
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Yellow-throated Warbler

Admittedly, I have some favorite birds among the locals we see out in the Wounded Wetlands. This one is a rather dull monochrome black and white nymph, save for a bright yellow throat which it seems so happy to display. 

It is a true "southerner" among the warblers, breeding throughout  much of the southeastern US but mostly farther north of us on the Florida peninsula. Many spend their winters here in south Florida. It is in the process of invading the more northern States. I even photographed some which were breeding near our (then) second home in northeastern Illinois. 

The Yellow-throated Warbler loves to forage high in the trees, often creeping along gleaning insects among the leaves. :

Yellow-throated Warbler 05-20191129

These elusive habits frustrate my photographic preferences. I encountered one on November 29. I had fleeting views

Yellow-throated Warbler 01-20191129

Yellow-throated Warbler 03-20191129

Yellow-throated Warbler 07-20191129

On December 8, at another location, I was surprised when one of two which were foraging in a Live Oak posed out in the open for a few seconds, enough for burst of photos. The next four were among about a  dozen which I took during a two-second interval:

Yellow-throated Warbler 01-20191208

Yellow-throated Warbler 02-20191208

Yellow-throated Warbler 03-20191208

Yellow-throated Warbler 04-20191208

It showed itself on a higher branch:

Yellow-throated Warbler 05-20191208

Yellow-throated Warbler 06-20191208

They are rather solitary, sometimes appearing in pairs, but I have never encountered them in flocks. They seem disposed to flash their golden throat patches:

Yellow-throated Warbler 04-20191209

This is my first photograph of the species, back on March 1, 2010. It was in a palm tree:

Yellow-throated Warbler 20100301

In our our south Florida neighborhood they often glean insects among the flowers and fruit of the many Royal Palms, so high up that the birds are difficult to spot:

Royal Palm 20191129

Royal Palms carry clumps of both male and female flowers (the latter are to the left) in the same tree, along with ripening nut-like fruit. 

Royal Palm flower 20170121

The wispy male flowers attract many insects. Pollen sometimes covers the ground beneath a Royal Palm, "Florida snow:"

Royal Palm pollen 20170121

Here is MaryLou walking out in front of me with her flashlight just before 6:00 AM on December 11, nearly an hour before sunrise. I took this photo with my new iPhone 11 Pro Max. The gravel road is lined with Royal Palms and the Full Cold Moon was setting in front of us. It was almost pitch dark save for the waning moonlight. Remarkably, the low-light resolution of this camera even captured the stars in the sky (click on image for enlarged view):

Walking in 0559AM 20191211

Here is an iPhone photo of the pine bank in the lake at 6:47 AM that morning, looking westward about five minutes before sunrise:

Pine Bank iPhone 20191208

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Love all these photos but the Yellow-throated Warbler is stunning, it is so pretty and your photos show off its markings so clearly. Have a good day, Diane

  2. I have just seen my computer has changed my details so to follow my bird blog you will need this link!!! Google updates have caused me a few problems with both computer and phone!!

  3. Hello Mr. Kenneth!
    Your photos are always magnificent. Congratulations.
    To you and your family, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
    M. Machado

  4. Wow, such great bird pics. Very sharp. In addition to your obvious skill, you have much more patience than I do. I want the birds to fly in close and be still while I fiddle with the camera. So far they refuse to cooperate.

  5. Beautiful captures of the Yellow-throated Warbler, and I like your sky shot. Happy Holidays!!

  6. That beautiful yellow throat makes him stand out in the trees

  7. What a beautiful, fascinating bird, it is so cute !!!
    Your photos are beautifully presented
    Happy Christmas!
    greetings Elke

  8. It's so good to see greens, and the lovely yellow warbler. I miss our birds

  9. Excellent shots! I would love to see a Yellow-throated Warbler.

  10. I really like the image of the warbler with opened wings!

    Thanks for sharing with us this week and adding your blog to I'd Rather B Birdin'

  11. What a gorgeous bird! Wonderful series.

  12. The palms are beautiful! For elusive birds, you did an excellent job in capturing them - they're also extremely beautiful in color! A very merry Christmas to you and your family, Ken. Your unfailing presence this year at All Seasons is much appreciated and loved! As well as your interesting and heartfelt comments:)

  13. You're right -- that warbler definitely seems to show off his yellow throat, lifting his beak in every picture. Your photos definitely capture his beauty, even though he can be elusive. Good photography.

  14. Hello Kenneth
    I wish you a nice end to the year
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and a great year 2020 with lots of health
    Many greetings

  15. What a delightful little warbler!
    Thanks for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/12/merry-christmas.html

  16. That is a great looking bird! Nice pictures too.

    Hope you have a great Christmas - Stewart M, Keswick, UK

  17. Hello, Awesome captures of the Warblers. It is a beauty! Sorry I am late commenting, I was away. I hope you had a very Happy Christmas. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks also for the comment and visit.


Thank you for visiting Rosyfinch Ramblings! I will enjoy a visit to your page just as soon as possible. Some anonymous comments and some containing active links may not be accepted.