
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Crops & Clips: Flashback to September, 2013

This post again finds me searching my archives for images which match the themes of critters, fences, skies, flowers, macros and reflections. It is a retrospective view of photos taken three years ago, in September 2013. Poring through all these photos reminds me of creatures and sights I might expect to see again at this time of year. Let's see how far I need to go into the month to find at least one for each meme. If I can get them all I will have won the game twenty-one months in a row since starting in January, 2015. This month I almost failed, as I encountered few fences, none of which was very interesting, and only one found its way into a photo.  

We began the month at our second home in northeastern Illinois. I captured this memorable sunset as storms threatened:

Batavia Sunset HDR 20130907

On September 2nd we  were pleased to find a Carolina Wren along the Fox River in Batavia. While not rare, this species is somewhat uncommon here:

Carolina Wren 20130902

At Nelson Lake we saw flocks of stately Cedar Waxwings:

Cedar Waxwing 20130904

A Cooper's Hawk roosted on a lamp post near our condo:

Cooper's Hawk 3-20130904

Among the southbound migrants were many Red-eyed Vireos:

Red-eyed Vireo 3-20130906

Along the river, a Great Egret reminded us of Florida:

Great Egret 2-20130906

A Red-headed Woodpecker fed its nearly full-grown nestling:

Red-headed Woodpecker feeding nestling 3-20130903

By the middle of the month we were back home in Florida, where it rained almost every day, but we were greeted by favorite butterflies-- a Zebra heliconian sipping Ligustrum nectar...

Zebra heliconian 20130917

...a male Julia heliconian...

Julia male 20130917

...and a White Peacock on some yellow flowers:

White Peacock 20130917

Prairie Warbles were fairly common. Some breed locally but many more join us to spend the winter here:

Prairie Warbler 3-20130917

Morning Glory bloomed:

Morning Glory 20130919

The Harvest Moon was setting when we walked out to the wetlands on September 19th:

Harvest Moon setting 20130919

Northern Waterthrushes were moving through...

Northern Waterthrush 2-20130919

...as were Worm-eating Warblers,...

Worm-eating Warbler 3-20130922


Ovenbird eating Ligustrum berry 2-20130922

...and Northern Parula warblers:

Northern Parula 20130920

A White-tailed buck was in prime condition:

White-tailed Deer buck 20130922

Searching my archives, I had trouble finding a fence. This wooden post does not suffice, but an Eastern Phoebe found it to his liking:

Eastern Phoebe 20130904 

Upon re-reviewing all my photos, I needed a magnifying glass to see this incidental wooden fence. It was erected around an observation deck and shelter under construction at Lippold Park in Kane County, and taken on September 6th. Yes, the fence is really there!

Lippold Park construction 20130906

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Today's Flowers Friday by Denise

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Hello Ken, another awesome post. Your sky shots and moon are beautiful. I always enjoy your pretty birds, one of my favorite birds is the Waxwing. Great photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. love the egret reflection. the sweet phoebe. the deer is gorgeous! all your bird photos are wonderful.

  3. This is such an absolutely magnificent and breathtaking series, Kenneth! Wow! Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Wonderful photography! I love the little warblers and of course the deer.

  5. I love you memorable sunset and the harvest moon. Nice!

  6. Fascinating series of photos. The burst of light beyond the clouds is stunning and the Great Egret is posing so elegantly.

  7. What a lovely sunset! Beautiful series of bird images

  8. So beautiful and great photos!

  9. That sunset at the beginning was stunning. - Enjoyed the birds, butterflies, the stately buck deer and yes I could spot that fence at the end.

  10. That sunset adn the Harvest moon are stunning Kenneth. Lovve all the bird shots and it was marvellous to capture the yuong Woodpecker in its nest. Great reflection of the Egret. Have a good weekend.

  11. Wow, a great series of photos here. That first shot is absolutely stunning but all your photos are a treat for the eyes. Thank you so much for sharing again with Today's Flowers, and happy weekend to you :)

  12. Fine wildlife photos and the sunset is glorious!

  13. wunderfull birds and butterflies * so much patience required ! thanks !

  14. Hello Ken, gorgeous birds and butterflies. Great post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  15. clarity rich what kind of camera ??I think you told me and I forgot

  16. beautiful photos! hope you can visit our blog too! Thanks and have a nice day!


  17. That first sky photo--wow!!! I loved each of the birds and also butterflies. I think my favorite was the warbler! Loved the morning glory too. You covered a lot and it was all wonderful!

  18. I'm a bit late in getting over to visit with you this weekend...hope all is going well, and thanks for adding your blog to the linking tool at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

    Extraordinary images Ken. Altho I'm an avid birder, I must say today, my favorite is the white tailed deer. Wow!!!!

  19. It's so wonderful to be able to capture photos of so many birds and so much wildlife. I always look forward to your posts!

  20. super photos and a fab reflection with the egret!

  21. Great collection of pictures - that skyscape is wonderful.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Just back in Melbourne!

  22. I love looking back. Thing is I have so many photos of the present, I forget to! Thanks for sharing!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  23. Hello Ken!:) I love each and everyone of your photos, which are always, not only first class shots, but full of beauty, like your first sunset image, and your harvest moon. Lovely butterfly and bird captures, and I love your shot of the Cooper's Hawk, and the White-tailed buck. Have a great week!:)

  24. All great shots, but that first one made me gasp at the beauty!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/09/orchids-other-worldly.html

  25. All of your shots are breathtaking! I really liked the sunset shot-so unusual,& the ovenbirds is one of my favorite birds,have a great week!,phyllis

  26. Wonderful captures for the month. Liked the variety.

  27. What a wonderful look back through your archives!
    Every photo a treasure!

  28. All very beautiful nature shots!

    Wishing you a smooth sailing week ~ ^_^

  29. Superb shots as always on your blog! I remember well the red-headed woodpecker from my years in Iowa, but sadly I do not see them any more here in New Brunswick. I don't blame them - it's a cool climate! Some new warblers for me in this post too. I just purchased the Peterson Warbler guide - hoping to use it to ID new species in future!

  30. you won again! For sure. And just seeing your beautiful pictures is a first prize for all of us. The light is always perfect... wish I were as good at that. (I think Tex and all the fence folks would have been happy with just the post and the beautiful warbler on it . Such a nice catch.


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