
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Crops & Clips:Flashback to January, 2015

Again, I am looking back three years, searching for images which depict some of my favorite memes: Critters of all kinds, beautiful skies and reflections, changes of the season, and scenes which speak for themselves. My archives for January, 2015 include over 600 processed photos.

Unsettled sky and a colorful sunrise over our local wetlands on January 11:

Sunrise Clouds HDR COREL 20150111

You may recall that during the previous month a new young female Bald Eagle appeared with the local male (Pride) who had lost his mate (Joy) back in October, 2014. We watched the nest carefully for signs that she might start breeding. As I noted last month, Jewel seemed to lack an instinct to sit on the nest, while Pride often occupied it and continued to add sticks.

On January 1, 2015 the nest was in excellent shape due to Pride's efforts, but it remained empty most of the time during the next few weeks.

Bald Eagle nest empty 20150101

Facebook eagle lovers named the new female "Jewel." She often flew off alone and we worried whether the pair would ever develop a strong bond. I encountered Jewel in the wetlands southeast of the nest. The dark streaks on her head and dark tail feather tips are signs that she has not yet reached full adult plumage:

Bald Eagle immature 20150104

This is a composite image as Jewel landed on a small tree and then flew off:

Bald Eagle comp 20150104

The Bald Eagles in south Florida usually lay their eggs in December and by late January are already tending to their nestlings. As the month progressed this pair spent more time together, and on January 28, just after I arrived at the nest site, we saw Jewel fly in from the west to the nest area. She was carrying a good sized fish that looked like a shad. She circled with it and ended up roosting on top of  a Melaleuca snag to the west of the nest. She proceeded to eat the fish.

Bald Eagle female with fish

Bald Eagle female with fish

About 10 minutes later, Pride flew in from the SW carrying a small fish. He roosted on an adjacent snag slightly above the female. Both kept eating until the female finished. Then the male flew down and they copulated for about 1 minute 10 seconds.

Bald Eagles mating 3-20150128

It appeared to be a successful mating, unlike some the brief attempts that had previously occurred. Pride then roosted briefly before flying off. Jewel remained on the roost

Bald Eagle male soaring 7-20150128

He soon returned carrying a small stick, and Jewel promptly joined him in flight. Both circled over the nest area and then disappeared high and to the south. To be continued next month...

Every morning before sunrise we try to escape to the relative solitude of our Wounded Wetlands. Here is Mary Lou walking out before sunrise under the Wolf Moon on January 5. (This year, 2018, we can look forward to two SuperMoons in January-- the second will be a "Blue Moon.")

Wolf Moon walk RETRO 20150105

On a calm morning, a Little Blue Heron lifts off:

Little Blue Heron liftoff 08-20150121

A brace of Mottled Ducks flies over the lake. The male has a bright yellow bill while that of the female is mottled orange:

Mottled Ducks 20150130

In the rookery, I find only one Yellow-crowned Night-Heron:

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 20150117

Back home, in late afternoon, the view from our patio exhibits all the "me too" fences required by our homeowners' association:

Clouds over lake 2-20150116

A Great Blue Heron poses next to a neighbor's fence:

Great Blue Heron 2-20150111

A Double-crested Cormorant dries its wings as it stands on the duck decoy which floats our irrigation water intake:

Double-crested Cormorant 2-20150117

A Wood Stork forages at the water's edge along our lawn:

Wood Stork 2-20150114

In our back yard, a Red-bellied Woodpecker climbs our Mahogany tree:

Red-bellied Woodpecker 2-20150123

In front of our house, a Northern Mockingbird rests on Saint Francis' head:

Mockingbird on St Francis head

On January 30, our Avocado tree is beginning to blossom:

Avocado blossom JAN 30 20150130

A Monarch butterfly and a Honeybee partake of nectar from our Ixora blooms:

Monarch butterfly on Ixora 20150106

Zebra Heliconian:

Zebra heliconian 20150106

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi 

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Fantastic shots. I like the Zebra Heliconian in particular. Looking forward to follow the two eagles' story.
    Happy New Year!

  2. I love storks...cracked up over the cormorant on the decoy

  3. Love your beautiful skies! Great eagle captures, too.

  4. Great bird shots and the skies are good too.

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR Kennith well where does on start to comment on such ebautifu images. Impossible so i just enjoyed them however I loved seeing tht one of Mary Loo

  6. Hello, beautiful sky, lovely birds and butterflies. Your photos are always a treat to see! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. Nice shots and perfect timing on the blue heron reflection.

  8. I kept thinking I'd seen them all, and the best, but then there was another wonderful bird picture. Excellent camera work!

  9. That is very funny to see the cormorant...makes you do a double take! Enjoy your weekend! It's warming up! YAY!

  10. Awesome collection of shots. Love the Mockingbird on St. Francis's head. :)

  11. Thank you so much for joining us birders this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Hope you can return again throughout 2018.

    That one on the decoy made me laugh...great captures...all of the photos!

  12. How wonderful! I absolutely love the shots of the bald eagles! Love all these incredible shots!

  13. Beautiful photos. Love the shots of the eagles and the monarch butterfly the best.

  14. That first shot of the color sunrise is breath taking.

  15. I'd love to be able to watch eagles on a regular basis - rather jealous I have to say. Hope all is well in the cold.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  16. Terrific creatures! I like the very first image a lot.

  17. Love the Little Blue Heron reflection picture.

  18. Thank you for keeping us up to date about the Eagles - that's a stunning photo with the eagles flying in a row! Am envious at your avocado that starts blooming - we tried it several times, but no luck with this plant! Love the antique finish on Mary Lou's photo - well dome!
    Many thanks for sharing all these experiences with All Seasons 0 have a beautiful week!

  19. Pride and Jewel's romance has the makings of a Mills and Boon love story.

  20. Well, Ken, I have to admit, what drew me in were the Eagles. I've monitored a nest here for 6 years, am an active member of a Bald Eagle Study Group and, in fact, will be participating in the National Survey this weekend, although I am concerned about our recent sub-zero weather and it's impact. Your collection of shore birds and yard birds are wonderful as well....:)JP

  21. You always have such a wonderful variety of birds. That sky shot at the beginning was stunning. Loved the Eagle shots.

  22. Oh man, you can't make us wait until next month for the rest of the story! Great shots, one and all!


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