
Thursday, October 28, 2021

My Patch list # 1-10

My health condition now (hopefully temporarily) prevents me from straying very far from home. Therefore I will take advantage of my forced leisure to reflect on the birds I have seen since moving from New Mexico to south Florida. This list only includes bird species seen in our back yard and the preserve adjacent to our home, the West Miramar Water Conservation Area in Broward County, Florida (AKA "Wounded Wetlands"). 

We moved to Florida in 2004, but I only started to report sightings on eBird late in 2008. I did not take up photography until 2008 and deemed two of my earlier sightings important enough to report retroactively. I  picked out a representative photo of each species, not necessarily the first one taken, but always one among many from the Wounded Wetlands. My checklist includes a total of 185 species to date for this location, most of which I eventually photographed here. 

# 1. American Flamingo, 12 Jul 2005

I was fishing in our back yard lake when I looked up in amazement as a flock of four long-legged, crooked-billed flamingos coursed from south to north right over in front of me. I was not sure at the time that this was a most unusual sighting, indeed the first flock reported locally in several years. I saw four again over the lake the next evening, flying almost the same course. 

Flamingos once roamed extensively over South Florida, but in recent years the only reliable sightings were of a flock at the southern tip of the peninsula at Snake Bight. Inquiries about all known captive flamingos confirmed that none had escaped. Here is a photo of those in the nearest flock, confined in Flamingo Gardens:

I put the word out on the Internet and others discovered them, a flock of "seven or eight or up to twenty" foraging in a wetland preserve adjacent to the north end of my Patch. I was not carrying a camera, but David Tringo, a neighbor, took this photo and kindly permitted me to publish it: 

# 2. Savannah Sparrow, 26 Dec 2008. This is a photo of one in November, 2018:

# 3. Rock Pigeon, 23 Oct 2009. That day I photographed a feral albino specimen, very likely an escapee from a wedding celebration or peace demonstration:

# 4. White-winged Dove, 23 Oct 2009. This one was looking for nesting materials on our driveway:

# 5. Mourning Dove. 23 Oct 2009. 

# 6. Killdeer, 23 Oct 2009

# 7. Anhinga, 23 Oct 2009

# 8. Double-crested Cormorant, 23 Oct 2009

# 9. Great Blue Heron, 23 Oct 2009

# 10. Great Egret, 23 Oct 2009

Our walks usually started out about an hour before sunrise, to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and listen to the owls and nightjars. The peninsula in the wetlands lake provided a wide open view over the Everglades to the west.   An advantage to being a stay-at-home birder is that I can see the sunrise on the eastern horizon, which is obscured by the trees out in the wetlands. 

The morning after I got home from the hospital this was the view of sunrise from our back patio:

A flock of White Ibises foraged on the lawn of a home across the lake:

Later in the day the overcast sky provided a shadow-less view of a Great Egret, which hurried along our lawn. It appeared to be intently watching a prey item along the shore:

It plunged and came up with a small Peacock Bass:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Garden Affair

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Hello Ken,:=) First of all I send you good wishes for a speedy recovery. I didn't know you had been ill. All your photos are delightful. Your neighbour took a wonderful image of the Flamingos. The lake views are stunning images and I particularly liked your last photo, the Anhinga, and the Killdeer captures.

  2. Hi Kenneth! :) The sky photos are so lovely!!! You definitely live in a beautiful area of our world, LOVE the flamingo photos too! :)

  3. Those morning clouds are fantastic, as are the bird photographs.

  4. I hope that you are soon able to be out and about..That's quite an assortment of birds..Beautiful pictures..Lovely sunrise..Love the shot of the Great Egret with the Bass..Good catch for both of you..Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Beautiful photographs!
    Terrific list!

    You remain in our thoughts.

  6. Kenneth, while your health issues may be restricting you somewhat now, hopefully you will be able to be out and about in the future. That said, I am always appreciative of the beautiful sunrises and sunsets and bird life you include in these posts.

  7. Beautiful birds and photos. I hope you are feeling better, sending well wishes for a speedy recovery! Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  8. Those photos are fantastic. I'm sorry your health is causing a problem - but you are still seeing a lot when you get out and about, even if not far. Take care. And thanks for joining in #Allseasons. The lake photos are just stunning and the last capture is the perfect moment. But got to say, a flamingo still has wow factor for me, just for being itself!

  9. Hoping to hear you're on the mend. Even slowed down with health issues, you share gorgeous photos. Heal, my friend!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/11/the-return-of-butterfly.html

  10. Hello Ken,
    Your lake/sky images are gorgeous! I love the Egret, such a beautiful bird.
    It would be cool to see the flamingos in the wild from your your. Great series of photos. I hope you are feeling better! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Your health is most important!! Hope you see improvement soon Ken!!

    I enjoyed all your images & look forward to more. Thanks so much for sharing with us at IRBB.

  12. What beauties, as always :)

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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