
Thursday, May 18, 2017

ROY G BIV: Birds of a spectrum

Just after sunrise, a rain shower passed to the north of the lake in our local south Florida wetlands. A rainbow reflected on the  surface of the water:

Rainbow HDR COREL 20150105

The human eye can discern electromagnetic radiation in a rather narrow band of wavelengths of about 390 to 700 nanometers, a frequency of 430-770 THz. The visible colors of the spectrum may be arranged in the order of their frequency, from low to high (wavelengths from long to short). 

Thanks to a profusion of retinal cones, humans can see colors better than most other mammals. However, birds generally see a wider range of colors, snakes are able to detect infrared, and spiders, bees and many other insects (and rats) are sensitive to ultraviolet light. Many flowers attract pollinators with ultraviolet hues.

As a child I learned to recite the colors of the rainbow, from top to bottom (long to short wave) by reciting the mnemonic  "Roy G Biv."

"Another traditional mnemonic device has been to turn the initial letters of seven spectral colors into a sentence. In Britain the most common is "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain." The mnemonic is said to refer to the defeat and death of Richard, Duke of York at the Battle of Wakefield. To avoid reference to this defeat, people from Yorkshire developed the alternative "Rowntrees Of York Gave Best In Value." Alternatively, the biblically inspired "Read Out Your Good Book In Verse," or the more anarchic "Rinse Out Your Granny's Boots In Vinegar," may be used." (Wikipedia

More rainbows--


Rainbow 20140812

Rainbow HDR 20160912

Our neighbor Estelle's home is at the end of one:



Rainbow 2 20151007

Rainbow HDR 5PM 20160613


Fogbow HDR 20160116

Rainbow effects--


Rainbow effect HDR 20160923

Spider webs:

Silk and dew rainbow 20131224

Web Bow 5-20090107

ROY G BIV Birds--

Red: Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager 04-20170510

Orange: Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole 20150502

Yellow: American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch 01-20170513

Green: Painted Bunting female

Painted Bunting female 5-20151016

Blue: Mountain Bluebird

Mountain Bluebird 2-20100617

Indigo: Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting 20120511

Violet: Common Grackle

Common Grackle 02-20170126


If the above space is blank click here to watch video

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Rinse Out Your Granny's Boots In Vinegar is a totally new one to me. Lovely photos!

  2. Wow! What a fantastic series of photos! Wonderful! Beautiful!

  3. WOW! Thank the Lord for RAinbows and to you who photorgraphed them with the beautiful reflecctions. I love al the stunnning bird images Kenneth and the little video at the end.

  4. As always, beautiful photos. Great and didactic the idea to show the sequence of the colors of the rainbow, with the colors of the birds.
    Congratulations and thank you for sharing.


  5. Now THAT was a colorful post! I had not heard that mnemonic and forwarded it to my son to use with his kids.
    Thank you, Ken!

  6. all the images are exceptional!

  7. Beautiful photos and a great post. I really like the "fogbow"... unusual and pretty. I think I prefer "rinse out your granny's boots in vinegar". Pretty funny, and easy to remember!

  8. Wow! Wonderful collection of sky shots. My favorite is the one labeled Clouds. Gorgeous!

  9. I love the video, Kenneth, great choice! Your photos are absolutely breathtaking, and so is your header.

  10. Really a beautiful sequence of images!

  11. Hello, gorgeous sky and rainbow captures! Lovely collection of birds some of my favorites are the Scarlet Tanager, Oriole and the indigo bunting!

    Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post! Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  12. Wow, Kenneth, what an awesome post today! Thanks for sharing all these beautiful shots. Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. The colors in the clouds are beautiful and there's nothing more special than seeing a rainbow. I'm not sure I've ever seen one reflected in the water! Amazing! Happy weekend!

  14. Learning about the colors and how animals, both birds and mammals, can detect colors was an added plus today. I appreciated the info.

    The rainbows are exceptional [the one of the fog-bow is phenomenal] and your beautiful birds extraordinary!

    I do thank you so much for sharing this with us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin'...it's always a pleasure visiting!!

  15. WOW! What an incredible collection of photos! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Again that is a really interesting and informative post Kenneth, and those spider webs are amazing.
    ALL the best Gordon.

  17. Beautiful rainbows, think I'll have to stick with ROY G. BIV for my memory device. Loved the photo of the Baltimore Oriole, one of my all time favorite birds!

  18. Wow, have never seen a reflection of the rainbow in the water! These spiderwebs are phenomenal -am envious! In my writing about creativity (it probably will be published posthumously, lol) the progression of the colors in the rainbow is a much better way to view colors than the contrast of the color wheel of contrasts what is mostly referred to now in art education.
    I read in a book about a 7-(?)year-old after he came out of a coma, describing the sky of heaven as a rainbow Not just that there was a rainbow in the sky, but the whole sky reflected the colors of the rainbow. We have a lot to look forward to:)
    Many thanks for sharing this post to All Seasons, and wishing you a lovely week!

  19. Hello Ken!:) Wow!! Amazing captures of rainbows, I have never seen better, or more beautiful, and all your colourful bird shots are spectacular.

    My comments are late this time, as we had a busy weekend. Have a great week!:)

  20. All the Roy G Bivs there are looking beautiful (I can't imagine trying to remember by any other mnemonic, albeit the Granny's boots one is quite hilarious). And your bird portraits, as alwwys are stunning.

  21. WOW! Rainbow and bird delights!

  22. My goodness! These are spectacular!

  23. Nice - you right about the nemonic from the UK - thats the one I was taught.

    I could do a whole rainbow in one bird (maybe) with a rainbow lorikeet - they are crazy bright.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  24. The Scarlet Tanager! That's one bird I've briefly seen but have never had great photos of. Nicely down! You live in such a beautiful area!


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