
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Crops & Clips: This week's clicks

We have missed a few morning walks due to weather, medical appointments and the weekly early morning grocery curbside pickup.  Photo opportunities are limited because we walk out into the wetlands in the dark, an hour before sunrise. 

The dark sky was an interesting backdrop for these flash photos of a Northern Flicker in a Maple tree along the trail:

A similar opportunity occurred  earlier this year with a male Northern Cardinal:

So far this autumn there were no unexpected sightings, but it was nice welcoming back some migrants and winter residents. Palm Warblers have arrived in good numbers. Many of these little tail-waggers will stay here until spring, populating residential lawns and gaining the nickname of "Florida Sparrows:" 

Most of the Palm Warblers are from the drab-plumage western population, which migrate in a southeasterly direction and cross migration routes of the eastern birds, most of which spend the winter to the west of Florida. Those from the northeast are more brightly colored. Here is an eastern "Yellow Palm Warbler" which I photographed locally back in February, 2020. Its undersides are entirely yellow with reddish streaks and it has a chestnut-colored cap: 

Northern Parula warblers are abundant, probing amid the leaves out to the tips of the branches:

I never pass by an opportunity to get a photo of a Yellow-throated Warbler. They are quite solitary and it is unusual to find more than one at a time:

Common Yellowthroats, reclusive little pot-bellied birds, are warblers which nest locally but whose numbers are greatly augmented by southbound visitors. The adult male has a black face mask and bright reddish brown cap:

Immature male yellowthroats will have full dark masks by springtime...

...while females lack masks but have rather conspicuous eye-rings:

Many Black-throated Blue Warblers have arrived. These are enjoying the berries of Trema trees near the Bald Eagle nest. This is a male:

The plumage of the female is subdued, but beautiful nonetheless:

After most disappeared in early spring to nest in coastal mangroves, the Prairie Warblers are back:

Perky Blue-gray Gnatcatchers can be distractions as they actively move through the trees and we try to distinguish between them and the warblers which are frquently their traveling companions:

Other arrivals included...

Ruby-throated Hummingbird (with its beak coated with pollen)...

...Eastern Phoebe (Its bright yellow undersides will bleach into white before it returns north in the spring)...

...and another flycatcher, the Eastern Wood-Pewee, which differs from the phoebe by having wing bars and eye rings:

A half hour before sunrise, this is a view from the Levee Trail of the "civilized" opposite side of the canal:

Fifteen minutes later, the sun emits crepuscular rays which stream out over the canal...

...and converge to the west over the Wounded Wetlands and the Everglades Preserve beyond:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Fences Around the World

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. The photo of the red cardinal is stunning! Such beautiful birds!

  2. Your pictures are amazing as always. Seeing the berries in their beaks was so cool!!!! Cardinal would make a great Christmas Card!!!

  3. Wonderful set of photos. The night shot of the Northern Flicker is amazing. The Northern Parula warblers are very pretty and the little Gnatcatcher is very cute. Love the sky shots as well.
    Keep safe Diane

  4. I looked at your pictures before I read your dialogue. I was wondering how you got the black background. Great effect. Wonderful night shots. Beautiful pictures as always. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Very happy I found your blog. I've been trying to get into The West Miramar WCA sense finding it on ebird.org last year. I finally parked at the end of Miramar Parkway this past Sunday afternoon and entered at the end of the fence line. The home owner was in his backyard bar-b-quing. He had no problem with my visit. I'm hoping to go back at day break soon.

    I'm enjoying your bio as well as the bird information you've taken the time to put together. Hopefully I'll run into you one day. I can tell you about a winter I spent in Santa Fe and the surround area. Best wishes.

  6. I never imagined that birdwatchers go out that early. night shots are quite interesting.

  7. Hello, Ken

    I cna not pick a favorite, I enjoyed all the birds and photos. Wonderful captures of the warblers, they are all beautiful. The Flicker shots are awesome. Your sky shots are beautiful, love the morning light and reflections. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Happy weekend to you! PS, thank you for the comment and visit too.

  8. Hello. Wonderful photos. I always get to know new birds when I look at the photos you've taken. Thank you for sharing.

  9. We sure live in a beautiful state! And we are seeing lots of Warblers this week too. I would love to be able to ID them all...but I can learn from your posts! Happy weekend!

  10. Incredible shots! I think I’ve only seen amazing bird shots like yours in things like National Geographic!

  11. The cardinal almost steals the show, but I really like the gnatcatcher.

  12. I haven't seen many warblers & now I know why...you have them all! Beautiful "night" shots.

    Thanks for linking in with us!

  13. Always enjoy your beautiful photo. Any way you'd want to work out a trade, a few of your "Florida sparrows" for some of my regular house sparrows? Ha! Hope you've had a wonderful weekend.

  14. Excellent shots! I like the photos of the cardinal in the darkness.

  15. Thank you for sharing this wonderful captures of nature.

    I enjoyed reading.

  16. This is the first time I've had a chance to visit for a while--so thank you for the lovely collection. I haven't been posting much lately, and do admire those who are so much more diligent than I am. You've inspired me to get back at it this week. Thanks for some lovely shots--both of birds and of clouds.

  17. I can "see" why you get out early in the a.m. since you reward all of us with such wonderful bird captures, Kenneth. I was enjoying all the warblers, but the blue-grey gnatcatcher was a handsome little bird. The sun across the clouds is always a lovely sight.

  18. The dark backdrop in those first couple of photos adds so much to the composition. Your photos are always a joy to see.

  19. You crack me up, Ken, being afraid you won't have another pose of the yellow throated warbler! Love that wing, and of course thw whole post is full of life, as always!

    Thank you for your fun comment about the purse, but.... you forgot to link your post. Must be the weather, there is another one who did the very same thing:) Please add your thumbnail to All Seasons - it's appreciated:):) Have a great bird week, Jesh

  20. Superb collection Ken - I particularly adore that second shot of the grey gnatcatcher! Keep safe

  21. Those warblers must takes me sorting out for beginners! Great shots - although the early ones with the flash do look a little odd!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  22. Superb photos of beautiful birds unfamiliar to me. Love the Common Yellowthroats, such glorious colour.

  23. I always love your photos - they never fail to please. Thanks for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/10/beauty-and-beach.html. I so appreciate your sharing.

  24. Gorgeous winged wonders. Love the cardinals though. I love you sky pictures so much.

    Thank you for joining me on #WW, Ken.


  25. My dear friend Kenneth, the first two photos are so stunning! It's like they were taken on a different environment, beautiful beautiful! Hope to see you on Timeless Thursdays this week my friend Kenneth :)

  26. I am always amazed at the variety of birds you capture so well! We don't have much in the way of variety here in New Zealand and I look forward to your beautiful finds :) I am not a morning person, but that sunrise might be a catalyst for early rising occasionally :)

    It's great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week !!


Thank you for visiting Rosyfinch Ramblings! I will enjoy a visit to your page just as soon as possible. Some anonymous comments and some containing active links may not be accepted.