
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Crops & Clips: December, 2012 Meme Mashup

This month's potpourri gathered from the archives features the themes of critters, fences, skies, macros and reflections. It is a retrospective view of photos taken three years ago, in December, 2012. At the time I did not seek to portray each of these memes, so it is a bit of a scavenger hunt. Let's see how far I need to go into the month to find at least one of each. If I can get them all I will have won the game twelve months in a row since starting in January, 2015. This month's flashback tour was particularly easy, with an abundance of "critters" and completion of all of the themes by December 12.

As we set out for our morning walk into the wetlands a half hour before sunrise, the SKY as seen from the back yard of our home is colorful. It even shows some green (December 5, 2012):

Sunrise HDR 20121205

It is just an abandoned utility easement, but the rising sun touches its far reaches, adding depth and vibrant color to the humble scene:

Abandoned Utility Easement 20121205

Roseate Spoonbills have extended their stay on the lake:

Roseate Spoonbill 2-20121205

A spoonbill forages with a White Ibis and a Great Egret...

Ibis Egret Spoonbill 20121205

...as well as with an immature Little Blue Heron:

Spoonbill and Little Blue Heron 20121205

Roseate Spoonbill in flight 20121205

The flock of American White Pelicans returns:

American White Pelicans arriving 20121201

Pelicans landing 2-20121201

 Pelican arrangement 2-20121201

A Snowy Egret seems unhappy about the presence of an immature Little Blue Heron, drives it away, and then lifts off, its "golden slippers" trailing behind...

Snowy Egret 20121201

Snowy and Little Blue not getting along 20121201

Snowy Egret liftoff 20121201

Snowy Egret in flight 20121201

...as a Tricolored Heron arrives to take their place:

Tricolored Heron landing 20121201

A Belted Kingfisher flies over the assembly, its rattling call echoing:

Belted Kingfisher 2-20121201

A soaring Short-tailed Hawk is on the lookout for small birds:

Short-tailed Hawk sooc PLUS 200 20121202

An immature Little Blue Heron occupies the "Enchanted Island" stump, providing a nice REFLECTION on December 9:

Little Blue Heron immature 2-20121209

Little Blue Heron immature 3-20121209

Another Little Blue Heron, in adult plumage, takes flight:

Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea) adult COREL 20121209

Not even half way through, I completed my search for all required memes with this image of a Cooper's Hawk occupying a FENCE, on December 12:

Cooper's Hawk 20121207

There is no shortage of CRITTERS in my December archives, but I cannot pass by this MACRO view of a Northern Mockingbird on a fence post next to our home:

Northern Mockingbird 3-20121213

Earlier in the month, on December 5, I obtained MACRO shots of two butterflies-- a Soldier...

 Soldier 20121205

...and a White Peacock: 

White Peacock 20121205
In the back yard, two White Ibises hurry by, photo-bombing a Great Blue Heron:

Great Blue Heron with ibises 20121211

The ibises "cross swords":

White Ibises 2-20121211

On December 27, the local female Bald Eagle is low in the nest, incubating:

Bald Eagle female incubating 20121227

The month's not over yet! Near Everglades National Park, on December 30, I catch a Vermillion Flycatcher on a barbed wire FENCE:

Vermilion Flycatcher 07-20121230.JPG.CR2

So, we close out the year with another visit to the eagle nest. Both adults are now spending much time peering down into the nest, suggesting that the first egg is hatching:

 Bald Eagle male on right in nest 2-20121231

Bald Eagle in flight 2-20121231

Success! I have now found photos to match each of these memes for all 12 months in 2012!. 

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to I Heart Macro by Laura


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Fantastic. I love the vermilion flycatcher with its lunch and the crossed beaks of the ibises, and am deeply envious of the wonderful view from your property. I am not commenting on the technical aspects of your pictures, since they're all above anything I can do! And the second picture, of the utility, has a strange and intriguing atmosphere with the slice of sun. That telegraph pole looks like a cross.

  2. Great post - I'd be lucky to get 1/5 of that number on a walk near my house!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Gorgeous collection of birds, Some of my favorites are the Spoonbill and Wood Storks. Lovely sky shots. Have a happy day!

