
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Crops & Clips: Flashback to November, 2014

Once again, I am peering through the retrospectroscope at photos archived three years ago. It was a busy month, with 399 photos processed. As I peruse the collection I will try to locate favorite memes: critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies, reflections, fences, and images to depict  the seasons as well as those which speak for themselves.

A splendid sunrise over our back yard lake on November 5th:

Sunrise1 HDR CROP 20141105

The last time I photographed the local pair of Bald Eagles was on October 30. We did not know it then, but that was the last time anyone saw Joy, the female. She was down deep in the nest, leading us to believe that she might already be broody and about to lay eggs. Her mate, Pride, was roosting above the nest to the right:

Bald Eagle pair at nest 03-20141030

Alone, Pride continued to return to the nest, bringing in sticks and arranging them:

Bald Eagle male 0957AM 7-20141128

Pride often sat low as if possibly tending to eggs in the absence of a mate. If there had been any eggs, a single eagle would rarely be able to succeed in hatching them. By month's end we had no idea as to what had happened to Joy, but were convinced that she would never return. Here is Pride on November 28, ever watchful:

Bald Eagle male 0958AM 3-20141128

A Black Vulture roosting at the local soccer park...

Black Vulture 2-20141117

...reflected the landscape in its eye:

Black Vulture eye 2-20141117

On our local wetlands, a doe posed artfully with three older fawns, one a spike-buck:

White-tailed Deer 20141125

Still waters provided some nice reflections, of a Great Egret...

Great Egret as fog lifts 2-20141124

...and a Greater Yellowlegs:

Greater Yellowlegs 04-20141111

Back yard White Ibises:

White Ibis 20141111

A buttermilk sky-- signs of a change in the weather as altocumulous clouds crowded the sky like a huge flock of sheep: 

Harbour Lakes Altocumulus 20141114

The back gate to our wetlands separates two worlds:

Harbour Lakes west gate 20141107

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Great pictures, as usual. But that first one is amazing!

  2. So many beautiful pictures and impressing and phantastic reflections!

  3. Gorgeous photos through the retro-thingy! I really like the shot of the egret.

  4. Ingenious pictures I am thrilled.
    L G Pia

  5. The first one, the eye and the island with the clouds are all really striking photographs. Well done!

  6. You have some very nice shots. I love the eagle images especially.

  7. That is a very cool reflection shot in the eye


  8. Hello, Ken! Your first sky image is gorgeous. Awesome shots of the Bald Eagles. The vulture is a neat closeup. Beautiful reflection of the Yellowlegs. Great series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  9. So sad about Joy!! Do they sometimes lay eggs in the Fall? I hope nothing has happened to her. The photos are so awesome of Pride trying to keep things going. Great closeup of the buzzard!

  10. That Greater Yellow-legs image is great - love that reflection.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  11. That first photo of the sun's rays took my breath away!!
    Your close up on the vulture eye is exceptional!! Love the eagles...

    Great archive images.

    You participating in linking up this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin' is appreciated...thanks!!

  12. Great reflections! The eye reflection is simply amazing!

  13. You are an amazing photographer. I enjoyed all your photos. If you hadn't said that was a living eagle, I would've thought it was a wooden statue. :-)

  14. The buttermilk sky sure is beautiful! We saw an eagle this week but didn't get a photo of it. Hope we see it again! I'm sorry your didn't see Joy again. Hope you've had a good weekend!

  15. Wow you must have a powerful lens to catch a reflection in the eye of the vulture - so clear! Love the cumulus clouds, the dramatic sunset, and also the eagles' preparations to hatch! Many thanks for sharing with All Seasons!
    About your comment on my Seasons' post: California's hot and dry summer is unfortunately an excellent breeding ground for fires. It only takes one spark and wind:(
    Joshua tree is more rugged and rugged! And so is Death valley - it's a beauty not everyone likes. Thank you, my family pics don't usually turn out this good:):) Have a beautiful week!

  16. A great series! Beautiful colors!

  17. Stunning photos! Sad to hear about the missing eagle :( Such a privilege to see them at all, but heartbreaking when something goes wrong.

    Thank you so much for sharing your wildlfe with us.

    Best wishes,

  18. All the photos are wonderful but love the info about the Eagles. We once had a duck lay eggs near a bush in our yard. She was there for about 2 weeks and then she abandoned the eggs. Interestingly no animal ever tried to eat them and eventually we had to discard them. Thank you for sharing all these outstanding photos of the wildlife.


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