
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Crops & Clips: Flashback to March, 2015 (#795)

Once again I am peering through the retrospectroscope, back three years to March, 2015. I will search my photo archives for images which depict favorite memes-- critters of all kinds (especially birds), reflections, fences, clouds, and scenes which speak for themselves.

Rain threatened early on the morning of March 1 as we hurried back home from a shortened walk in the local Wounded Wetlands.

Sunburst and rainclouds HDR 20150301

At the lake, there is an ancient three-foot high cypress stump which I call the "Enchanted Island." It provides a useful gauge of the depth of the water. At full capacity it is entirely submerged, and in a normal dry season it sits out of the water on the mudflats.

This time of year the water should begin rising, but not nearly this high, meaning our lake will not likely attract many shorebirds. Let's see if this prediction holds true.

A Red-winged Blackbird reflected on the "Enchanted Island," March 1, 2015:

Red-winged Blackbird reflection 20150301

A Green Anole displayed his dewlap on March 2:

Green Anole displaying 20150302

Two female White-tailed Deer appeared at the edge of the wet prairie:

White-tailed Deer 20150303

A White-winged Dove gathered nesting material in our front yard:

White-winged Dove gathering twigs 20150305

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron male performed a courtship display:

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron full display 2-20150311

Early in the month, the new female Bald Eagle (Jewel) watched, her mate (Pride) hard at work on the nest, flying in with sticks...

Bald Eagle male returns with stick 20150305

...and arranging them. Jewel did not join him, remaining on her roost next to the nest to the right:

:Bald Eagle male arranges stick 2-20150305

On March 12, Pride was still working on the nest but Jewel finally flew down with him. They performed a sort of recognition ritual...

Bald Eagle recognition ritual 20150312

...and then Jewel started helping out:

Bald Eagles arrange sticks 3-20150312

During the next few days the pair spent some time together on the nest, but Jewel never settled down. She is on the left in these photos (March 16):

Bald Eagle pair on nest 2-20150316

They seemed to have a cozy relationship, but it was far too late for the eagles to start raising a family:

Bald Eagle pair on nest 20150316

Indeed, Jewel never appeared "broody," and never settled down in the nest. We wondered whether she deposited one or more eggs in the nest but lacked the instinct to incubate them. Indeed, Pride was often seen sitting deep in the nest over the next few weeks. The odds are against a single adult (especially a male) being able to hatch out an eaglet.

The weather remained unusually rainy. Although the mud flats never appeared on the lake, we were pleased to have visits by graceful Black-necked Stilts:

Black-necked Stilt 2-20150328

Black-necked Stilts 07-20150315

Black-necked Stilts Selective FOCUS 20150320

The Mottled Ducks did not mind the weather:

Mottled Duck in flight 2-20150330

The cloudy skies produced some nice sunrises over our back yard lake...

Sunrise2 HDR 20150319

...and a double rainbow:

Double Rainbow HDR 2015031

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Beutiful blog. Amazed at your shots and familiarity with the eagles. I'm still learning ...

  2. The heron courtship display is an amazing capture!! Love your sky shots, too.

  3. The night heron puts on a fabulous courtship display. all your photos are fantastic and show the splendor of nature.

  4. I like to follow the eagles' story, but all is

  5. Great and enjoyable post...one that was definitely worth sharing again!

  6. So many wonderful captures - I can't possibly pick out a favorite. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  7. Oh my! These are stunning photos! The Yellow-crowned Night-Heron is breathtaking and I adore the eagles.

  8. As always, stunning pics. Love the night heron pic! The rainbow, the sky, the clouds, all are just beautiful shots. Have a good weekend.

  9. Hello, great captures as always and beautiful birds. I like the cute green anole and the pretty deer. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  10. I love seeing the eagle photos too. And how dramatic that night heron is with it's feathers out. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I'm deeply impressed! these eagle photos and the lake visitors. greeting. eva

  12. Today, I especially enjoyed viewing the night heron in courtship display!!

    Sharing this blog post with us at I R B B this weekend is much appreciated, thanks!

  13. Oh my, I love your post today. Every single photo is beautiful but you really got me with the bird in flight, the sunrise, and the rainbow.

  14. Such wonderful shots. I'm really taken with the one of the Yellow-crowned night heron.

  15. You take beautiful photos. Some are like paintings. Your close-ups and story about the eagles make me smile.

  16. Wow you are the king of reflections here! Love your capture of the stump - so different of other captures I've seen of you! Appreciate your captures each week, Ken! And thanks for keeping All Seasons up to date with the Bald Eagles:) Have a great week!

  17. I'm glad that I don't have to pick a favorite because they are all so good.

  18. Great shots, all, but that first one is a stunner!

  19. Appreciate the flashback! My favorites are the anole and the courtship display of the night heron, although the sunset with the clouds is also a killer shot!

  20. Great set of shots. When ever I see pictures of Red-Winged Blackbirds I think of the book called "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" - as they feature in the opening sections.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  21. WOW! Those up close photos of the eagles are amazing!

  22. Oh the nest-building shot! Incredible!!! But I also loved your water birds and that red-winged blackbird. That yellow crowned night heron is looking exotic! :-) Beautiful post.

  23. What fantastic creatures! I love that heron so much!


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