
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Random back yard visions

Rainbow from our back patio:

Rainbow from back patio 20161123

Our next door neighbor's pet goes for a doggie paddle:

Doggy Paddle 20170106

A Tricolored Heron moves purposefully along the edge of our lawn:

Tricolored Heron 03-20170105

Great Egrets are much more shy, so I must capture this view through the back patio window:

Great Egret thru window 20170106

A Muscovy Duck leads her five new hatchlings:

Muscovy Duck and ducklings 20170101

A Gray Squirrel nibbles on an acorn in our front yard:

Gray Squirrel 20170101

A flyover by Egyptian Geese:

Egyptian Geese 01-20170101

Close-up of a Green Iguana on our lawn:

Green Iguana portrait 20161129

The International Space Station passed over our house in November, 2016:

International Space Station 20161129

A half hour before sunrise, we pass the gate to our subdivision as we head out to the wetlands:

Monaco Cove gate 20161229

A Long-tailed Skipper visits a Lantana blossom:

Long-tailed Skipper 02-20170101

Snow Moon rising:

 Snow Moon rising HDR 20160222

An early morning rainbow over the wetlands:

Rainbow north end HDR 20161125

I have placed the blog on auto-pilot for a couple of weeks as we are dealing with some demands on our time involving neighbors and loved ones, not me personally. I promise to get back to visit you all as things settle down.

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Gosia

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Today's Flowers Friday by Denise

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Thank you so much! I love all your photos. Boy and dog. And the rainbows. Glad to see them!

  2. a boy and his Labradoodle...now that's the epitome of life

  3. Great series! I love the iguana and the goose. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  4. wow your lace is very lovely Thanks for joining to my fences. Love from Europe

  5. Ken, I love everything in your photos! What a gorgeous iguana! And your entire series is beautiful and captivating. Thank you so much for sharing.

  6. Can't believe you've got herons, egrets and iguanas on your lawn!

  7. Great selection of photos and a very handsome iguana. His eye was really focused on you.

  8. Wonderful series of photos!
    The birds are great, but my favorite is the squirrel!

  9. Every thing looks so warm & inviting on this cold January day. I enjoyed it all.

  10. You have a heck of a backyard! Love all the wildlife!!

  11. WOW! I would never move oof your lawn with a view like that and all those birds passing by. Fabulous shots as usual and hope you can get all things resolved happily with nrighbours and family Kenneth.

  12. Hi Ken, stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Such a nice collection of pics. Especially love the tricolored heron, egret, and skipper. You always share such stunning photos with us. Thanks.

  14. Beautiful shots. I like that first shot.

  15. The duck family sure is sweet! And the tricolor heron shows up so well in that light! Enjoy your weekend!

  16. Love it all today Ken! I don't believe I've ever seen an Egyptian goose before in flight! NOR a Muscovy duck with ducklings! These are all incredible photos. Still giggling over the 'doggie paddle'...sweet.

    I want to send along my gratitude for your sharing this post with us bird enthusiasts at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Much appreciated!!

  17. Best wishes for your family and/or friends going through a difficult time and I'm glad you are there for them.... Beautiful selection as always. The butterfly and all of the skies and ... well, every picture really is perfect. Even muscovy babies are adorable, which goes to prove something or other I'm sure! That pup gives new meaning to the phrase 'dog-paddle'.....

  18. Gorgeous shots! I've never seen Egyptian Geese before. Beautiful!

  19. Such a lovely variety of things to see! I love the ducklings and the butterfly and, of course, the rainbow.

  20. You live in paradise! Such wonderful pictures, Uncle Ken!

  21. Stunning photos! Some great close-ups. And oh what cute Muscovy ducklings!

  22. Awesome photos! Love everyone of them. The angle of the butterfly - perfect! Thanks so much for sharing your latest discoveries with ALL SEASONS! Iguana on your lawn - that hasn't happened to me yet:) Have a great week, full of new discoveries:)

  23. Beautiful photos! Made me love nature all the more. Been a long time since I last saw a rainbow.

  24. Wow - all that action right outside your windows had me in awe. The Iguana!!! My jaw dropped when I saw that photo especially. The wetlands are a great place too from what you show. You've a life rich with natural wonders. Gorgeous rainbows too.
    Send good wishes as you attend to life's matters. Cheers now :D)

  25. All these photos are so beautiful. Thank you.


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