with the mom and baby.

  20. Impressive photos of birds .... eagles, herons and the sky watch shots captured wonderful moments of time. Thanks for posting such wonderful images.
    JM, IL

  21. I love the photos of the birds. Great captures all of them, especially the Night Herons. The sky shots are just stunning. Thanks for looking back.

  22. Wonderful pics.

    The Yellow-crowned Night-Herons are truly spectacular!

  23. Great shots - the swamphens are rather familiar (even if they really are different species!)

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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