
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Crops & Clips: October 2012 Meme Mashup

This month's potpourri gathered from the archives features the themes of critters, fences, skies, macros and reflections. It is a retrospective view of photos taken three years ago, in October, 2012. At the time I did not seek to portray each of these memes, so it is a bit of a scavenger hunt. Let's see how far I need to go into the month to find at least one of each. If I can get them all I will have won the game ten months in a row since starting in January, 2015. This month's flashback once again produced the required set of images, but not until the 23rd of the month.

As usual there were plenty of photos of CRITTERS--

My first photo foray into our neighborhood Florida wetlands yielded on October 3, 2012, a nice portrait of a Prairie Warbler:

Prairie Warbler 4-20121003

Two mornings later we encountered an adult Bobcat, sitting in the middle of the gravel road that accesses the wetlands:

Bobcat close HDR 20121005

Male Black-throated Blue Warbler on October 10:

 Black-throated Blue Warbler male 3-20121009

Fall migration generally provides a greater abundance of colorful warblers than in spring, and 2012 was no exception. This is a Northern Parula, photographed on October 14...

 Northern Parula 20121014

...a Yellow-throated Warbler on October 22:

Yellow-throated Warbler 20121022

Halloween Pennant dragonflies, as seen in this MACRO were numerous:

 Halloween Pennants 20121006

We "reverse migrated" to NE Illinois at the end of October to celebrate a Halloween party and pig roast in honor of our son-in-law's milestone birthday. Rudely thrust into winter-like weather, I did photograph some species for the first time, such as this Purple Finch, on October 25...

Purple Finch male 20121025

...and a Lapland Longspur on the last day of the month:

Lapland Longspur 20121031

I would be remiss if I did not include just  a couple of more "party critters," yours truly, in costume...

 Batguy 20121027

...and unmasked...

Batguy unmasked 20121027

...and Cleopatra (Mary Lou)...

Cleo 20121027

 flanked by our granddaughters Cinderella (Cari)...

Cinderella 20121027

...and the Queen of Hearts (Graci):

Queen of Hearts 20121027

My search for REFLECTIONS and SKY photos was productive of many images, such as this Sunrise on October 7 from the back patio of our home:

Sunrise HDR 20121007

Paradoxically, this early morning shot on October 8, looking to the southwest over the wetlands seems to portray the sunrise, but the apparently diverging rays are not from the rising sun but rather from the opposite direction (behind my LEFT shoulder)! The rays of the sun filters over the tops of the thunderheads and paints long parallel pink streaks. Perspective gives them the appearance of diverging from the west, but they actually are converging towards the vanishing point. Almost every summer, tropical winds carry dust particles 5,800 miles across the ocean from northern Africa. The dust is able to cross that distance because it travels in its own air layer — the Saharan Air Layer.

 Abandoned Utility Easement HDR 20121008

I captured another "mirrored sunrise" on October 20, this time directly opposite the rising sun (notice how the clouds are illuminated from the near side rather than from behind):

Harbour Lake Mirrored Sunrise in the west 20121020

Saharan dust produced the pink sky that enhanced this view of a Great Egret, on October 26:

 Great Egret before sunrise Corel 20121016

At first I thought my search for a photo of a fence in the October 2012 archives was in vain, until I looked closely at this photo of a gathering thunderhead. I was rushing home to beat the storm. It looks back to the gate to the gravel road that leads out of the wetlands. A vehicle is parked just outside the fence, but you must click on the photo to enlarge it:

Thunderbumpers HDR 20121018

Fearing that Tex would ban me from her meme for posting the above, I carefully re-reviewed the month's photos and discovered that I had overlooked this October 23 image of a family of Wood Storks gathered on a neighbor's back yard FENCE:

Wood Storks 2-20121023

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to I Heart Macro by Laura


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. good save on the wood stork perch! :) loved the costumes. beautiful skies. gorgeous birds and even a bobcat!

  2. What a nice bunch of photos. - That little warbler (the yellow one) was so pretty and wow, how neat to see a bobcat. Great costumes you all had. - Very pretty skies and the Fence shot with the wood storks was neat. We dont' birds like that here.

  3. Absolutely marvelous collection of photos!!!

  4. Hi Kenneth Such a lovely varied post. Love everyone;s costumes adn your grans daughters are so pretty. Now that ksy shots with reflections is magnificent adn it was wonderful to see allthe great bird shots.

  5. A really spectacular collection of shots. Beautiful skies, love that you were able to catch the bobcat, and Holy Batman!!!

  6. A great collection of pics. Particularly like the beautiful sky and reflections.

  7. Great photos, especially the sky shots!

  8. Some terrific shots there. I love the reflection of that sunrise.

  9. Batman cracked me up! :-) Great costumes for all. Love the beautiful birds and that bobcat was such a cool sighting! Wow! And I can't say enough about the gorgeous sunrise shots. Wonderful!

  10. outstanding entertainment all of it

  11. I love your costumes, and the picture of the dragon flies is exceptional but it is outclassed by that amazing sun rise image


  12. Encounters with a bobcat are always thrilling and scary at the same time. In an instant they can turn on you. But, seeing them in the wild in AZ, I can't help but love 'em.

    As I love your family's costumes....I'm an avid 'fan' of the fun part of Halloween.

    Your bird images and your October sky photos are outstanding Ken.

  13. Lovely shots- and y'all are rocking the Halloween costumes! The sunrise shot is stunning!

  14. Hello!:) I second the dragon fly comment, it's a very beautiful capture, but so are all the finches, and I love the sky shots, and costumes, and that bobcat was a a really good find. A most enjoyable visit.:)

  15. I had never heard of the Halloween Pennant dragonfly, it looks very appropriate for your costumes, what fun ideas. The Black-throated Blue Warbler is a beautiful bird, and I like the egret against the pink sky. The family of wood storks is so funny with their pink feet. Great collection, Kenneth!

  16. Boy of boy would I love to see a Bobcat! We don't really have mammal predators that big anymore - they have all gone the way of the Dodo!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: Holy Smoke Batman!

  17. Geeat collection of images indeed. The skies are amazing. Very nice post!

  18. Hello, love the cute costumes! And the warblers are beautiful. Lovely sky shots. I am sorry I am so late commenting, I've been away. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Have a happy weekend!

  19. I love the bobcat and all the other critters as well. Gorgeous skies and fun costumes.

  20. What I would like to know is how many of the birds you show have I seen and not known what they were. When I worked at an orchard there were always some that I did not know...but it was before I had the computer for the most part. And I could never decide by looking at bird books.


Thank you for visiting Rosyfinch Ramblings! I will enjoy a visit to your page just as soon as possible. Some anonymous comments and some containing active links may not be accepted.