
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Crops & Clips: Birding in the fog

Some mornings the sun rises into a clear sky, but when we walk out on the wetlands we may encounter fog. This produces some stunning effects for landscape photography.

Fog shrouds the inhabited side of the canal, opposite our local wetlands:

 Morning fog on canal HDR 20150216

The sun tries to break through:

Sun rising in fog 20170208

Last week, just after sunrise, a "fogbow" formed over the wetlands:

Fogbow 20171122

Shooting in between the high blades of grass and through the fog produced a natural vignette and a two-dimensional rendering of these Black-necked Stilts:

 Black-necked Stilts HDR 20150320

Two Mottled Ducks enter the lake...

Mottled Ducks in fog 20170215

...and swim under a blanket:

Mottled Ducks in fog CROP 20170121

This Garden Spider's web is weighted down by dewdrops:

Duck Potato HDR 20171122

Garden Spider 20171122

Photographing wildlife can be a challenge. This photo of a Little Blue Heron is a poor exposure but I liked the composition:

Little Blue Heron in fog before sunrise 02-20170206

Fog muffles the background as this egret lands on a small tree:

Great Egret before sunrise 20171108

This doe probably couldn't see us, and we could barely see her:

White-tailed Doe in fog 2-20140224

After a foggy start, the sun did come out. Now the camera does its work without any tweaking. Still air provides nice reflections of a Great Egret...

Great Egret reflection 03-20171119

...as it catches a tiny minnow:

Great Egret reflection 04-20171119

A Red-shouldered Hawk watches from the side of the path:

Red-shouldered hawk 02-20171124

A male Northern Flicker stands out against a blue sky:

Northern Flicker 01-20171119

Close by is a female flicker (no mustache):

Northern Flicker female 04-20171119

The lack of butterflies is concerning. Does this have anything to do with the massive anti-mosquito campaign which followed Hurricane Irma? This is a Gulf Fritillary:

Gulf Fritillary 20171108

Hurricane-felled trees along the canal have prevented us from following it along on the "wild side," to the right. A homeowner association (HOA-approved) fence identifies the civilized side:

SW 195th Ave Canal COREL 20171124

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. ahhh...a mist makes the common photo a phenomenon. Nice shots, sir

  2. My, these are sensational pictures. I have said it before but you really are some photographer. The top one of the sun breaking through hardly looks like it was shot here on planet earth! could be some amazing fantasy land. :)

  3. How nice! Thank you so much for making me glad. I love to look to your photos.

  4. First time visiting - what spectacular photos. Very impressive.

  5. Beautiful photos! I love the reflections!

  6. Hard to add anything new to what has already been written above. Love the fog, the reflections, the color/exposures, and even the wild life. Kudos!

  7. I was lucky enough to see a fogbow once. We get lots of fog here in the winter, but I haven't had any more luck with it. - Margy

  8. I love those fog shots. Really beautiful!

  9. lovely foggy photos, and the webs are really lovely

  10. Hello, wonderful photos and post. The birds are just amazing, as always.

    Happy weekend!

  11. The 'fogbow' is quite something to see! And I love the reflections you got in so many of your photos! Enjoyed your post!

  12. Wow...this post was incredible!! One of the BEST you've ever posted!!! Fog is my favorite 'weather' anyway, and I so enjoyed each and every image...even after the fog lifted. Amazing photography Ken.

    As always, I found your post most pleasurable. Thank you kindly for sharing with us at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend.

  13. Incredible landscape photos as always! really beautiful with the fog. Loved the spider web and spider, and the egret landing as well as others!

  14. Those photos are amazing! Some of them look like paintings. Enjoyed every single photo.

  15. Great set of pictures. I think it's always better when the light is interesting! I the nice bright sunny days beloved by beach goers are (in my opinion) not as much fun for photography.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  16. You always share such marvelous collections of wildlife images. Thanks so much - it's always a treat to stop by here. Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/12/the-explorer.html

  17. Wow, I love foggy images, and the captures of that spiderweb are amazing!
    Saw you linked to All Seasons, but don't see your photo on the linky List. Don't know if you forgot or couldn't see the linky list - Yesterday, I wasn't able to see the list myself after I came home. Stormy weather here:) Many thanks in advance for still sharing it on the All Seasons list (open till Wed. evening 7 pm), Ken! Wishing you a great week.

  18. Did this hurricane cause a lot of damage? You must be happy wildlife stayed or returned. Again your captures of the sun trying to break through are stunning! Many thanks for linking and have a beautiful December week!

  19. Love the fog pics. Beautiful pics of the egrets too. Wish we had flickers in our area to photograph.

  20. Gorgeous photos! They almost look like paintings or wall paper.

  21. What an outstanding series of gorgeous critters!

  22. Wow!! What fabulous opportunities for photos of everything around you! I love the foggy shots and the birds are fantastic to see. And, the spider webs are fascinating as well.


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