
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Crops & Clips: Flashback three years to March, 2018

Going through the archived photos from past years excites fond memories and often gives me an idea of what may again be out there in the wild this year. March is a month of transition, as winter residents depart and spring migrants start arriving. During February my daily bird sightings can become a bit monotonous as the same twenty or so species seem tp show up every morning. However, by late March there is greater diversity. I look for favorite themes and memes in the monthly collection-- critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies and reflections, flowers and fences. 

We spent the entire month at home in south Florida. Our morning walk on March 1st yielded nice photos of a Green Heron in subdued morning light:

Red-wing Blackbirds males had returned earlier to set up territories and now were rounding up harems: 

Females were present in greater numbers:

A male Boat-tailed Grackle seemed to be checking his reflection:

Overhead on the first day of March were Bald Eagles, one carrying a small fish...

...and a Wood Stork:

A male Bobcat crossed in front of us on March 2. Males occupy a very large territory (in roadless wilderness habitat, up to 30 square miles vs about 6 square miles for females) and visit several females during the breeding season, which peaks in February and March:

This Tricolored Heron's bill was turning blue, an indication that it is approaching breeding condition:

Although streaky and dull for most of the year, the head of this male Yellow-crowned Night-Heron turns clear with a yellow wash and its legs turn from gray to red as spring approaches:

Later in the month, a male extended his scapular plumes in a courtship display.

Pileated Woodpeckers had become more vocal and conspicuous. This is a female. The male has a red "mustache:":

A Northern Harrier male "Gray Ghost" searched for prey over the wetlands:

Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers would soon be migrating back to their northern breeding range:

Northern Cardinals were in full breeding plumage:

Great Crested Flycatchers would soon be breeding:

At the local nest, the adult Bald Eagle (Pride) was tending to the one surviving eaglet

Still present on March 17th, the Yellow-rumped Warblers will have migrated far to the north before the month's end:

American Kestrels would also soon abandon their winter range:

Killdeer were courting:

Prairie Warblers were with us most of the year but would soon undertake a "lateral" migration to nest in the coastal mangroves:

The prior year, for the first time ever, Wood Storks were recorded breeding on an island in a city park to our north. They had returned. On March 27 I counted over 100 adults:

Great Blue Heron on March 28:

A pregnant White-tailed doe was a sure sign of spring:

Sunlight breaking through the fog on March 17:

Up North, the ground was beginning to thaw, hence the Farmer's Almanac name for March's full Moon-- the Worm Moon.

Full Worm Moon on March 3:

Waning crescent on March 13:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Nature Thursday

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Wonderful photos! Good idea to look back. I love this transition, as the sun warms, and birds arrive.

  2. Wow! That night-heron is sooo beautiful! But the green heron really caught my eye, especially with the overall drama you ha don that photo series Kenneth, it's just so beautiful and very wildlife-y! Stay safe brother Kenneth and stay hydrated! Summer has started here in the Philippines, heat for me is a big hate haha

  3. Beautiful series of pictures, Kenneth. Love the Wood Storks.Nice moon series.

  4. As always a fabulous set of photos. Keep safe Diane

  5. Dear nature lover,
    as always, I marvel at these wonderful photos!

    But I think. you forgot to link it in my Cahllenge: Der-Natur-Donerstag. "
    There is still time for it today.
    Warm greetings from Germany

  6. What a great bunch of fabulous pictures!

  7. I love the beautiful blurred backgrounds in the first two photos, and fantastic moon shots!

  8. You got a few great reflections but the moon shots are magnificent!

  9. You have the eye and the skill for bird photographs!!

  10. Beautiful photos. I especially like the Green Heron and the Flycatcher. Just fabulous.

  11. Hello Ken,
    The Green Heron is one of my many favorite birds, great lighting and photos. Your bird and photos are all beautiful, it is hard to pick a favorite. I have so many Like the Gray Ghost, the YC Night Heron and the GC Flycatcher, the Eagle with the eaglet and the Wood Storks. Your sky and moon captures are lovely. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for visiting and leaving me a comment.

  12. Wonderful series. Great look back!

  13. I always appreciate not only seeing your photos of these beautiful birds, Kenneth, but the names and some information. While I have seen some, there are many more that may never be seen except in your posts, so thanks again.

  14. Hello Ken,:=) A fabulous selection of photos, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them all.

  15. I love seeing your photos and enjoy knowing more about the birds and critters we have here in Florida. We've been seeing quite a few Bobcat tracks so I hope we get to see one soon. Happy weekend!

  16. Wow! Those moon photos are spectacular. Great image of the storks breeding/nesting. And the night heron all dressed up in displaying its desire is terrific.
    For taking time from your day to share your photos with us at IRBB, I send along my thanks!

  17. Fabulous photos! I enjoyed this look back also!

  18. Interesting bird photos and the moon reflection is amazing!

  19. Wow ! Beautiful capture of bird pictures ,especially loved the Male Night Heron extending its wings, It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening, Nature and birds here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2021/03/garden-affair-spring-flower-bellis.html

  20. The heron's courtship display is outstanding! Of course all your photos are!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/03/springtime.html

  21. Great series of photos. The bald eagle with the fish was one of my favourites.

  22. You first two images have such a beautiful light. Interesting how you showed how birds colors and feathers change, right before they mate. And the moon: sublime! Wow, how the time flies 2018 already 3 years ago! Many thanks Ken for showing your always interesting posts to All Seasons, Jesh
    PS the woodstork are looking so aharp in black and white. In the Netherlands they are all white.

  23. Lovely as always. The green heron is so beautiful.

  24. As always, I am in awe of your bird images! The storks are just fabulous.

    Your link is a welcome addition to My Corner of the World' this week!

  25. Wow.... great post.
    Hi Ken, it wont be long here in the UK until I can get out with my birding pal and see what March and April has to offer in the spring transition of the birding world.

    The setting moon, glorious

  26. I had my eyes on the avian wonders but my eye balls popping out at the moon in it's wondrous avatars, and the sunrise picture. What I would do to take walks like these...

    Floored as always by your fascinating collection, Ken.

    Stay safe and keep enchanting us with your wilderness wonders.


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