
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Crops & Clips: Flashback to May, 2017

A new month has arrived and as usual I look forward to my walk down Memory Lane, gleaning my photo archives from three years ago. I will be on the lookout for favorite memes: Critters (especially birds and butterflies), skies and reflections, fences and flowers, and scenes which speak for themselves. I found lots of color this month!

We spent the entire month at our (then) second home in NE Illinois. For a first bird of the month, what can be nicer than an Eastern Bluebird, at Bliss Woods, in Sugar Grove:

Eastern Bluebird male 4-20170503

Birding Bliss-- a bashful Yellow Warbler had returned to nest:

Yellow Warbler male 02-20170503

Yellow Warbler 05-20170503

Yellow Warbler 07-20170503

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak sang his heart out:

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 20170518

In our daughter's back yard in Batavia, a photogenic male House Finch...

House Finch 05-20170503

House Finch 02-20170503

...a Song Sparrow...

Song Sparrow 02-20170503

...and a Black-capped Chickadee:

Black-capped Chickadee 04-20170503

Overhead, a Red-tailed Hawk:

Red-tailed Hawk2- 20170518

Agramonte, their Tibetan Mastiff, placidly watched the birds along with us:

Agramonte - Tibetan Mastiff 20170503

At Les Arends Forest Preserve in their city, a Louisiana Waterthrush:

Louisiana Waterthrush 04-20170502

We visited the nearby Bald Eagle nest in the parking lot of Mooseheart School. Both adults were on the nest, tending to one of their two eaglets:

Bald Eagles feeding eaglets 20170502

American Robins are a treat. In south Florida we rarely see them, as occasional winter visitors:

American Robin male 20170502

We made frequent stops at convenient Dick Young/Nelson Lake preserve: 

Nelson Lake east entrance DARK 20170527

I rendered the red barn adjacent to Nelson Lake as an oil painting (click and enlarge for detail):

Barn OIL CROP 20170525

Nelson Lake east platform 20170526

White-breasted Nuthatch at nest hole:

White-breasted Nuthatch 06-20170528

Red-breasted Woodpecker:

Red-headed Woodpecker 02-20170528

Eastern Meadowlark:

Eastern Meadowlark 04-20170525

Swainson's Thrush:

Swainson's Thrush 20170521

American Goldfinch:

American Goldfinch 04-20170513

Scarlet Tanager:

Scarlet Tanager 01-20170510

Baltimore Oriole:

Baltimore Oriole 2-20170514

"Spink-spink" says the Bobolink:

Bobolink 02-20170525

At Lippold Park, the pond reflects the spring greenery:

Lippold Park boardwalk 02-20170521

Great Horned Owl with owlet at Fabyan Park:

Great Horned Owls 2-20170512

The unique fence around the Japanese Garden at Fabyan Park:

Japanese Garden fence 20170512

The handsome Lark Sparrows had returned to nest in a vacant lot near our condo. MaryLou discovered them. They were the first nesting pair ever recorded in Kane County. (I just found out that the Field Museum in Chicago uses this photo in its educational sparrow exhibit. I had given my permission and then forgot all about it):

Lark Sparrow 002-20170524

Nearby, an Eastern Kingbird:

Eastern Kingbird 04-20170522

An immature Bald Eagle flew over, probably a third year bird (over two years old):

Bald Eagle immature 3rd year 2-20170529

American Lady butterfly:

American Lady butterfly 20170522


Monarch 20170530

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Linking to:

Fences Around the World

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display



  1. What a great set of photos and as you say very colourful. Never the less my favourite is the two owls, beautiful. Hope all is well,stay safe, Diane

  2. Delightful photos Ken. The horned owl is fantastic!

  3. A beautiful collection of photos. The Yellow Warbler and owl stand out for me!

  4. all thoses birds are marvellous !!!

  5. A wonderful collection of birds and a nice reflection!

  6. Hello Ken, you picked some great birds and beautiful scenery and sky photos. I have so many favorite birds, the Owl, Meadowlark, Bobolink and the Lark Sparrow. They are not common birds for me to see here so they are special to me. Great post and beautiful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend. PS, thank you for the visit and comment.

  7. What a beautiful collection to delight us today. We'll be out on the Florida trails this afternoon and hope to see some pretty birds! Happy weekend!

  8. haven't seen a bluebird n so so long

  9. What a stunning selection of pictures. I love the little Yellow Warbler the most.

  10. Simply awesome! I can't say much else...but, awesome!! Your sharing today is much appreciated. Thank you for linking in!

  11. Amazing pics! Love seeing all the colorful birds. Have a wonderful week.

  12. You managed to share many of my very favorite birds in your post! And on top of that, my very favorite butterfly (the monarch!).

  13. You photo of the rose-breasted grosbeak is great! I was tickled to see a pair in our yard. They were just passing through and have now moved on.
    Thanks for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/05/a-surprise-visitor.html

  14. Your first bird is so pretty! Somehow most of these birds are very colorful A great shot of the eagles and nest! Your dog reminds me of a lion:) Love the horned owl - you captured it so well! Many thanks for this feast of birds for All Seasons, Ken! Have a beautiful week, Jesh

  15. Such amazingly beautiful photos! I especially like the monarch butterfly and the oriole. Thank you! Have a grand week!


  16. What a beautiful collection of birds. I LOVE the yellow warblers. I've never seen them around my way but wow, so vibrant! Thanks for sharing.

  17. You've got such a beautiful collection of bird photos and they are all so beautifully coloured. The Tibetan Mastiff is pretty handsome too.

  18. Your photos captured so many beautiful colors in nature. So vivid.

  19. Its really bird paradise. What an incredible beautiful lot of birds.

  20. Beautiful bird photos. I love bluebirds; I usually catch their back though when photographing them. Have a great day!

  21. I enjoyed everyone of your photos! Your photos gave me an opportunity to see some of these birds close up! thanks

  22. You always have gorgeous birds to share with us! Your barn painting is just excellent to see! And the big dog looks so very hugable :)

    Your corner is beautiful this week! Thanks for sharing it at the 'My Corner of the World' link up.


Thank you for visiting Rosyfinch Ramblings! I will enjoy a visit to your page just as soon as possible. Some anonymous comments and some containing active links may not be accepted.