
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Crops & Clips: Flashback to February, 2017

Three years ago we spent the entire month of February at home in south Florida. In reviewing over 1,000 photos I processed that month, I found many to illustrate favorite memes-- critters (especially birds), skyscapes, reflections, flowers, fences and scenes which speak for themselves. 

Highlight of the month was the delayed arrival of two eaglets in the local Bald Eagle nest, the 17th and 18th known offspring produced at this nest. In the prior breeding season, the parents suffered loss of their first brood. Undaunted, they nested again and produced two more eaglets which hatched in March, 2016, almost three months later than normal. 

Only one survived, and fledged in mid-June. It required the care and attention of the adults until mid-September. Normally, the eaglets would have been independent and migrating north by late May or early June. The demands placed upon the parents surely delayed their renovation of the nest and courtship.

The eaglets hatched respectively on or about February 5th and 8th. We were able to see and photograph the older eaglet for the first time on February 24: 

Bald Eaglet -P Piney 17-  2-20170224

Three days later, both eaglets posed as their mother (Jewel) roosted next to the nest:

Bald Eagle female and 2 eaglets 2-20170227

The elongated black object protruding up from the nest is the seed pod of the  Flamboyant Tree (Royal Poinciana). The leaves and seeds of this tree are toxic, containing cyanide and tannins. Some believe that the eagles deliberately collect them to deter nest parasites. However, these trees are common in the nearby residential areas and these branches may have been randomly selected.

Bald Eagle female and 2 eaglets 20170227

This is the male eagle (Pride) roosting nearby:

Bald Eagle male roosting 2-20170206

Morning rays:

Morning rays 20170203

Any day when we see a male Painted Bunting is a great day. Sadly, many are trapped for the illegal pet trade:

Painted Bunting 09-20170205

A perky squirrel perches on a fence:

Gray Squirrel 20170228

In the local rookery, a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron displayed to potential mates, although the females appeared to ignore him: 

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron displaying 20170226

A Great Egret foraged on a foggy morning:

Great Egret in fog 20170225

In the woodlands, we found a White-eyed Vireo...

White-eyed Vireo 01-20170224

...a female Red-bellied Woodpecker...

Red-bellied Woodpecker 02-20170224

...a male Common Yelllowthroat...

Common Yellowthroat 20170218

...a male Northern Cardinal...

Northern Cardinal male 2-20170206

...and his mate...

Northern Cardinal female 20170206

...a male Northern Flicker...

Northern Flicker male 20170216

...another flicker, golden in flight...

Northern Flicker 20170206

...and a Northern Parula (warbler):

Northern Parula 05-20170209

Walking in early, we found a curious red morph Eastern Screech-Owl:

Eastern Screech-Owl 02-20170219

The Brazilian Pepper is an invasive exotic plant, but the birds love it and their droppings help to spread its seeds. Gray Catbird:

Gray Catbird in Brazilian Pepper 20170225

A Prairie Warbler is more interested in eating the insects attracted to the berries:

Prairie Warbler 4-20170202

Royal Palms bear both male and female flowers. The spent male flower stems are in the foreground, and successively ripening crops of female buds and fruits are arrayed behind them. Look closely to see foraging Palm and Yellow-throated Warblers:

Palm and Yellow-throated Warblers 20170224

Spiny Orb-weaver Spider (aka "Crab Spider"):

Spiny Orb-Weaver 20170223

Along the path into the wetlands, sunrise and a crescent Moon:

Sunrise and crescent Moon 20170221

Wood Storks have newly occupied a rookery in Weston, a town about 10 miles to our north. I love to capture images as they glide in to join the flock:

Wood Stork in flight 07-20170220

Wood Stork in flight 05-20170220

Wood Stork in flight 02-20170220

On the lake, a Great Blue Heron, 15 minutes before sunrise:

Great Blue Heron 15 min before sunrise 20170226

Little Blue Heron:

Little Blue Heron 4-20170207

Lantana blossoms wrapped in spider silk:

Lantana blossoms wrapped in spider silk 2-20170214

The Snow Moon setting, 15 minutes after sunrise:

Snow Moon setting 15 min after sunrise 20170211

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to :

My Corner of the World

Fences Around the World

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Gorgeous photography. That's a very strange and interesting looking crab spider!

  2. Once again a fabulous posts filled with wonderful photography Kenneth. great capture of the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and that Spiny Orb-weaver Spider looks pretty interesting. Love the birds in flight adn the reflections. Have a great weekend.

  3. Your birds are always a pleasure to see and the skies make interesting backgrounds. Love these snaps :)

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  4. Hello, Beautiful birds, many reason not to leave home.. The Painted Bunting is a favorite along with the Night Heron. Great captures of the Wood Stork in flight. I love the eagles, eaglets and the screech owl. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for your visit and comment on my blog.

  5. Wonderful photos. The Yellow-crowned Night-Heron is spectacular!

  6. What a great set of photos, not sure about the spider though even if it is beautiful! Have a good week, Diane

  7. Extraordinary sky, terrific wildlife! That heron in full breeding display is outstanding!!

    thanks for linking up at I'd Rather B Birdin' this week.

    ~Hootin' Anni (aka Anni at I'd Rather B Birdin)

  8. Outstanding collection of birds and so well captured!

  9. Your eagle stories and captures are to me always a special treat. We don't live high enough to see them. Only vultures, lol. Many thanks for your comment for All Seasons, Ken.
    You probably did not know All Seasons somehow "fell off" your linky list. For last week and this week your thumbnail pic is missing. You can whenever to your convenience, still link till Friday noon! Thanks so much and have a beautiful week!

    1. Thanks for the reminder, JESH! I had trouble finding it and forgot. Done! P.S. I lost all my email addresses in a bad computer crash. Please drop me a line if you get a chance.

  10. Spectacular captures! That crab spider looks extraterrestrial!

    Have a nice day!

  11. Thought I had given you my email, but I don't see my comment - just to be sure, I'll give it again. junie15blooms (at) yahoo (.) com. Also meanwhile I found your original comment about your computer crsah! That must have been a very inconvenient setback!

  12. Beautiful birds! The vireo and owl are fantastic! Eagle nests are so impressive.


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