
Thursday, October 18, 2018

The eagles have landed

The 2017-18 breeding season was another success for the local pair of Bald Eagles. By mid-October 2017 they were working together to reconstruct their nest (click on images for enlarged views):

Bald Eagles work on nest 06-20171025

Egg-laying commenced during the second week of December and by mid-January 2018 the parents were observed feeding unseen eaglets in two positions. However, photos near the end of January revealed only one eaglet, so mortality of the second chick was presumed. 

The eaglet, called P Piney 19 (the 19th known hatchling produced at this nest) at 26 days of age on February 5:

Bald Eagle Pride with P Piney19 20180205

The eaglet, judged by its large size to be a female, fledged on April 2 and returned to the nest to be fed. She was free-flying on April 11, and often foraged with one of her parents:

Bald Eagle eaglet P Piney 19 04-20180411

"P Piney 19" lingered near the nest longer than usual and was last seen flying over the local wetlands with one of the adults on July 23, 2018:

Bald Eagle immature 07-0646AM 20180718 

Bald Eagle immature 06-0646AM 20180718

Interesting-- the eaglet was carrying some grass in her talons:

Bald Eagle immature 05-0646AM 20180718

Now the adults have returned to begin a new nesting cycle. Here they are, roosting in a tree near the nest on October 7, 2018. The male (Pride) is to the left, while his mate (Jewel) is perched higher up. Note that the male's smaller body is more tapered towards the tail end while Jewel is much more filled out "below the waist.:"

Bald Eagles - Pride and Jewel 01-20181007

The pair spent much time preening:

Bald Eagle female Jewel 01-20181007

Bald Eagle male Pride 01-20181007

When Pride finished preening he got all ruffled up:

Bald Eagle male Pride ruffled 05-20181007

Bald Eagle male Pride ruffled 06-20181007

A closeup of Jewel's talons shows the elongated hind toe (hallux), characteristic of the female:

Bald Eagle female Jewel talons 05-20181007

Jewel is checking out something on the ground below:

Bald Eagle female Jewel 04-20181007

Pride sees it too, but I do not have eagle eyes:

Bald Eagle male Pride portrait 09-20181007

The nest appeared to have some new sticks added:

Bald Eagle nest 20181007

A pink sunrise in early October:

Pink sunrise 20181007

Two female White-tailed Deer did not see me at first as they walked up to the guard rail of the unfinished road in the Wounded Wetlands:

White-tailed does 20181007

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display


  1. I would stay in observation for hours and hours...
    Great post!

  2. Fabulous images of the Eagles. WoW! Those talons are huge. Stunning sunrise Kenneth. Thanks once again for a wonderful post and have a great weekend

  3. Absolutely extraordinary!!

    Sharing this with us at I'd Rather B Birdin is appreciated...thanks!

  4. YAY for the eagles. Your photos are just stunning. Beautiful captures of the eagles. Love the sky shot and the deer too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and have a great new week. PS, thanks also for leaving a comment on my blog.

  5. Beautiful reflection! Bald eagles are amazing. I remember the first time I saw one. It wasn't that long ago.

  6. fabulous eagle photos...and a lovely sunrise reflection

  7. Marvelous shots of the eagles! Thanks for sharing them with us at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/10/currituck-beach-lighthouse.html

  8. Really fantastic! They are such incredible birds!

  9. A wonderful series, you are fortunate to be able to watch the nest.

  10. Whew I finally made it here! So interesting to track the life of the eagle - they are such beautiful birds.1 Like the captures of the ruffled feathers:) Thank you for your beautiful post for All Seasons and your comment about the little girl riding a rhino or some other animal - I thought the same! Hope your week was good and you accomplished much! Am enjoying mild weather in Southern Calif.:)


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