
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Crops & Clips: Flashback to June, 2015

Perusing the 500+ photos in my archives from three years ago, in June, 2015 brought back wonderful memories. As usual, I searched for favorite memes: Skies, reflections, fences, all kinds of critters, and those photos which speak for themselves about places and seasons.

We started the month in our Florida home. June brings on the rainy season which also means the threat of hurricanes, but many mornings begin beautifully, even if a deluge is expected by afternoon. Sure enough, on June 1, as we headed back home from our early morning walk, clouds were already gathering over the ocean to the east:

Miramar Parkway 20150601

Fledgling Green Herons had attested to a successful breeding season in the rookery:

Green Heron juveniles interacting 2-20150601

Their interactions were amicable:

Green Heron juveniles interacting 20150601

Green Heron juveniles touching bills 20150601

Green Heron juvenile1 20150601

A Halloween Pennant dragonfly even seemed to have a friendly face:

Halloween Pennant face 20150607

A Brown Basilisk peered up from the grass...

Brown Basilisk detail 20150602

...as did a Raccoon:

Raccoon HDR 20150602

A Marsh Rabbit rejoiced in having eluded the Bobcats (so far):

Marsh Rabbit HDR 20150602

We're only up to June 2nd and have a surfeit of creatures, so I will skip ahead. It's hard to ignore this Northern Cardinal on June 5th...

Northern Cardinal 20150605.

...or this White Peacock on June 8th:

White Peacock 2-20150608

A Golden Sunrise on June 11th celebrated our Golden Wedding Anniversary (Plus 5):

Golden Sunrise HDR 20150611

Mary Lou and I set out on our Anniversary trip only three days later. We will ride the Rocky Mountaineer railroad train through the Canadian Rockies from Vancouver, British Columbia to Banff, Alberta.

Vancouver Harbor (sorry, I meant to say Harbour):

Vancouver Harbor 20150614

Our first sighting of big game was this herd of Bighorn Sheep along the rail line:

Bighorn Sheep2 20150616

The delightful train crew would serve our private car through three days of travel:

Train crew 20150616

So many wonderful sights! The sky over Thompson River Valley:

Clouds Thompson Valley 20150616

Thompson River, which I rendered here as an oil painting (click to enlarge):

Thompson River OIL 20150616

The rapids in Kicking Horse River:

Kicking Horse River rapids2 HDR 20150618

Fantastic Emerald Lake:

Emerald Lake HDR 20150618

On the final leg between Kamloops to Banff, gorgeous mountains..,

Mountain HDR 20150616

...and impossibly blue lakes:

Lake HDR 20150615

Freight train (and its reflection) coming our way!

Oncoming freight train 20150615

Bow Falls:

Bow Falls HDR 20150620

The river above Bow Falls (another oil painting edit):

Bow River just above falls OIL 20150620

Our objective-- three nights at the Fairmont Chateau at Lake Louise:

Fairmoont Chateau Lake Louise 2-20150618

Finally (not bored yet?),,, The view of Lake Louise at sunrise, from our hotel room:

Lake Louise sunrise HDR 20150620

Lake Louise, its waters milky with glacier dust:

Lake Louise reflections 3-20150620

C'est moi (Oh, to be eighty again!):

Ken at Lake Louise 20150620

I prepared this in advance and may miss my next Thursday morning post due to medical issues.

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. ah, ow

    You always got me with a pretty skyline or cute critter.

  2. Your photos remind me again that I live 200 km from Banff and have driven through this area many times. I've also hiked and back backed . Awesome photos.

  3. Wow - your landscapes and sky shots are amazing! Love the critters too.

  4. Beautiful photos, and I hope all is well medically! The Lake Louise photos really took me back. My wife and I did a ski vacation there many years ago (pre-children). It was our first introduction to cross-country skiing (on Lake Louise) and dog sledding! Actually, it was my first trip to Canada. Even in winter it's gorgeous!

  5. What a great post. Hope though that you are well and that you will have a great weekend. Diane

  6. Wonderful land/sky-scapes!! Hoping for a good outcome to your medical issue....

  7. Wonderful, beautiful photos!

  8. Sounds like you enjoyed your train ride out to Banff. I've been on that ride too, many years ago now. Banff and Lake Louise are certainly 'go to' places in our province.

  9. Wow! Breath-taking images Kenneth. Extraordinary macro of the dragonfly's eyes! Thank you for sharing the Rocky Mountaineer journey. I'm about to fly off to Vancouver Island again - this time for 3 months' house-sitting, so am hugely excited to be revisiting that glorious part of the world. Your photos always bring great delight; am disappointed that I've not been able to keep up with blogging these past few months as other demands in life have taken precedence! Wishing you good/better health

  10. Wonderful shots Kenneth! The emerald lake is amazing.
    Yep, you should some extra money in the bank soon. I was happy to be done with my condo. :-)

  11. Hello, happy Anniversary. The trip looks wonderful. I would love to see the Canadian Rockies. Awesome sighting of the Green Herons. It is a treat to see the fledglings. Pretty sky shots. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and weekend!

  12. Such beautiful photos! The skies and the lakes and the mountains, all amazing. Plus the birds and animals. Hope all is well!

  13. I hope you are okay. These are absolutely amazing pics!

  14. I hope your medical issues are in remission.

    Love the scenes from your trip! And, your green heron family photos. Also, I remember your anniversary is this month!! Happy days ahead... Thanks for linking in this week!

  15. Wow! What an incredible train trip! Gorgeous photos. Loved the close-ups too, especially that amazing dragonfly shot.

  16. These are great shots. And the dragonfly is so crisp and clear - very cool photos.
    Thanks for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/06/an-unusual-sighting.html

  17. Oh I can see a 100 water images and not be bored! The Kicking horse rive is stunning (not that I would want to white water raft here!). Hope everything will turn out okay with your medical issues, because at All Seasons we want around for a long time!! Hope for hurricanes turning away now you live there!

  18. That really is some scenery! I suppose that they are a bit mundane for you, but I'd love to see a racoon.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  19. Beautiful pictures, and landscapes, the herons look like punks, lol !

  20. Hope your medical issues are taken care of and all is well or close to it. As always such gorgeous pics you have shared. Great capture of the herons. Then the train ride, hotel and Lake Louise, all are just breathtaking. Thanks for allowing us to travel with you.

  21. What a walk down memory lane (for you and for me). Love the dragonfly and the basilisk (not sure I have ever seen one). Both sunrises are spectacular, but the Lake Louise one stands out for me because we just visited Lake Louise last August … a stunning location, to be sure.


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