
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Crops & Clips: Flashback to April, 2014

This month I am perusing 415 images I processed in April, 2014 and looking for favorite memes: Birds and Critters, Reflections, views of the Sky, Fences, Seasons, and scenes which speak for themselves. I found examples of each, but, as usual, had to search for a fence (although a big lizard stole the show!)

Over the Easter holidays our daughter and family visited and we stayed a few nights on Sanibel Island on the Gulf of Mexico. Our two granddaughters enjoyed the respite from the cold weather back home in the Chicago area. There were fair skies over the mangroves at Ding Darling National Wildlife Reserve on Sanibel Island, Florida:

Mangroves 20140423

The month started off with good news about the two eaglets in the local Bald Eagle nest.

April 1, 2014 Honor and Glory were on nest, with Honor flapping her wings and ready to fly:

Bald Eaglet Honor flapping 20140401

Glory was alone after Honor fledged (April 4)

Bald Eaglet Glory alone on nest 4-20140404

A pair of Red-bellied Woodpeckers interacted on the top of a dead palm tree:

Red-bellied Woodpeckers 2-20140403

Least Terns arrived at the lake on April 5. They are a welcome sign of spring:

Least Terns 7-20140406

Looking west at sunrise over our local wetlands on April 4:

Harbour Lakes looking west at sunrise 3-20140404

A Red-winged Blackbird cast a fine reflection on a calm morning:

Red-winged Blackbird reflection 20140406

The only fence in the entire collection showed up in an April 18 photo I took while having lunch at Bass Pro Shop in Fort Lauderdale. The huge Green Iguanas have learned to beg for food from patrons on the deck. They are very demanding and actually can be a nuisance:

Green Iguanas 4 at Bass Pro Shop 2-20140418

Green Iguanas 4 at Bass Pro Shop 20140418

Another Green Iguana, this time in our own back yard:

Green Iguana head detail 20140401

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Gosia

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Thank you for the nice photos. I love to see the pair of Red-bellied Woodpeckers!

  2. Great photo of the Woodpeckers, and the Blackbird reflection is marvelous!

  3. Happy about your Eagles. Those iguanas are kind of amazing, kind of scary. Glad your family got a nice winter break over here in SW Florida. We tried to go to Ding last month and the traffic was so bad we gave up before the toll bridge. Will try again soon now that all those snowbirds have left (we try to pretend we're not part of that invasion).

  4. Neat fence shot ~ not quite sure I would want an iguana sharing dinner ~ LOL ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

    ps. Fantastic bird photos!

  5. Beautiful series, Kenneth! I love iguanas. And your header is stunning.

  6. What a nice variety of birds. The woodpeckers are quite colorful. Oh wow the Iguanas did steal the show but they are so cool. We use to have one, he grew to about 6 1/2 feet before he passed away.

  7. Wow! What a fabulous selection of images. The Eagle is majestic. The Woodpecker is such a gorgeous colour! Those Iguanas certain are amazing but I can imagine how pesky they would be while eating.

  8. What a beautiful reflection of the bird in the water...

  9. Beautiful shots!

    Maybe they could solve the iguana problem by putting them on the menu. I hear they are a delicacy in some parts of the world. :-)

  10. What a fun place with iguanas walking around and your shots are beautiful!

  11. I really like the sunrise shot with the strong reflection. Great post!

  12. A delightful series of captures Kenneth and that reflection of clouds on water is particularly appealing.

  13. super photos of the fledglings. And great blackbird reflection...and love those brave iguanas!

  14. Very nice sequence of images, all so enjoyable!

  15. I'd think it was wonderful to see iguanas up close like that but can understand how they could become a nuisance. I think your blackbird reflection is quite lovely!

  16. We don't have iguanas here. I would be startled to see one. Love the eagles!

  17. Stunning light over the wetlands and those green iguanas are huge. I had no idea they were people friendly in a kind of a way.

  18. Hello, wonderful series. The shots of the bird pairs are all awesome. I like the names of the eaglets. The reflection shot is stunning. The iguanas are cool but I would not want them begging for food while I am eating. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

  19. Wonderful shots. I like that Iguna.

  20. Those Iguanas are something to see! They are so huge. I've not seen one here in this part of Florida...yet! Wonderful photos of the young eagles! Enjoy this beautiful weather!

  21. Beautiful images - love the woodpeckers and the eaglets. So nice to see them in the nest. Wow, begging green iguanas.....I think I've seen everything now :0 - Karen

  22. Enjoyed the post, my favorites would be of curse the Eaglets, growing up so quickly and the very cool Iguanas~

  23. Great photos.
    Wonderful birds, i love the red winged blackbird.
    I never saw it in nature !
    i think, in Germany he is not.
    Wish you a good sunday

  24. I remember one time when we were in Old Mexico on an boat excursion down the coast from Puerto Vallarta we docked at a little seaside village and they had iguanas all over the place. I held one in my hands...never again. lol

    Love the photos today Ken....my favorite of them all is the terns in the sunlight...it's magical.

    Thanks for linking up this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  25. I've always wanted to go to Sanibel Island. Fabulous photos!

  26. Not sure how I would feel about one of those dinosaurs being under that table at dinner!

    Great shots.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  27. Beautiful and heartwarming pairs of birds! Even though I'm a city slicker,I leave animals in their natural state. We have deer coming by every day, but don't feed them:) Your posts are always a pleasure to look at, and many thanks for sharing them with All Seasons! Have a beautiful week leading up to Easter!

  28. Fantastic photos of a great time. I, too, am not sure about having those guys so close!

  29. Very nice photos! I think I have never seen photos of eaglets. They look very different from grown up eagles.

  30. Très belle série. Impressionnante proximité avec les Iguanes en terrasse ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  31. What a fantastic series of photos!

  32. Enjoyed seeing all your lovely photos. You're right, the iguana stole the show. What a lovely reprieve for your family! I'm sure they appreciated the warmth and beauty all around.


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