
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Crops & Clips: Flashback to October 2015

Once again we peer through the retrospectroscope to refresh our memories of three years ago, searching the archives for favorite memes such as critters of all kinds (especially birds, flowers and butterflies), scenes of fences, skies, reflections and images which speak for themselves. 

We spent the entire month of October, 2015 at our permanent home in south Florida. As is our custom, MaryLou and I walked out into our local Wounded Wetlands well before sunrise to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and experience the wonder as nature raised the curtrain on a new day.

Photography is almost impossible in the first light of dawn, but the camera does pierce the gloom to some degree. We could barely see these four female White-tailed Deer, yet I felt that their placement and their forms were more important than the missing details, so I processed this photo as an oil painting with large brush strokes (click on photo to see texture):

Does in the dark OIL2 20151027

Sunrises sometimes provided a full color palette:

Sunrise HDR 20151021

Sunrise HDR 20151026

No hurricanes threatened, but a buttermilk sky portended a change in weather:

Buttermilk Sky HDR 20151027

Although it is an abundant winter visitor, morning light added uncommon beauty to a Palm Warbler and ripening Brazilian Pepper berries:

Palm Warbler 2-20151030

Other fall migrants had arrived. Among them, Yellow-throated Warbler...

Yellow-throated Warbler 20151015

...American Redstart...

American Redstart 2-20151015

...Black-throated Green Warbler...

Black-throated Green Warbler 7-20151016

...Northern Parula...

Northern Parula 7-20151013


Ovenbird 3-20151006

...Black-throated Blue Warbler:

Black-throated Blue Warbler 4-20151014

Yet, not to be overlooked was the beauty of our common permanent residents, such as this female Northern Flicker...

Northern Flicker 2-cool 20151011

...a stately Great Blue Heron...

Great Blue Heron 20151027

...a demure White-winged Dove...

White-winged Dove 2-20151017

...and a Blue Jay enjoying a bountiful acorn harvest...

Blue Jay heaven 2-20151026

...shared with a Gray Squirrel:

Gray Squirrel 2-20151025

Among the butterflies, a Long-tailed Skipper:

Long-tailed Skipper 20151027

How long had this Bobcat been staring at me from the side of the trail?

Bobcat DARK 02-20151020

Bobcat Portrait 01-20151020

The flower of the month was a wild white Water Lily:

Water Lily 20151001
= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. So many great photos. Love the bobcat captures. Such a pretty animal!

  2. lovely all the many differences a sunrise bring. All your potographs as usual are stunning and it was lovely to get a shot at the bob cat but my favvourite is that fabulous water lily Kenneth. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Another wonderful series of captures Kenneth. That second sunrise shot is spectacular! Of course the Squirrel and Bobcat are captivating too. Happy weekend to you and yours.

  4. Beautiful sunrise and critters. Thanks for sharing your retrospectroscope pics.

  5. Hello, your sunrise is gorgeous. I love all your warblers and birds. The Bobcat is cool too, great sightings and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks for the comment on my blog for the PeWee id.

  6. Some very colourful birds. I especially like the Yellow-throated Warbler

  7. The bobcat is an amazing photo! And I love the Heron photo....looks like a painting!

  8. Incredible!! Absolutely incredible! So defined, so perfectly captured...each & all.

    Your linked up post, today at I'd Rather B Birdin', is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  9. The reflection is simply amazing!

  10. Every photo is beautiful the birds, and that gorgeous bobcat!

  11. Couldn't agree with you more about the run rises - amazing! As well as the "painted" deer:) The Am. Redstart and the North. Flicker have great fall colors. This dove looks elegant. Meant to ask you before how far you were from the hurricane Florence, but since you didn't mention it, hope you were at a safe distance? Many thanks for the sharing of the joys of fall with All Seasons!
    From your comment about rust, guess you don't mind rust:)

  12. That must've been a very pleasant surprise to look up and see the bobcat watching you. It looks like it has decided you're okay to be sharing the area with it.
    Your sunrise photos are spectacular.

  13. Marvelous shots!
    Thanks for joining this week's linkup at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/10/master-potter.html

  14. What a wonderful variety of beautiful bits of nature! the bobcat must have been quite a surprise.

  15. What beautiful birds, so much colour. Love the Bob cat. Cheers Diane

  16. Ken - another spectacular set of photos. I had a hard time moving past the third picture - very special indeed. But then, I have a soft spot for those Bobcat shots!!! Thanks for looking through the retro... whatever for us!


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