  4. Exceptional post of beautiful portraits and sky shots!!

  5. Beautiful first photo! And great bird photos. I especially like those herons.

  6. Spoonbills and pelicans seem so exotic to me!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous and captivating series, Kenneth! I love all the birds here, and how amazing to see them in flight and such lovely reflections! :)

  8. So many awesome birds shots. Some of my favorites today: The Rosy Spoonbills, love their coloring, the Eagles, such a grand bird and that Fly Catcher on the Barbed wire fence. I enjoyed all your lovely photos.

  9. once again, my connection would not fully cooperate (it was out this morning, so i'm glad it is at least functioning...) anyway, what i saw was beautiful. skies, reflections, birds in flight and ashore. and the vermillion on a fence!

  10. Your birds in flight are awe-inspiring!

  11. Amazing collection of great bird photos!

  12. Absolutely amazed by your photo collection...Very inspiring indeed!

  13. Amazing variety of birds. You live in a beautiful spot. The roseate spoonbill is amazing. We only have white ones here.

  14. absolutely stunning photos with amazing reflections!!!!! I have only seen a spoonbill in our zoo..... I love them!!!!!!

  15. What a brilliant series of images Kenneth. Your bird shots are stunning. I must admit I've not seen a Roseate Spoonbill before, we have the plain old white variety here but we do have an abundance of black swans :) My hubby would be ecstatic if we encountered the variety of beauties you have here on his walks.

  16. What a fabulous variety of birds you have in this posst Kenneth and all wonderful photographs.

  17. Great and fun photography. The colours are surreal and wonderful~

  18. Terrific wildlife bird photos. You have a real talent for these pictures. Don't know about the multicolored Herron. Never seen one.

  19. Pretty spectacular birding photos!! LOVE the pink on the one!

  20. Such an abundance of wildlife! I do like the macro shot of the mockingbird and also the Cooper's Hawk. Great sky shots too!

  21. A marvellous series of captures Kenneth - thank you for sharing. The shot of the hawk with its plumage fully stretched is a treat! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  22. Forgot to add - Superb capture of the sunset in that first shot!

  23. What a fabulous collection. I love the pink hues in those first few photos.

  24. I don't think I have ever seen a Vermillion Flycatcher before. Beautiful shot as well as all your selection of images. Stunning shots!

  25. Hello Ken, beautiful birds and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  26. Everything...EVERYthing is abso-bloody beautiful. From the sky shots to the birds to the butterflies! A wonderful array of nature's beauty.

    PS...yes, if the light hits the ring necked duck you CAN see a purple/brown ring around the neck. BARELY visible tho. My last photo shows a 'faint' purplish ring on the male.

    Once again, thanks for linking up for viewing this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'

  27. Great shots! Such wonderful variety of birds some of which I have never seen in person.

  28. Ken, I think you just put every birdie pic I've ever taken to shame in one post. I love the birds in flight, especially that Roseate Spoonbill..

  29. This series grabs you and doesn’t let you go until the end. What an awesome collection. I bet you win the competition again this year. I really enjoyed seeing all the different herons and the mama and daddy eagles watching over the eggs.

  30. Every photo is a gem! Wow! Just such a wonderful post filled with gorgeous photos!

  31. Wonderful December pastels and bird photos!

  32. Wow - what breathtaking shots.

  33. What an impressive collection of photos and you rocked all of the memes. My favorite photo is the one of the belted kingfisher. He is a beauty.

  34. Beautiful pictures ;-)
    CĂ©line & Philippe

  35. Spectacular collection, Kenneth! Love the in-flight shots! Great job!

  36. The colour on the Spoonbills is quite spectacular. So many other great birds too though. Great collection.

  37. Lovely! Some of these birds a familiar being in this area but some are not. I love you in flight pelicans.

  38. You are the meme " champeen"! And you don't have to travel very far to see wonderful birds ... In any month of the year! Beautiful pictures. I love this game you played and am grateful you shared the beauty!


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