
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Crops & Clips: Flashback to April, 2015 (#800)

I reviewed nearly 600 processed photos taken three years ago during April, 2015, a month which found us engaged in family fun and travel. 

Since Easter came early in the month as it does in the present year, our planned events will be a sort of replay of the same places and habitats as the land bird migration season gets underway and peaks. In fact, we plan to be on Sanibel Island after Easter when this blog posts.

In the archives I looked for favorite memes of sky and reflections, birds and other critters to reflect the season as well as scenes which speak for themselves. 

A Blogiversary! This marks my 800th Rosyfinch Ramblings blog post since it peeked out of its shell in September, 2006.

Photo of the month-- The lighthouse at night on Sanibel Point, Florida, April 7, 2015:

Lighthouse at night HDR 20150407

There was lots of activity during April. Our daughter's family came to visit us for the Easter holidays. We vacationed on Sanibel Island and finished the month at our second home in NE Illinois. On April 2, an Easter White-winged Dove posed in wonderful light (not to mention that this symbol of peace is perched on a Castor Oil Bean tree which is the source of Ricin, the deadly poison):

White-winged Dove on Castor Oil bean tree 3-20150402

Looking south at sunrise, also on April 2, over our local Wounded Wetlands:

Cloudless sunrise to south HDR 20150401

We experienced a lunar eclipse on April 4, the day before Easter Sunday. It had attained just about three quarters of umbra when the rising sun spoiled the show. 

Lunar Eclipse 0656 AM EDT -20150404

Lunar Eclipse 0659 AM EDT -20150404

Then we were off to Sanibel, where we occupied a nice large suite overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Our daughter, Son-in-Law and their two girls enjoy fishing, which is fine with us as it gives us time to go birding. We watched breathtaking  sunsets from the fishing pier:

Sanibel Fishing Pier HDR 20150407

Our granddaughters caught a few, and did better than their Dad, who spent a lot of time on Company business (I remember the feeling-- like a busy executive, a family doctor in private practice really had no "free" time):

Roly at the office 20150409

Nieta at Sanibel Fishing Pier 20150409

Nietas at Sanibel Fishing Pier 2-20150409

On the pier, the birds came to us, among them this Snowy Egret:

Snowy Egret 5-20150409

Brown Pelicans hoped to catch any throw-backs, although feeding them is prohibited:

Brown Pelican 20150409

Brown Pelican 2-20150409

An Osprey nest near the pier contained a hungry chick:

Osprey adult and chick 2-20150409

Pileated Woodpeckers were commonly present in the woodlands surrounding the lighthouse:

Pileated Woodpecker female 20150408

I could not ignore the beautiful Blanket Flowers along the way:

 Blanket flower 20150408

Sanibel Lighthouse2 HDR 20150407

At nearby Ding Darling National Wildlife Preserve, Reddish Egrets foraged energetically:

Reddish Egret 05-20150407

Reddish Egret 01-20150407

A Northern Cardinal appeared on the boardwalk:

Northern Cardinal 20150407

We spent the last half of the month at our second home in Illinois. The first couple of days were so cold that we did not venture out. We visited a local park to see a Great Horned Owl with three owlets (two are visible):

Great Horned Owl 2 of 3 owlets 20150422

We don't get to see many American Robins in south Florida, so this was a treat:

American Robin 4-20150422

In the surrounding corn fields, a grand old barn which I hope is still standing...

Barn2 Albumen 20150421

...but another was torn down only a few months later:

Barn SEPIA 20150421

With half a month left, I can only highlight a few of the Illinois birds--

Virginia Rail:

Virginia Rail 3-20150424

Red-winged Blackbird:

Red-winged Blackbird male 2-20150424

White-breasted Nuthatch:

White-breasted Nuthatch 3-20150426

A pair of Bald Eagles at a nest near our condo:

Bald Eagles DETAIL 20150429

Overhead, a Red-tailed Hawk:

Red-tailed Hawk HDR 20150429

A male Bobolink in breeding finery:

Bobolink 4-20150409

Eastern Meadowlark on budding oak tree:

Eastern Meadowlark 5-20150409

A Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on its tiny nest:

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at nest 2-20150407

Arriving Yellow Warblers:

Yellow Warbler in flight 20150414

Yellow Warbler singing 2-20150414

Yellow Warbler 2-20150414

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Happy anniversary!

    And you made it a great blog post for the occasion.

  2. What a wonderful, beautiful collection of memorable photos. I hardly know where to start but, as always, I love to see Bald Eagles, remembering how they faced extinction and have made a such a resurgence.
    The yellow warblers are (if you'll excuse me) adorable, and granddaughters are always priceless.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful photographic memories.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Beautiful nature photography and sky shots are lovely ~ Sanibel and Captiva are such wonderful places ~

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. What beautiful photos. I loved every one. Happy blogaversary to you! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  5. Great set of pictures - I really like the heron with the people in the background.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. That shot of the yellow warbler (taking off?) is amazing! Great moon photos, and spectacular sunset shot from the fishing pier!! Great post.

  7. Happy Blog Anniversary. Awesome photos. Sanibel Island is a great place to visit. Gorgeous sky shots and beautiful birds. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Thanks for the comment too. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  8. Happy Anniversary. You gave us a fantastic post. My favorite has to be the owls. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. I'm so happy you blog and keep it up after so many years. You take amazing photos. Of course my favorite is the owl with the owlets! Just beautiful! I have a mystery plant I'm trying to ID in my previous post if you get a chance to look. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Excellent photos! Congrats on 800 posts! That means thousands of fine photos!

  11. All photos are terrific!! I have to say my favorite this week is the gnatcatcher in her nest is an awesome find.

    For sharing with us at I'd Rather B Birdin', I thank you!!

  12. Happy Blog Anniversary! Really enjoy your photos especially those of the Osprey and the Owl.

  13. Excellent shots! The bald eagles photo is wonderful!

  14. A very symbolic Dove photo.
    Horn owls are fantastic!

  15. Ken - you have outdone yourself for your anniversary! (congratulations on 800, by the way!) I kept writing down notes for my comments ... but I will have to trim it down! The shot of the red egret in full stride lends proof to your comment about foraging energetically. I have never seen a meadowlark or a bobolink ... wow! But hands down my favorite is the owls ... a Big AWWWW from me!

  16. Whoa those pink sunsets are breath taking! Happy 10th anniversary, Ken! Wow, a lot of people visiting around Easter! Am glad you enjoyed the roasted lamb with your neighbors! Whenever I have the opportunity to eat Greek,or Mediteranean food we do! Thank you so much for sharing your Easter weekend with All Seasons, and enjoy your week!

  17. Another great set of memories to enjoy looking back at. Brilliant pictures. This Yellow Warblers are stunning.

  18. Sounds like you've had an interesting month! You have an interesting collection of beauties here. My favorite shot is the one of the owls. Fantastic!

  19. Awesome images! Congrats on your 800th blog post!

  20. You certainly had some beautiful photos to choose from! Great memories in these shots, I would hope.
    Thanks for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/04/bedtime-at-biltmore.html


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