
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Crops & Clips: Flashback to October, 2016

Once again I am delving through the photo archives to remember life as it was three years back, in October of 2016. Enjoying favorite memes-- Critters of all kinds (especially birds), flowers and fences, blue skies, clouds and reflections, the excitement of the changing seasons, and scenes which speak for themselves.

We enjoyed nearly a month of fair weather at our condo in NE Illinois. We missed Category 5 Hurricane Matthew, the strongest storm of the 2016 season, which devastated Haiti and killed over 600 people. It skirted the Florida coast, produced high winds and floods, then struck the Carolinas and inflected massive damage to coastal areas in the southeastern US.

On October 2, three Sandhill Cranes suddenly showed up on the lawn at the front door of our condo. I had to back up in order to fit them into the frame:

Sandhill Cranes 20161001

Sandhill Crane portrait 2-20161001

At nearby Bliss Woods Forest Preserve, the footbridge over Blackberry Creek was undergoing needed repairs:

Blackberry Creek HDR 03-20161004

Tennessee Warbler at Bliss Woods:

Tennessee Warbler 02-20161004

An Eastern Bluebird greeted us at Nelson Lake preserve:

Eastern Bluebird 2-20161005

A Sedge Wren did a split:

Sedge Wren 04-20161018

Hyperactive Golden-crowned Kinglets flitted throgh the trees:

Golden-crowned Kinglet 05-20161009

Golden-crowned Kinglet 03-20161009

A flock of American White Pelicans wheeled over the Lake before settling down:

American White Pelicans 04-20161009

A Clouded Sulphur butterfly sipped nectar from a Purple  Aster:

Clouded Sulphur on Purple Aster 2-20161018

We enjoyed walks in the Hickory Knolls woodlands...

Hickory Knolls sign 20161010

...where I found a monster rhino in this really spookey tree:

Really spooky tree Monster-Rhino HDR 20161010

The Hickory Knolls woodlands end abruptly at the perimeter of a correctional facility, where autumn beauty was confined behind high fences and razor wire:

Fall Beauty Confined HDR 20161010

At Les Arends preserve, the Fox River branched around an island, creating a shaded side  stream:

Fox River at Les Arends HDR 20161014

A Great Egret reflected in the river's floodplain, reminding me of Florida:

Great Egret 20161013

Later in the month, sparrows, nuthatches, winter finches and more warblers arrived from northern breeding ranges. A White-throated Sparrow:

White-throated Sparrow 20161020

White-crowned Sparrow close up near a feeder on our daughter's deck::

White-crowned Sparrow portrait 06-20161014

Red-breasted Nuthatch seemed to defy gravity::

Red-breasted Nuthatch 07-20161013

Red-breasted Nuthatch 05-20161013

Male Purple Finch:

Purple Finch male 20161017

Orange-crowned Warbler:

Orange-crowned Warbler 2-20161020

The sumac thicket had turned red:

Sumac Thicket HDR 20161017

Back in Florida at month's end, a Great Blue Heron posed nicely:(October 31):

Great Blue Heron 2-20161031

Cloudy morning on October 31:

Pine Bank cloudy sunrise HDR  20161031
= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. It is great to look back on beautiful walks and a very pleasing selection of birds. The juxtaposition of the prison and the splendid colours of fall has an air of sadness about it.

  2. Pretty exciting to have Sandhill Cranes right outside your front door!! I agree with David (above) about the razor wire shot. Such an interesting photo!

  3. Gorgeous photos - I've never seen such a fall colored tree in my area (Tampa Bay) amazing

  4. Excellent shots. The crane photography is absolutely beautiful. The green in the background is so bright and striking.

  5. Hello, looks like a beautiful preserve. Wonderful birds and sightings. I love the cute Kinglet and the Nuthatch. The Sandhill Cranes are lovely birds. The sumac is a pretty red color. Great post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank for the comment and visit.

  6. Beautiful bird photos.
    Love the cranes and the photo of the wren :)

  7. Sandhill Cranes at your doorstep! Amazing! They are at the top of my list of birds I hope to see someday.
    Great photos of all the birds, love the pretty butterfly!
    Beautiful scenery, too!

  8. I like your monster Rhino! It's fun to look back and I would have guessed the Sandhill Cranes were taken her in FL! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. That was restful to scroll through and savor.

  10. I can see the rhino! I love ding shapes in cliuds and trees like you did today. And that close-up portrait of the sandhill crane is truly my favorite today!! Extraordinary.

    Happy weekend and thanks for joining us at I'd Rather B Birdin.

  11. A nice collection of birds! The two cranes in the top photo seem to be marching together.

  12. Love that wren - I think its been to a few more flexibility classes than me!!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  13. Wonderful photos! I love to revisit my memories, too. Have a wonderful week!

  14. Enjoyed this nature walk through your wonderful photos! Thank-you!

  15. That little birdie having his legs spread apart, makes me laugh! Also, when birds go upside down, I wish that I could do that, lol. As always a variety of wonderful images Ken!

    Thank you so much for your comment on my painting of Ps. 24! But --- you forgot to give your link for the linky list! Hope you can find some time this week to do that!
    If I don't respond right away it is because the electric Co. would shut off the electricity as fire prevention, for Wed. and Thurs., so I won't be reachable those days. Have a great Fall week!

  16. Absolutely stunning photos of all the wildlife in your area! Glad the hurricane missed you

  17. That was a terrific look back, Ken! What a wonderful collection of birds you have in Illinois! It's neat to be able to see some of the passerines in their breeding plumage, then travel to Florida and catch them in their winter clothing!

    Leave it to a Great Blue Heron to welcome you home.

  18. Wonderful photos! I love that some of them are funny.

  19. These are lovely nature shots. I particularly love your cloudy morning sky. Something special and surreal about it. :)

    Hoping across from:

  20. Beautiful photos!
    Thank you for joining us this week at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/10/shades-of-yelllow.html

  21. Many thanks for linking up your photo for the linky list for All Seaons, Ken! Greatly appreciated! sorry, a late response, the electricity co. decided to shut off the electricity for 3 (or more?) days, but Hubs found a way to make the wifi work!


Thank you for visiting Rosyfinch Ramblings! I will enjoy a visit to your page just as soon as possible. Some anonymous comments and some containing active links may not be accepted.