
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Crops & Clips: Flashback to June, 2013

Join me once again as we peek through the Retrospectroscope and look at events three years ago during the month of June, 2013. I was able to find photos in my archives which met the themes of SKY, REFLECTION, FENCE, MACRO, CRITTERS and a few unidentified FLOWERS. Of course I am never at a loss finding shots of critters of all sorts, but they are mostly avian. It was a month chock full of activities, from Florida to Arizona and Utah.

On June 1, 2013 as we walked into the wetlands adjacent to our south Florida home, the cirrus clouds warned that a change in weather was imminent: 

Cirrus clouds HDR 20130601

We visited the Yellow-crowned Night-Herons nesting in the rookery:

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron nest 22 with 2 nestlings 20130601

Their scraggly chicks looked like cartoon characters:

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron nest 18 with 3 of 4 nestlings 20130601

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron nest 22 nestlings 2-20130602

We checked the nest of a Common Nighthawk and, from a distance, saw that the nestling was almost ready to fly:

Common Nighthawk nestling 20130601

The adult nighthawk flew anxiously overhead, so we moved on down the path:

Common Nighthawk 2-20130607

Green Heron youngsters had just fledged, and they scrambled about in the branches:

Green Heron juvenile COREL 2-20130602

On June 3 the storms moved in and we hurried home ahead of the rain:

Miramar Parkway HDR 20130603

An adult Green Heron foraged in a lakeside puddle:

Green Heron at puddle 20130601

The Yellow-crowned Night-Heron chicks grew quite rapidly over the next week:

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron nest 22 nestlings 20130607

A Wood Stork rested on one foot in a small park along our lake:

Wood Stork 20130602

The stork is in the foreground, and our home is reflected in the lake (on June 2-- four memes of critter, fence, sky and reflection all in one!):

Wood Stork in park 20130602

Loggerhead Shrikes were courting:

Loggerhead Shrike courtship 3-20130607

Unsettled weather persisted into the middle of the month:

Harbour Lakes wetlands HDR 20130609

It was a wonderful month for butterflies--

Julia heliconians, a male and a female:

Julia heliconian male 20130608

Julia heliconian female 20130608

White Peacock:

White Peacock 20130608

Gulf Fritillary:

Gulf Fritillary 20130608

Zebra heliconian, State Butterfly of Florida:

Zebra heliconian 20130608

Mid-month we departed for Arizona, where we rented an RV and toured the State for 10 days with our daughter's family:

Our RV at Desert Museum 20130614

At Tombstone, Arizona with our daughter and granddaughters:

Tombstone AZ 20130615

Tombstone AZ HDR 3-20130615

Bobcat at the Desert Museum in Tucson:

Bobcat 20130614 - Copy

Phainopepla in Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, Arizona:

Phainopepla 4-20130617

Black-throated Gray Warbler and Pygmy Nuthatch at Grand Canyon, Arizona:

Black-throated Gray Warbler 2-20130618

Pygmy Nuthatch 3-20130617

Elk browsing near our campground at Grand Canyon:

Elk browsing 20130618

Our granddaughter at Hopi Point in the Grand Canyon:

Graci at Hopi Point 20130617

Thanks so much for visiting! I will be on the road for the next couple of weeks and often away from WiFi and even out of cellular range. Mary Lou and I are celebrating our 56th Wedding Anniversary! Tending to my blog from a cellphone does not work out very well, so I have put my posts on "autopilot" in the interim, but promise to visit you as soon as possible when I get back to my PC.

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Today's Flowers Friday by Denise

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display


  1. I like your cirrus clouds :-) beautiful. And the golden butterflies and especially the last one. Also a beautiful butterfly :-)

  2. Hello ken, wonderful collection of photos. Your grandchildren are adorable. The night heron chicks are cute, love the butterflies and the pretty skies. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

  3. looks like an awesome family trip. :) loved the bird shots. i feel like one of those heron chicks look most days. :)

  4. Gorgeous and vibrant series of photos, Kenneth! And you have a beautiful family. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  5. wow those clouds are amazing! wonderful snaps and sweet family photo!

  6. Wow there was a lot to take in here and all of it was wonderful.
    Those butterflies were stunning, the storm clouds ominous and cool looking. Enjoyed the shot with all 4 memes into one. Nice pretty white fence. - The Heron babies are comical looking. What a fun time with your family. The kids seems to be really enjoying this outing.

  7. OH MY! Beautiful shots. The first one really took my breath away.

  8. I love all the butterfly images and as for those Heron chicks, they are hilarious but great shots. Geat ideo to hire a Rv and go with your family on holiday. i am sure that was great fun.

  9. Great shots all, KCS.

    Love your butterflies. I haven't got one butterfly pic this year yet. Finally got a moth today.

  10. Great pictures, eapecially the birds (as always!).

  11. Great pics of the sky, your birds are beautiful, and butterflies and it is all great

  12. Love that cirrus cloud-filled sky! That lone figure at the bottom added to the composition [wish she weren't truncated though]. You have a nice family! Congrats on 56!!! Have a great holiday...

  13. The 2nd photo of the Night Heron chicks standing up look like they're about to launch into a stand-up comedy routine. Many wonderful photos. Such dramatic dark skies in the 'storm coming' photo & those Butterflies have wonderful colours & markings too

  14. Hello Ken, I just wanted to stop back and say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  15. Lovely flashbacks...and those baby herons really do look like cartoon characters!

  16. I love that first shot. Superb!

  17. You have some amazing photos in this post. I don't often get to see such beautiful butterflies or birds, much less get the opportunity to take photos of them.

  18. Very beautiful birds and butterflies.

  19. I lived in Tucson for nearly a decade, so that was like 'going home again'.

    Loved all your post today Ken. Thanks so much for linking in at I'd Rather B Birdin'. The post was wonderful. Your photos are terrific for all of us birders this weekend!! From the courting shrikes to the wonderful 'chicks'.

  20. Nice memories and shots! I also am impressed of your cloud photos.

  21. Nesting herons!! First time I have ever seen photos of them :) and that cloud formation in the 1st picture is amazing...

  22. I like the framing of the chicks with the leaves. Their "wild hair" gives them that Einstein look.

  23. Gorgeous skies, glorious birds, butterflies, and the people are pretty swell too. All a beautiful share~!

  24. Extremely cool shots!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/06/circa-1953-and-now.html

  25. What a wonderful assortment of photos. That first sky shot is impressive and expressive - having much to say! Those young birds do look like cartoon characters. Lovely shots, all.

  26. Fantastic mix of photos. Incredible sky shots.

  27. I am in awe of these photos, fantastic collection. Those Yellow-crowned Night Heron chicks stole my heart but all your shots are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing with Today's Flowers and have a great day :)

  28. Lovely butterflies and the heron chicks are precious!


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