
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Crops & Clips: Flashback to July, 2015

Once again, I am digging into the photo archives from three years ago, and finding images to depict my favorite memes: critters of all kinds, clouds, skies, reflections, fences, the seasons -- and scenes that speak for themselves. We started out the month at our condo in NE Illinois.

The creek in Glenwood Park, Batavia, on July 2:

Creek at Glenwood Park HDR 20150702

Butterfly Weed at Lippold Park:

Butterfly weed at Lippold Park 20150702

Yellow and gold adorned the prairie and its inhabitants.

American Goldfinch:

American Goldfinch 2-20150714

American Goldfinch 20150702

Common Yellowthroat:

Common Yellowthroat 5-20150703

Male Bobolink:

Bobolink male 20150703

Female Bobolink:

Bobolink female 20150703


Dickcissel 2-20150708

Eastern Meadowlark:

Eastern Meadowlark 20150712

Cedar Waxwing:

Cedar Waxwing 2-20150703

Black-eyed Susan:

Black-eyed Susan 20150712

Sunburst and clouds over Nelson Lake in Batavia:

Nelson Lake path HDR 20150714

We returned to Florida in mid-July, but found gold here as well, in this Needham's Skimmer:

.Needham's Skimmer 20150720

A Great Egret reflected on the lake's still surface:

Little Blue Heron 2-20150720

White Peacock:

White Peacock 2-20150720

A Wild Hibiscus bloomed at Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge:

Swamp Hibiscus 20150722

Smooth-billed Anis nested at Loxahatchee:

Smooth-billed Ani 2-20150722

Close-up crop of the ani:

Smooth-billed Ani detail 20150722

Buttermilk sky over the local Wounded Wetlands on July 30:

Buttermilk Sky HDR 20150730

End-of-month Phaon Crescent:

Phaeon Crescent, 20150729

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. I need a longer lense so I can capture some of those critters like you.

  2. I thoroughly enjoy Roseyfinch Ramblings. It encompasses my inner , hearfelt emotions of life. It brings me to my inner peace and grounds me in the joys I know are important in my life. I wish more people could appreciate God's creations; internalizing this bliss while sharing it with others in their own fashionas you do so eloquently. Thank you Ken!

  3. Nice colouring! Beautiful species. Gr. John

  4. This ramble today was lovely. All the birds and nature photos were beautiful.

  5. I always enjoy seeing your archive shots. One of my favorites from this group is the White Peacock butterfly!

  6. Cedar Waxwing birds are such awesome looking creatures. These photos are absolutely amazing, you are very definitely talented at capturing photos.
    World of Animals

  7. nature is spellbindlingly lovely

  8. You take beautiful photos of the critters! I like the sky shots too!

  9. Hello, wonderful collection of birds. I love the Bobolink, the Smooth-billed Ani is a cool bird. Love the pretty flowers and butterfly. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend! PS, thanks for the comment too.

  10. A splendid selection of birds and others, pretty scenery and flowers too.

  11. Here in Texas we have the groove-billed ani. Loved all your clips...my favorites are the first goldfinch & the wild hibiscus (of which I've not seen before).

    Thanks for hoppibg over & linking up today!

  12. What a lovely place to explore and so many beautiful creatures to discover. Lucky you! Have a great week.

  13. Some of my favorite birds (love the Cedar Waxwing) and flowers in your post today. Beautiful sky photo as well.

  14. July in the midwest is so green. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live somewhere where it is green most of the time. I wonder if that's how the saying "grass is greener" came about. Your photos are awesome. The Needham's Skinner reminds me of a tiny monkey with wings. :-)

  15. Oh the peacock butterfly is gorgeous - is the last one a butterfly or a moth (because of the more faded appearance...)? Can't help the finches are cute:) Many thanks for relating these details in nature with All Seasons!
    Thank you for your comment about my art - psychology helped me to realize I won't be able to please everyone. Also found out that people are much more accepting of the "truth" when depicted in a painting, than verbalized in words )hitting too deep too soon for some, I guess). Enjoy your week!

  16. In reply to Jeannette, the last photo depicts a butterfly species, a member of a group called Crescents. This type is more common in the southeast. Up north we had Pearl Crescents which did not have the bright cream-colored wing streaks (actually series of spots).

  17. Wondeful photos as always and also as always envious not only of your sightings and photography talents, but also of your organizational skills! My archives are such a mess. The birds I would most love to see and identify in this post are the bobolinks and the dicksissel. Maybe someday....

  18. Fantastic captures! What lovely visitors.


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