
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Crops & Clips: April, 2012 Meme Mashup

My weekly potpourri gathered from the archives features... Looking back three years through the retro-spectroscope to the month of April, 2012...  Striving to find photos to match the various themes: Critters, Fences, Reflections, and Skies... Hoping to have two in each category, but will put no bag limit on critters, which I photograph in abundance.


Tricolored Heron in back yard, April 1, 2012

Tricolored Heron in back yard 4-20120401

Brown Thrasher, April 2, 2012:

Brown Thrasher close 20120402

Black-necked Stilts, April 2, 2012:

Black-necked Stilts 20120402

 A male Queen (a contradiction in terms?), April 9, 2012:

Queen male 20120409

Green Heron taking flight, April 10, 2012:

Green Heron taking flight  (view large) 20120410

Green Heron female on April 11, 2012:

Green Heron female 6-20120411

...and a few of bonus Critters, like all these photos, from our local wetlands...

White-tailed Deer, doe, April 15, 2012:

White-tailed Deer portrait 20120415

Raccoon, April 19, 2012:

Raccoon 20120419

Here is a video about some precocious week-old Green Heron babies in the local rookery (April 19, 2012). Now these are really "critters!":

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS, ________________________________________________ 

FENCE:  I wasn't looking for fences in those days, so they are mostly accidental images. I only found one photo that included a fence. Sunrise over the gravel road (note the entry gate), April 11, 2012:

Sunrise HDR 20120411

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 

SKYWATCH:  Harbour Lakes wetlands, April 18, 2012:

Harbour Lakes Preserve HDR 20120418

Look up and tell me which bird is different! Snowy Egret with 8 Cattle Egrets, April 11, 2012:

Spot the intruder 20120411

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


REFLECTION: Killdeer, April 4, 2012:

Killdeer 20120404

Mottled Ducks, April 11, 2012:

Mottled Ducks 3-20120411

Linking to WEEKEND REFLECTIONS by James ________________________________________________


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display ________________________________________________


  1. Beautiful series of images, Ken! One of my favorite is of the Cattle Egrets in flight.. Awesome!

  2. Spectacular line-up of photos! I loved the video of the baby Herons. Feisty little critters. All your photos are just superb...Really love them all.

  3. So many gorgeous shots.

  4. looking back THREE years (my, how time flies!) :) loved this look back! thanks for linking when you have time!

  5. Uau, belas fotos! Gostei muito!

  6. Wow! So many amazing images you have. Loved them all.

  7. Hello Ken, just stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  8. What a wonderful series of photos...love them all and enjoyed the video, too.

    The last bird in flight had a black bill...is he the one?

  9. what a beautiful collection ... All photos are really tremendous... ...

  10. @Rose-- Yes, the one with black bill and legs (yellow feet not visible) is a Snowy Egret.

  11. Fabulous collection of images. The raccoon is very cute.

  12. I enjoy checking out your bird photos and trying to guess the names of any of them before I check. I am 99% incorrect! Love the reflections, hardly a ripple in the water.

  13. Such wonderful images! I loved them all!

  14. Absolutely beautiful photos. You must have quite the back yard!

  15. Wow, it's hard to pick a favorite! I think the killdeer is awesome.

  16. Wow! What a beautiful collection of images. Those black necked stilts are so interesting. Would love to see one some day.

  17. Great set of pictures - even as a bird watcher I have to say I really like that racoon!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  18. Such a lovely collection. Not only do I admire your birding and photography but also how well organized your archives obviously are. Thank you for the great photos and posts and again for the eagle links and all your help.


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