
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Crops & Clips: May, 2012 Meme Mashup

Looking back three years in anticipation of what may turn up again this month. My potpourri gathered from the archives features images that I hoped would match the themes of critters, fences, skies and reflections. It took me until May 25 to fill in all the blanks.


The month started off and finished with me in Illinois, where I captured this brightly colored eastern subspecies of Palm Warbler (Batavia, IL, May 1, 2012):

Palm Warbler 20120501

A Wild Turkey crossed the path in front of us (May 1, 2012, Batavia IL):

Wild Turkey 20120501

The next day a Savannah Sparrow posed atop a rock in our North Aurora, IL yard (which, sadly, has now been developed into acres of town-homes):

Savannah Sparrow 2-20120502

On May 3 a Rose-breasted Grosbeak brightened our morning (Batavia, IL):

Rose-breasted Grosbeak male 2-20120503

What is prettier than the sight of an American Goldfinch in morning light (North Aurora, IL)...

American Goldfinch 2-20120510

...unless it is the song of a Yellow Warbler? (May 11, Batavia IL)

Yellow Warbler 20120511

The month is not half over and I am overwhelmed with color-- a Scarlet Tanager (May 13, 2012, Batavia, IL).

Scarlet Tanager 2-20120513

Yet, I cannot pass up this image of two fledgling Great Horned Owls, in Geneva, IL on May 23, 2012

Great Horned Owlets 2-20120523
Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,



The first fence that showed up in this month's archives was occupied by a Chipping Sparrow in our daughter's back yard in Batavia, on May 9, 2012:

Chipping Sparrow 4-20120509

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 



I was hard-pressed to find a single "sky shot" in the May 2012 archives. In this shot the sky is partly obstructed by a Red-tailed hawk (Batavia, May 9, 2012)...

Red-tailed Hawk 20120509

...and in this, the cloudless sky complements the coat of an Indigo Bunting (Batavia, May 11, 2012):

Indigo Bunting 20120511

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy



A family of Mallards on the placid water of the Fox River, Aurora, Illinois, May 25, 2012:

Mallard with ducklings 20120525




Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Hello ken, what a gorgeous collection of birds and photos... Great post, enjoy your day!

  2. your shares are always delightful. thanks for the archive dive!

  3. Brilliant photos - I enjoyed these very much!!

  4. The array of birds and their varying colors here today is just wonderful. Such a delight to see all the different birds. I enjoyed your birds, skies, fences and reflections very much.

  5. I always enjoy your posts...love that yellow warbler. I have only one time in my life in Tennessee seen a Scarlet Tanager.

  6. All the birds in your photos are beautiful.

  7. Spectacular....ALL of them!!!

    Nice to read about the warbling vireo in my comments too, today. Can't wait to see your photo share sometime soon?

  8. Outstanding collection of images. I have always been a fan of birds of prey so the hawk is a great capture. Who could resist the owls. You will NEVER sneak up on an owl, they always know where you are. have a blessed week-end.

  9. All beautiful photos I especially love the little warblers.

  10. Another great series of shots. Love those owls!

  11. A great collection of photos! I do like the yellow warbler shot. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Awesome shots, Ken. The little duckies are very cute!

  13. I am so impressed with all your great shots! Good job covering "all the bases" too! :-)

  14. These bird shots are fabulous! Love the 2 owls in particular!

  15. oh wow such lovely birds :-)

  16. You have captured such excellent shots of the birds. I especially like the goldfinch.

  17. What a beautiful series of birds.. they are all so beautiful!

  18. The grosbeak is especially beautiful. Love the ducklings reflection.

  19. Cracking shots - the colours of some of those birds are really hard to believe!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  20. Good Morning, Ken. just stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  21. Wow... you have taken some amazing pictures!!!! Beautiful. :)

  22. Love the feathered family.... so adorable


  23. A very nice looking Savanah Sparrow.

  24. I love all the birds, but the owlets are my favorites. They're just so adorable.

  25. I was here earlier this week...had to return from the link you provided at I'd Rather B Birdin'...

    Still, a most enjoyable array of critters/birds Ken!!!!

  26. Beautiful shots. Love the baby owls!

  27. The grosbeak and the bunting are my favorite s ... But wait, the owls, and .... All of them wonderful. You have as many birds up North as you do here.

  28. Hi Kenneth, the I Heart Macro linky is now open if you'd like to share some of your lovely birds up-close.

  29. Amazing collection of bird images! The Palm Warbler stole my heart, though. :)

  30. These are fantastic bird photos! Oh my, what an abundance of color. The indigo bunting is fantastic - I wish we had birds like that here. I so enjoyed all "your" birds.


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