
Thursday, April 15, 2021

An overdose of flying eagles

On April 7 I arrived at the local Bald Eagle nest at about 9:45 AM and had just missed lots of action, according to the several watchers already present. The female (Jewel) was roosting quietly in the tall tree just east of the nest and the two eaglets were quite active in the nest.

The eaglets were just about one month old and there was a noticeable difference between the first-hatched eaglet (P Piney 26) and the smaller and still downy younger sibling (P Piney 27). Their names indicate that they are the 26th and 27th eaglets known to have hatched in this nest (and the newly constructed alternative nest).  Since we started watching the nest in 2007, 19 eaglets have survived to fledge successfully. 

After more than an hour I decided to call it quits, though Luis and Lazaro remained on watch. I was walking to my car when a couple of families with young children stopped and asked about the eagles. I returned to the nest area and helped them see the roosting female as well as the eaglets. 

Then, just as I was leaving, my good deed went unpunished, as Jewel suddenly propelled from her perch and flew out to pluck some fresh leaves from an Australian Pine (These trees are not pines and do not have needles-- they are twigs covered by tiny leaves, and also are aromatic and oily. Perhaps they repel nest parasites). 

As she flew over my head to return to the nest I captured a series of flight photos which made me happy to be an eagle lover. The sky was magnificently blue with puffy white clouds.

In the local wetlands, conditions have been dry enough to allow me to explore my favorite Bar Ditch Trail. Sometimes it remains underwater the entire year. This is a view to the east just before sunrise:

In nearby Weston, the Wood Stork colony in the rookery contained about 30 nests. On the main island, I counted over 85 adults and sub-adult storks, plus many nestlings:

A Glossy Ibis foraged along the shore of the lake:

We will be busy with our granddaughter's Quinceañera (Spanish pronunciation: [kinsea-ɲeɾa]; feminine form of "15-year-old") celebration. Because of the pandemic, it has been postponed three times. Rosyfinch Ramblings will go on autopilot for a couple of weeks. Call me technologically impaired, but I do not enjoy working from iPhone. Thank you for visiting!  

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Kenneth, I would have loved to be in your back pocket that day! Successful fledge is exhilarating and even more so knowing the data!! I remember all too well the two fledglings from a nest I monitor and their playfulness in the sky...jp

  2. The eagles are magnificent and I love your sunrise shot - beautiful!

  3. Wow, such impressive pictures from an Eagle.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Best regards

  4. You can never have an overdose of eagles. These are wonderful photos.

  5. Those were some magnificent eagle shots, as usual, Kenneth. Hope that your granddaughter's Quinceañera celebration turns out to be very special and especially with family there to help her celebrate.

  6. The eagles in flight look so majestic. Really beautiful photos. Must be hard to keep a bird in flight in sharp focus.

  7. Hello Kenneth
    To experience something like this live and in real life is something special, here in Germany it is not possible.
    Greetings Frank

  8. Wow beautiful photos and I am so jealous of these magnificent sightings.
    Keep well Diane

  9. Extraordinary eagle flight photos!!!

    Thanks for adding the link to this marvelous post at IRBB

  10. Marvelous photos, each and every one!
    Thanks, Kenneth, for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/04/north-carolinas-pollen-season.html

  11. Eagles are never an overdose for me:):) Sometimes going on the internet is a hassle (depending on how willing the people in the hotels are). We like to go to where they have easy internet access instead, like Barnes and Nobles and Starbucks). Have a great and safe trip, Jesh

  12. A great series of photos showing the eagle's flight. How fortunate to be watching the fledglings develop.

  13. Hello Ken,
    Sorry I am late visiting. I love seeing the Eaglets and the Eagles, so glad they are doing well. Great captures of the Wood Storks. Your sky shots are lovely. Looks like you had a great day, wonderful photos. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great week ahead.

  14. These are some fantastic photos of the eagles. It's good to hear that the little ones are doing well and the new nest is in working order!

    Your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week is a wonderful addition!

  15. Dear Ken,

    I'm so sorry I havent stopped by in a while. Was on a healing break. Still am. Things are fairly awry here in my part of the world with the pandemic and I'm taking time to give back in whatever way I can. Simultaneously while I heal and reclaim. And help others and family in the process too.

    These pictures of Jewel and her roost and eaglets makes me smile, each time. The glossy Ibis is one handsome dude and your sunrises are always to die for.

    Take card both you and Marie Lou. I send you loving thoughts, prayers and light.

    Have a blissful weekend.


Thank you for visiting Rosyfinch Ramblings! I will enjoy a visit to your page just as soon as possible. Some anonymous comments and some containing active links may not be accepted.