
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Mid-month potpourri

Reflected reeds framed a Common Gallinule:

Common Gallinule 20180206

The sun seemed to be rising from behind a cloud castle:

Sunrise 20180211

The Lantanas were blooming again and attracting butterflies, a Monarch...

Monarch butterfly on Lantana 01-20180210

...and a Zebra heliconian:

Zebra heliconian on Lantana 03-20180210

When is a goose not a goose? When it is an Egyptian Goose. These introduced invaders are classified in a sort of no-man's land between the ducks and geese.

A squad of three flew over my head in the Wounded Wetlands. Their calls are ear-splitting:

Egyptian Geese 05-20180212

Egyptian Geese 04-20180212

I couldn't fit them all in the view-finder:

Egyptian Geese 03-20180212

A distant Red-shouldered Hawk was tearing at prey as it roosted on a dead tree:

Red-shouldered Hawk 03-20180212

Red-shouldered Hawk 04-20180212

An American Kestrel stared down at me from high atop a  pole:

American Kestrel 01-20180212

A second kestrel flew up into a fruiting Royal Palm:

American Kestrel male on Royal Palm 03-20180205

American Kestrel male on Royal Palm 01-20180205

I almost missed seeing a Sharp-shinned Hawk hidden deep in the tree branches:

 Sharp-shinned Hawk 04-20180211

Sharp-shinned Hawk portrait 05-20180211

In the rookery a Green Heron shifted its shape:

Green Heron 03-20180210

Green Heron 06-20180210

Green Heron 08-20180210

As many as eight Yellow-crowned Night-Herons are not yet paired up, but they are growing plumes and their legs are gradually turning brighter in anticipation of breeding season:

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 02-20180206

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 01-20180206

An immature Little Blue Heron pranced along the lakeside:

Little Blue Heron immature 03-20180202

A Brazilian Pepper bush was a pretty spot for a watchful Northern Mockingbird:

Northern Mockingbird 02-20180202

A tiny House Wren came out of hiding for a brief photo-op:

House Wren 04-20180204

House Wren 01-20180204

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. you got a few of my favorite critters...and I always love a shot of the sun behind a pretty cloud.

  2. I like the Kestrels so much.. but also the Wren!

  3. Beautiful images... and love the cloud castle!!

  4. Your Egyptian geese shots remind me of the USAF precision flying teams that perform at air shows.

  5. great images. the first image with reeds is my favourite.

  6. Wonderful shots! I love the reflection.

  7. All of your images are a feast for my eyes. Happy weekend to you.

  8. Hello Ken, fantastic captures of the geese in flight. They are pretty. I love the Green Heron and the first reflection shot. The sky is beautiful too. Great series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I appreciate your comment and visit. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  9. Those Egyptian geese are interesting critters. Nice shots all the way around. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. All wonderful photos that make me feel as if it's spring outside but that cloud castle photo is exceptional.

  11. Such interesting pics Kenneth. Great reflection pic, looks like a triangle frame around the bird. The Egyptian geese and interesting. Their markings around the eye almost looks painted on. Enjoyed your post.

  12. I would enjoy seeing those Egyptian Geese for sure...I have a Question about the Rosy Finch in Sandia Crest, are they there year round?

  13. The first picture is so surreal, I keep looking at it and thinking it is a painting. So well composed!! And of course, the sun behind the cloud is spectacular!

  14. In answer to Sondra's question, the rosy-finches are present at Sandia Crest only during the winter, from early November into mid-March. They are most numerous from mid-December through mid-February.

  15. Gorgeous photos! Really love that first one! The geese in flight are just amazing! And I loved the Red Shouldered Hawk and Kestrel too. Wonderful post!

  16. The Egyptian Geese look like well-disciplined soldiers. Your photos are wonderful. My favorites are of the geese and the first two photos.

  17. I had no idea Egyptian Geese were present in North America. Are these part of an established population or are they escapes from a waterfowl collection? They have certainly colonized many parts of Europe. Great photography by the way.

  18. The design of your first capture is stunning, Ken! And the squad of three is amazing! Reminds me so much of planes! As always all of your captures look professional and interesting. Thanks so much for sharing them with All Seasons! Have a great week, and also thanks for your comment:)

  19. Wonderful pictures - that water really is like a mirror. I saw Egyptian geese in the UK - they are not native there either!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  20. Wow! You are SO lucky to be able to see all of those BEAUTIFUL birds! Your photos are spectacular. Haha, I like the way you introduced the Egyptian guess! Very funny.

  21. Beautiful photos! It's amazing how many you caught.

  22. Great photos. Favourite would always be the Monarch butterfly.

  23. Can see my comment from yesterday did not come through. These beautiful geese in the sky make me think like airplanes! And I didn't know there were night herons! Learned something again:) Many thanks for linking up these beautiful birds to All Seasons! Have a great week!

  24. Beautiful photos - I'm jealous of your photography - consistently WOW~
    Thanks for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/02/some-more-from-nasher-museum.html

  25. Your photos of critters are always fabulous to see. What a great variety of birds! I love herons for some reason but all of these images are great to see.

  26. A wonderful collection of shots.

  27. Such beautiful clear portraits that an amateur like me could use as ID references! I didn't know there were Egyptian geese in our State (those aren't the beautiful portraits I was referring to -- but they are lovely flight shots even if the birds are invasive.) I'm sure I've told you that the first year here I thought the green herons were two different species because of how they contort their neck.


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