
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Crops & Clips: Latest clicks

The rainy season is settling in. Several weeks before the "official" Atlantic hurricane season we were visited by a weather disturbance which developed near The Bahamas and threatened to develop into a tropical storm. This curtailed our morning walks for a few days. Just before the skies turned cloudy and the winds and rain started, I looked up over the wetlands to see...

...White Ibises in flight...

White Ibises 01-20200506

White Ibis 02-20200506

...a Bald Eagle, which appears to be "Pride," the male member of the pair which nests about 1 1/2 miles from our home...

Bald Eagle male Pride 01-20200428

...Mottled Ducks...

Mottled Ducks 01-20200513

...Wood Storks...

Wood Storks 1-20200511

...Green Heron...

Green Heron 01a-20200509

...Common Nighthawk...

Common Nighthawk 01-20200504

...and Monk Parakeet.

Monk Parakeet  06-20200504

Before sunrise, a poor image of a female Anhinga...:

Anhinga before sunrise 20200503

...which rested on a rock in the lake:

Anhinga 03- 20200511

Earlier, the Flower Moon had waned to gibbous...

Moon waning gibbous 20200512

...and Eastern Screech-Owls were active along the trail (notice that this one has caught a lizard):

Eastern Screech-Owl 01-20200511

Eastern Screech-Owl 05-20200511

Out in the dimly-lit wet prairie, I startled a White-tailed buck and doe:

White-tail buck 02-20200511

White-tail doe 04-20200511

Spending most of the day at home, confined to COVID-19 lockdown, I took advantage of the spare time to create a couple of composite photos--

A flock of ibises traversing the full Flower Moon before sunrise:

Moon Ibis Composite 20200507

Moon Ibises composite 2-20200508

A Tricolored Heron partially eclipsing the Moon:

Moon Tricolored Composite CROP 20200507

Back to reality, the back yard  birds provided a diversion. A Tricolored Heron caught sight of me and flew across the lake:

Tricolored Heron 03-20200506

Tricolored Heron 04-20200506

Through the back window, I watched a hungry European Starling youngster beg for grubs from Mom. I am glad that we do not use insecticides on our lawn: 

European Starlings 01-20200508

European Starlings 02-20200508

The day-old Full Flower Moon setting on May 7, before sunrise...

Full Flower Moon 05-20200507

...and after sunrise:

Full Flower Moon 06-20200507

Neighborhood kids enjoying a bit of freedom under watchful eyes of their Labradoodle:

Gone fishin'01- 20200515

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Fences Around the World

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Oh... glorious photos! I like the compositestoo.

  2. How many words can I think of to describe your magnificent photos... a lot! If I were asked to choose a favorite, it would be the female anhinga...(need to look that one up) resting on a rock in the lake.

  3. wow low the stream of birds with moon's backdrop

  4. I love seeing photos of birds in flight. Beautiful owl shot, and lovely sky shots!

  5. Großartige und Begeisterung auslösende Aufnahmen!

  6. Hi mister Kenneth!
    Magnificent photos as always.
    Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing.
    Good weekend!

  7. Kenneth! You are just so amazing to be able to photograph these birds sharply as they fly! That one eclipsing the moon is a mouth opener!!! Thanks for sharing these to us! Happy Weekeend!

  8. Really great bird photos, Ken. We have a lot of those, common Bald Eagle, Owls, Egrets, and a lot I don't know there names. We live in Southeast Texas, 18 years beside a National Forest, but now we've moved South more to be near our youngest daughter. Alligators and rabbits are protected in our area.
    I came to visit your reflection, gorgeous. We missed the large lake that bordered our moved-away-from suburb.
    My vote here is the Monk Parakeet. Very pretty and bright green parts.

  9. Fabulous bird flights shot Kenneth and I love how you experiment with the moon and birds together. Lovely reflection host and I notice ethe boys fishing are not social distancing but perhaps you do not have to do that like us in the UK. Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. So true, Margaret, I did notice this. There is no enforcement of the social distance. These kids are two brothers and a friend who is always over at their house, so the risk is probably minimal. Also, the breeze blows off the lake which further minimizes the spread of droplets. Nevertheless i will not make excuses for them. I actually was more interested in the dog's behavior. She was very engaged in their activities as they set up the chairs and opened the tackle boxes, but had settled down by the time I had retrieved my camera.

  10. Wow, Ken! These are all awesome captures of the birds. Love the Owl and Green Heron. The flights shots are amazing. Your sky and moon photos are beautiful. Great post, as always! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend! PS, your visit and comment are always appreciated.

  11. My goodness - the shots in this post are amazing, especially the ones of the various birds in flight. Your last photo reminds me of where we lived in Miramar, FL., before we moved to Saudi Arabia.

    1. Small world, Susie! We indeed live in Miramar, Florida. You possibly recognized the "regulation" fences mandated by the Homeowners Association. Happily, they do not obstruct the view of the lake.

  12. Hello Kenneth
    what a beautiful animal world you have, always a pleasure to look at you, very nice post
    Greetings Frank

  13. Wow!! What wonderful pictures of so many great looking birds.

  14. I like the name, labradoodle (did I spell that correctly?). Your images are superior this week Ken! All of them. What was most incredible was the moon/ibis...breathtaking. Thanks for joining us at I'd Rather B Birdin this week

  15. Amazing bird photos - wishing a happy Sunday!

  16. Wonderful photos! The starling being fed is amazing!

  17. The moon shots were wonderful. We've had lots of clouds this month so I didn't see it live. - Margy

  18. Your photos are stunning as always. Love the owl with lizard (though also, yuck!). Hope you've had a great weekend so far.

  19. I'm glad you pointed out the lizard caught by the owl - I had missed that entirely.
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful images at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/05/meet-tommy.html

  20. What amazing photos!!! The bald eagle is grand and the moon is supurb! Thank you!

  21. What beautiful photos! You have such a vast variety of birds to enjoy and photograph. Love the owl with his midnight snack! Enjoy your week.

  22. Love all these details, Ken! Your captures of these flying birds are so professional looking. You could easily contribute to National Geographic! The owl came so clear on there! And love the three boys fishing! Many thanks for sharing these with All Seasons. To come back you your last weeks comment - if you have braided your hair, I would love it if you send All Seasons a capture of that!! Have a great week, and hop this upcoming hurricane will fly over, Jesh

  23. These are fantastic photos from birds and place!!!

  24. Your bird shots are really amazing.

  25. wonderful. and specially birds with moon.

  26. Another superb collection of images, Ken!
    Sure glad you looked up for those first few before the clouds rolled in.

    Totally jealous of your Screech Owl - with prey, yet!! Very nice.

    We need the rain, so happy to be getting some. Of course, I'll still complain about it as I want to get outside and explore!

  27. Lovely set of photos but the owl is my favourite. Keep well, Diane

  28. We live in South Florida too for the winter and experienced that dreadful weather the past few days! I managed a walk this morning..your photos are exquisite and I'm impressed that you took up photography in 2008. I had been wanting to improve my photography for my blog, but I figured I was too old- maybe I should consider it. I would love to see a bald eagle in the wild- thanks so much.. I enjoyed every photo.


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