
Thursday, December 3, 2020

Crops & Clips: Flashback to December, 2017

As I do each month, I enjoyed looking back over my archived photos, taken three years previously, to remember how things were then and maybe get some idea of what to expect this year. Of course, the last month of 2020 finds us locked down because of the Coronavirus pandemic, as we are at higher risk. As usual, I searched for images which reflected favorite memes: critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies and clouds, reflections, flowers and fences, as well as scenes which speak for themselves. 

December began with the setting of a Red Cold SuperMoon. As the skies started brightening, a Great Egret was mirrored on the quiet façade of the lakeside marsh. The wind stirred up the surface of the lake beyond a line of boulders to create a pleasant  two-tone effect:

On December 3, clouds threatened to obscure the Moon...

...but they quickly cleared and the Moon was bright in the sky:

It traveled through a smoky layer as the Sun rose:

This was the last I saw of it:

In the rookery, a female Anhinga was fast asleep as I drew near, so I made a quiet "whissssh" sound to awaken her:

Awake and alarmed, she expanded her translucent throat pouch:

Breeding season was still three months away, but several Yellow-crowned Night-Herons staked out claims for favored nesting spots:

A few fragile flowers clung to life on a coral rock:

A Yellow-throated Warbler posed momentarily for a rare open shot:

We had more than our share of foggy mornings. Some creatures appeared mysteriously out of the mist...

...a young White-tailed doe...

...another youngster, a near-sighted Opossum...

...and a tree-hugging Raccoon:

An immature Purple Gallinule was a pastel study of contortionism as it struggled to harvest the flowers and fruits of the Alligator Flags (so named because it often surrounds alligator holes where it can keep its roots wet all through the dry season):

There was so much more to remember-- this Tricolored Heron...

,,,a foggy sunrise on December 23...

...and finally, fog over the north wet prairie on December 31:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday

Wild Bird Wednesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. You sure have rambled far and wide, and have the photos to prove it. Just lovely.

  2. Your photos are outstanding! The bird photos so interesting, I'd never heard of Anhinga or Gallinule before.

  3. These are wonderful photos from the wildlife watching again.
    I am very impressed and marvel at the diversity.
    I'm glad I discovered your blog and added it to my reading list.
    so I never miss a post.
    Greetings from Germany

  4. The last wo times that I commented on your blog, it never showed up..I wrote a long paragraph about your Warblers on the last one..So..I'm dong this as a test..If it doesn't go through, please know that I will still be visiting just not commenting..I don't know what the problem is but there are 2-3 blogs like that..Wonderful series of photos including the scenery...Love the Deer and the Raccoon..Our White Tails are more red than those..Maybe the time of year??

  5. Stunning images! thank you for the lovely reminder of how beautiful this planet we live on is! Happy Holidays!

  6. The Gallinule photos are award winners! Beautiful background and color. Beautiful moon shot as well. I think I see a couple sock puppets in that cloud, looking at the moon!

  7. Hello, Ken
    I love all your sky and moon images. The Egret and the deer reflection are awesome. Great captures of the Purple Gallinule and the Anghinga. Cute shot of the Raccoon! Great collection of birds and critters. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  8. Absolutely incredible reflections of nature and as usual, you've introduced me to bird species I'd never heard of.

  9. How beautiful they are...each and every one! We saw some deer today and it really made the hike special!

  10. Wonderful photos, as always. Some of the birds and the raccoon are show-stoppers! Stay well.

  11. The commentary today had me right in the thick of it all today! That moon breaking from the cloud cover is one EXTRAORDINARY photo. And, my favorite is the series of the Gallinule!
    Thanks for joining us this weekend at IRBB!

  12. Fantastic shots! The deer reflections are incredible!

  13. Kenneth, you are blessed to have such beautiful nature all around you. You take such beautiful photos, the deer and the Anhinga are amazing. What lovely skies too!

  14. Thank you for (your always interesting) comment about living with difference in altitude. Yeah, I am not too fond of the lower altitude either!
    But I forgot to link your thumbnail to All Seasons. Last week too, but you didn't comment, so I thought maybe you were taking a week off.
    At your convenience, I would love it you could still add yours before Wednesday midnight - many thanks!!
    That huge red ball is amazing! Love the white (sun or moon?) too, and of course the birds...Have a peaceful week, Jesh

  15. Your photos are superb. Looking at them made me happy. Thanks.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  16. Appreciate you taking time to show All Seasons the colorful tr-colored heron, Ken. Hope you are doing well, and may all the coming hurricanes stay far away! Have a great birding week, Jesh

  17. Marvelous, wonderful photos. The 7th one is a stunner - should be enlarged and framed.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/12/i-miss-fall-colors.html

  18. your photography is always so amazing whether you capture birds of sunsets

  19. Amazing pictures! I love the wings on the Gallinule. I travel constantly but seeing your photos makes me think it would be special just to stay put and study just one beautiful place.

  20. Your flashbacks are very enjoyable. I feel I could look at your pictures forever, they are so artistically in tune with nature. The tricolored heron is a beautiful study in grace, and the purple gallinule is just so pretty in its pastel colors and the way it hunts for food. Wishing you a safe and wonderous holiday season.

  21. Thanks, Kenneth, for this look back at some of your archived photos. I too was unfamiliar with the Anhinga or Gallinule but enjoyed this introduction. It's the same now for most photo enthusiasts who are unable to get out and take photos. Happy Holidays to you.

  22. What a wonderful series of memories! Your photos are always a pleasure to peruse.

    Your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week is an exciting addition! Thanks for joining us!


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