
Friday, March 25, 2022

Spring is here!

We greatly anticipate the arrival of northbound migrants during the next few weeks. 

Eastern Bluebirds are exploring both of the nest boxes in the back yard. All my photos are taken through the windows so they are a bit soft.

The female perched atop the roof of the box at the rear (west) edge of the lawn:

The male bluebird flew over to join her as she entered the nest hole:

The other nest box is to the north. That male alighted in a nearby tree and then visited the suet feeder:

He flew to the nest box:

The female then chased after him:

The Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Juncos are departing. We had only three visitors Instead of over a dozen:

One of the two White-throated Sparrows we saw today had molted into sleek breeding plumage:

There was a single Song Sparrow at the feeders, but they breed locally and I heard one singing:


American Goldfinches are turning yellow:

Northern Cardinals are whistling their spring songs:

Black-capped Chickadees softly sing their "fee-bee" love song:

Tufted Titmice will be competing with the bluebirds for nesting holes:

This one is working to extract the meat from a sunflower seed clutched between its two feet:

House Finches are singing vigorously:

White-breasted Nuthatches also breed locally. They favor the suet:

With earlier light, warmer mornings are conducive to walks with the grand-dogs along the shore of Diamond Lake, its surface stilled in the calm air. Along the Lake, a chalk message on the pavement greeted the arrival of spring (those are the two Tibetan Mastiffs and the poodle with MaryLou and our daughter):

The sunset has crept ever nearer to due west, so evident from the windows of our daughter's Great Room, upstairs from our suite. Bird species exhibit a predictability of their plumages, however varied between the species, sexes and seasons. Yet,  like snowflakes, no two sunsets are ever the same.  We never tire of the gorgeous views of the setting sun:

But... sub-freezing temperatures and light snow are predicted for tomorrow!

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Your shots in flight are excellent!

  2. Amazing bird pics. We have had the cardinals, juncos, various sparrows, and house finches in our back yard. In addition to the grackles and starlings who I wish would just go away. And yes, a coopers hawk came to visit both the front and back yards.

  3. Now it is hard to think of snow and freezing temperatures right now as spring is surely on its way with lots of spring flowers out here, I hope the Bluebirds do nest and you see and photograph the chicks Kenneth. Thanks for lovely shots of birds feeding. Have a great week ahead.

  4. Looks like the sky is just an afterthought by all these wow bird shots. I like them all.

  5. Hello,
    What a beautiful collection of birds and photos. The Eastern Bluebirds are one of my favorites. I hope to see some of your baby bluebirds. You do see a nice variety of birds in your yard. I like the warmer weather for walking the dogs, you have a nice view there of the lake and the sunset. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. I'm glad it was nice enough to get out some this week. The sunset photo is spectacular! So many pretty birds at the feeders too. Happy weekend.

  7. It must be a thrill to see the bluebirds checking out your nest boxes. Beautiful photos!

  8. Well I wish spring would arrive here!

  9. Wow , I love those bluebirds. What a magnificent sky shot. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  10. Greetings and Salutations! Clap. Clapping. Still clapping. Really lovely.

  11. Such a beautiful bird and photos. Your shots are exceptional.

  12. These are all familiar, but now very far away birds to me! I'm very grateful to see all of these wonderful photos of them in springtime. Thanks so much!

  13. I enjoyed all the photos, but especially the sequence of bluebirds, Kenneth. Also the last view from your window was a wonderful scene.


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