
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Crops & Clips: Flashback to January, 2014

I decided to keep playing the "game" of reviewing my monthly photo archives from three years ago, hoping to find at least one match for each of my favorite blogging friends' memes: Critters, Flowers, Macros, Fences, Skies and Reflections. This month I barely succeeded, finding few skies and only one image of a fence.

Sky to the west before sunrise over our local wetlands, on January 20, 2014

Harbour Lakes 3-20140120

Great Egret reflection in direct sunlight on a calm day appears to be two-dimensional:

Great Egret reflection 20140127

Another Great Egret photo, this one in 3D, accented by low morning light:

Great Egret 2-20140106

My favorite photo of a Blue Jay, exploring the recesses of a fruiting Royal Palm:

Blue Jay on Royal Palm 20140127

On the home front, a Gulf Fritillary visited our Ixora blossoms:

Gulf Fritillary 20140110

A Muscovy Drake posed next to a neighbor's fence:

Muscovy Drake 20140110

Two Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (juvenile on left and adult female on right) drilled sap wells in the bark of our back yard West Indies Mahogany tree:

Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers 20140128

The local pair of Bald Eagles were rearing two eaglets. These are the 12th and 13th known to have hatched since we started watching this nest back in 2007:

Bald Eagle chicks P Piney 13 and 12  interact 5-20140131

Pride, the male adult, called as he watched the nest from a nearby roost:

Bald Eagle calling 20140117

The female, Joy, took a break from tending the chicks...

Bald Eagle in flight 2-20140117

...and relaxed on a nearby snag to preen:

Bald Eagle female 2-20140131

Bald Eagle female preening 3-20140110

The eagles provided no end of photo opportunities. I will  bore you with just a few from the "family album:"

Bald Eagle male with 2 eaglets 2-20140126

On January 11, the proud parents looked down into the nest at about the time the first egg was hatching:

Bald Eagle 0912-3 adults look into nest  20140111

Both eaglets (subsequently named "Honor" and "Glory" were raised and fledged successfully. Sadly, this was to be Joy's last brood. She disappeared in October, 2014 just at the beginning of the next breeding season.

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Gosia

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Today's Flowers Friday by Denise

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

 Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jeannette

Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. oh, thank you thankyou thankyou for boring me


  2. That photo of the Egret reflection is just spectacular!

  3. Kenneth, this entire series is gorgeous and captivating, and I love the reflection of the Egret!!! Happy New Year to you, and I hope that 2017 will be fantastic for you. :)

  4. These are wonderful photos! I love egrets for some reason but only see the gray ones here in New Zealand. The eaglets are just too cute for words. It's a shame about Mom. All your critters are just awesome to see.

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR Kenneth. What a wealth of fabulous photographs to start off the new year. I loved seeing the young eagles with their parents adn the reflections shot os stunning.

  6. thanks for joining o Good Fences. Love from snowy Europe. The ducjk is grea nex to he fence

  7. Hello, great series of photos. I love the eagles. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  8. I didn't realize that Good Fences was back after Theresa left. I'll have to check it out.

    Of course the bird photos of yours are always so greatly composed, I love 'em all. But today I think I find a favorite in your very first image just before sunrise...the colors are extraordinary.

    Thank you very much for taking time to share this post with us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin'. You're truly appreciated!

  9. Those baby eaglets are some of the best photos..I know you are proud to have seen that and taken them. Happy New Year and happy birding! It's been amazing to see so much variety here in FL this winter!

  10. Thank you for your flashback. As always stunning photos.

  11. Great photos, especially the Eagles!

  12. You succeeded again! Loved the look back at your Eagle family. You took such amazing pictures of them --

  13. Some wonderful shots here...love the reflection and the 3-D of the Egret...loved the eagles and their babies. But could almost cry that Joy is gone. I hope it was an old age death and not something else. But have a feeling it was something else.

    There are/were 3 whooping cranes we seen every year down at Goose Pond, and would see 3 here near us at the strip pits. Well, on the news the other night, someone had killed a whooping crane not too far from Goose Pond. I cannot help but wonder if it is one of the three we always seen down there, and wonder if the three we see are always the same three. Plus wonder if it is the three passing on through here.

    Either way, what in the world is wrong with people that they will kill something like that? Or an eagle? Not too many years ago heard where an eagle had been killed, but don't remember just where. But it made the local news.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful butterfly with ALL SEASONS! Interesting comment about earthquake insurance:) Up till now we have been very fortunate - it's the power outages here (3 within 2 years) that make me think maybe we should get a generator!
    Have a great week!


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