
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Crops & Clips: September, 2012 Meme Maship

Taking another trip down Memory Lane. This month's potpourri gathered from the archives features the themes of critters, fences, skies, macros and reflections. It is a retrospective view of photos taken three years ago, in September, 2012. At that time I did not seek to portray each of these memes. Although I never lack photos of "critters," it is a matter of chance whether I find any fences, skies, macros or reflections in that month's selections. Let's see how far I need to go into the month to find at least one of each. If I can get them all I will have won the game nine months in a row since starting in January, 2015.

We began the month at our second home in northeastern Illinois. On September 8 Mary Lou and I were "Birding Bliss"-- Bliss Woods, that is, in nearby Sugar Grove, Illinois. One of my first photos was from the little bridge at the beginning of the trail, and it included a superb REFLECTION!

 Bliss Woods HDR 20120908

That was great luck, so early in the month's archives. That day we saw quite a few Wood Warblers, among them this Cape May Warbler (September 8, 2012):

Cape May Warbler 20120908

We returned to Florida a few days later but, as usual, it took us a few days to catch up on shopping, medical appointments and all the other distractions that accompany a change of station. On our first day afield in our local wetlands (September 19, 2012) we encountered a beautiful male Prairie Warbler: 

Prairie Warbler 20120919

Another warbler, an inquisitive Northern Waterthrush suddenly flew up from the understory:

Northern Waterthrush 2-20120920

A reclusive female Common Yellowthroat peered out from the foliage (September 20):

Common Yellowthroat 20120920

More forthcoming, a male yellowthroat sported a black mask (September 24):

Common Yellowthroat male 20120924

Also on September 24, an active monochromic Black-and-white Warbler lacked only one color,...

Black-and-white Warbler 20120924

... exhibited by the aptly named Yellow-throated Warbler.

Yellow-throated Warbler 00-20120924

On the same colorful morning, a male Northern Cardinal:

Northern Cardinal 20120924

One sought-after butterfly (and the best MACRO I could find) appeared on September 23, a Ruddy Daggerwing:

Ruddy Daggerwing - Marpesia petreus 20120923

Another close-up, this time of lichens on Pond Cypress, September 23:

Lichens on Pond Cypress 20120923

Sunrise from our back patio on September 22 finally provides us with our SKY shot...

Sunrise HDR 20120922

...and a pink sky shot on September 27 actually did show the gate into our birding patch...

View to east from West Miramar ESL HDR 20120927

...but we had to go all the way to September 28 before finding a photo containing a bona fide FENCE. That was a narrow escape from failure!

196th Avenue Canal HDR 20120928

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to I Heart Macro by Laura


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Hello Ken, awesome captures of the warblers. They are all beautiful. And I love the gorgeous sky shots. great post! Have a happy day!

  2. Marvelous photos! Those birds are great! I have never seen that butterfly before, the lichen shot was wonderful and the colors in those skies absolutely breathtaking.

  3. So much beauty to behold here, especially in your last photo, bravo.

  4. Wow you've certainly captured some amazing sights. - The sky shots were gorgeous.
    Loved your sweet birds, I especially love birds with yellow plummage.
    That buttefly was so pretty, I've never seen one like that before.
    Great ending with the lovely scene and yep I spotted the fence.

  5. wow! love that last shot! what's not to love? :)

  6. Incredible sky photos! I especially like the first one. Bird shots are great too!!

  7. I love the sky in the fence shot...it is wonderful. Love those yellow throated warblers...so very pretty. As all your shots are...wonderful.

    I got one of the little Canon SX700 HS cameras and am happy with it. My fence shots are not from it today, but there are several posts with shots from it on the blogs. The best are Time Stand Still. I am so glad you did the post with the comparison shots. It really helped me to come to a decision.

  8. Beautiful images. I couldn't decide on which one I like best. Good thing I can look at them all!

  9. Gorgeous birds and butterfly! And that sunset--wowzers! :-) But my favorite shot is the last one. Beautiful.

  10. Wow! Stunning shots.

  11. All such beautiful captures to be sure but wow! That last one is absolutely stunning

  12. Great shots and I love the reflections!

    "@Kenneth Cole. I was standing outside of a shop. The sign was inside of the shop so it's not a reflection. The palm trees, sky, sunset and a street lamp are the reflections. I guess I should also note that the man holding the glass was inside of the shop so he is not a reflection. :-)"

  13. All your shots are beautiful! What stood out for me were the one of the black and white warbler is amazing, as well as the last one - intriguing clouds and reflections!

  14. So beautiful green and blue colors in the reflection!

  15. All your warbler shots are wonderful, how you get so many cool photos of such small birds is a mystery to me. Your fiery sunset with the rays going up has fiery reflections as well, gorgeous!

  16. beautiful birds..glorious skies and great reflections!

  17. Greetings from Dubai! Really enjoyed going through your blog and lovely shots! Will be back soon. Have a great weekend!


  18. What a great set of shots - really love all the warblers, although I assume that they can cause a few ID head aches.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  19. Hello Ken, just stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  20. Oh my, I've been away too long. (Eye troubles and gone to St. George, Utah). What can I say??? I LOVE seeing all the Warblers, and other birds, and your sky shots are to drool over!!!

  21. I'm with Hannah. How do you get such great pics of those little birds through all the foliage!

  22. The yellow throated is one of my favorites!!! And warblers are so very difficult to photograph, you did a marvelous job of it!!!

    Thanks for adding your link to share with us all at I'd Rather B Birdin'

  23. Score again! Perfect. I just love that black masked yellow throat. You see so many birds by being there before " the season". Wonderful skies too.

  24. Gorgeous photos - love all those warblers!

  25. Everything is grand...as I said, the yellow throated is a favorite of mine...your prairie warbler colors and markings are so clear.

  26. Gorgeous skies! The butterfly is very pretty as are the warblers.

  27. You really nailed the warblers here! Sweet shots. My fav is the Northern Waterthrush. That bird can be tricky!


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