
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Crops & Clips: Flashback to July, 2014

Once again, it is time to glean through my photo archives from three years ago to look for examples of favorite memes: Fences, Skies. Reflections, Birds and other Critters, images which depict the Seasons and Wordless scenes that need no explanation.  

Reflecting upon the month of July, 2014 I remember how the previous month's trip to Alaska disturbed the rhythm of our annual summer "migrations" from Florida to Illinois. If one has a choice, July is not the best month to be in Florida. 

We had traveled to Alaska and then returned to Illinois for only a couple of weeks. Many essential doctor and dental appointments had to be kept back home in Florida, and we hate to leave our house untended for any extended period. 

Usually I have a hard time finding images of fences, but before we departed from Illinois we visited the Japanese Garden in nearby Fabyan Park. The fences arced along my favorite foot bridge:

Japanese Garden in Fabyan FP 2-20140705

I tried to imitate an Impressionist painter on my digital "canvas:"

Japanese Garden in Fabyan FP Impressionist 20140705

On our last full day in Illinois, we stopped at Nelson Lake preserve in Batavia, where we saw Cedar Waxwings..

Cedar Waxwing 20140704

...and an exuberant Common Yellowthroat:

Common Yellowthroat 6-20140704

Then, off to south Florida, where the month had started out with lots of rain and mosquitoes.  The wetlands were so flooded that prey items were diluted and many wading birds sought refuge in our backyard lake. 

Thanks to blown-in Saharan dust we were greeted by a golden sunrise:

Sunrise 20140713

Early morning light bathed a Wood Stork as it foraged along our back lawn:

Wood Stork feeding 20140713

Our long-legged "yard birds" lingered all day. While the tactile-feeding Wood Stork stirred up prey with its bubble-gum pink feet...

Wood Stork 4-20140713

...a Tricolored Heron followed along, using its sharp vision, gobbling up any that got away:

  Tricolored Heron 20140721

A Snowy Egret flew in to join the feast...

Snowy Egret 3-20140715

...while a stealthy Green Heron waited for a meal to come within striking distance:

Green Heron 2-20140718

A Green Anole, hoping to attract a mate, displayed his dewlap:

Green Anole 20140718

Housebound by rain, we often missed our morning walks and watched angry sunrises from our back patio...

Sunrise 20140722

...but all the rain was good for our pineapples...

Pineapples 20140713

...and delicious tree-ripened Sugar-apple (Annona squamosa, also known by many other names such as Sweetsop or Custard Apple):

Anon or Cherimoya, ready to eat 20140724

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Love that stork. They are so cool (and goofy looking)

  2. Absolutely gorgeous series, Kenneth! I am enchanted by your photography!

  3. A great series of photos!
    Love all the birds!
    And growing your own pineapples must be wonderful!

  4. Beautiful photos and I love seeing the Cedar Waxwing.

  5. Wow, those pineapples look delicious! Beautiful photos, and nice job with the impressionist painting edit. It came out great!

  6. Beautiful collection of images. Love all the birds and sky photos

  7. Fabulous images Kenneth! Your birds are wonderful and the sunset views from your patio are gorgeous.

  8. Both sunsets are stunning an I love all the bird shots Kenneth.

  9. Hi Kenneth. Your photos are superb and the reflections are awesome!

    Regarding "the line of demarcation" in my photo. The line is actually a reflection of a wall on the the terrace. I think the shade from it might have affected the reflection at that level and below. Yes the ceiling was high. Look at the shaded triangle shape in the top left side of the photo. You should be able to see part of a round light fixture to add more perspective. :-)

  10. All of the images are just amazing!

  11. Wished we had more time to explore the surroundings when in FL - beautiful captures, Your capture of the bird with the on wing up, is stunning! I see you linked up for All Seasons, so am curious which thumbnail you are going to choose:) Oh, and the pineapple, and custard apple is also gorgeous:)

  12. Wow! Amazing photos.... I especially love the sunsets.... and I can't imagine having "yard birds" like that, although they would be fun to photograph.! :)

  13. I'm stopping by from Weekend Reflections. Great photos here! So glad I came by to visit. Please come share your photos at this week's photo party at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/07/splish-splash.html - the party stays open all week!

  14. Spectacular sunset captures Kenneth, and the bird images, as usual, are also striking.

  15. Hello, the pineapples are yummy. I love the sky shot and pretty garden. Beautiful collection of birds, the waxwing is a lovely bird. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  16. Well...it's July and I'm in Florida but I love it! Heat and all! lol Where else can you see 2 Ibis walking in your backyard like we did this morning. LOVE seeing the beautiful skies you've captured! Beautiful photos! I always enjoy visiting you. Enjoy your weekend.

  17. Fun as always -- and you score is perfect also as always. -- can almost hear the yellow throat singing. Our hope is to avoid the rainy season in Florida and Oregon while enjoying the benefits thereof. Sometimes I feel guilty about that. But I know it won't be forever -- one of these years we'll no longer be able to travel back and forth.

  18. As always, thanks so much for joining us with your wonderful photos this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. It's always appreciated and a pleasure to witness first hand with your blog. I've never seen nor heard of a custard apple 'til today. Boy, I must have been living under a rock all these years. My father grew pineapple in Colorado of all places, the short growing season didn't work out for them to mature. He gave up after two seasons. LOL [he was one to try to grow most anything...but never a custard apple]

    LOVE the sky shots and your birds. Ever so beautiful your posts are Ken.

  19. Nice post - its pretty crazy what you can do with digital manipulation these days - that 'art effect' is good.

    Cheers - Stewart M, Mells, Somerset, UK

  20. All your photos are just fantastic to see! Nice 'digital artwork' and beautiful birds. I never heard of the custard apple but will have to google it.

  21. Many thanks for linking up to All Seasons! You always have a great variety of photos in your posts and the custard apple is a great choice! Wishing you a lovely week!

  22. Always love your fantastic photos - beautiful! Your homegrown fruits are wonderful. I can't even imagine having fresh pineapple growing! - Karen

  23. That impressionist photo looks beautiful. Very creative! Loved the shot of the anona. I do not see them often in California, so, it is a good reminder of where I come from (we had a tree when I was growing up).

  24. Such amazing photos. Hate your timetable was messed up, but it didn't hurt your photographic bounty!


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