
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Crops & Clips: Flashback to April, 2019

Each month I enjoy looking back over my archived photos, taken three years previously, to remember how things were then and now that we have moved to Connecticut, what I am missing this month.  As usual, I search for images which include favorite memes: critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies and clouds, reflections and flowers, as well as scenes which speak for themselves. We spent the entire month of April, 2019 in south Florida. 

On April 1 in our local wetlands, a small flock of Black-necked Stilts cast reflections on the still waters of the lakeside marsh. Forgive my overkill, but the sight was bedazzling. Here are three of our dozens of photos:

Also on April 1, an early morning Eastern Screech-Owl:

In our back yard, a Tricolored Heron flipped a tiny fish before swallowing it head-first:

The two Bald Eaglets in the local nest were doing well:

A male Northern Cardinal was in fine plumage:

Flowers of carnivorous Horned Bladderwort brightened the marsh:

A male Bobcat crossed the gravel road:

Later that same day, a female watched from roadside:

A Green Heron roosted in the rookery:

A Gulf Fritillary sipped nectar from Lantana bloom:

A Zebra heliconian basked in sunlight:

A male Red-winged Blackbird displayed his red epaulets:

A displaying Boat-tailed Grackle showed off his iridescent plumage:

A Wood Stork wheeled overhead:

During Spring Break we stayed with our Illinois family at Tranquility Bay Resort in the Florida Keys:


= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Garden Affair

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. I am absolutely bowled over the the Stilts. I don’t remember seeing their image for sure and how can I ever forget the Bob cat and rest of the splendid fauna from your earlier posts.

    I love to swing by here; and see your posts. It lends me a lot of hope, joy and calm.

    I just hope my blog post this week will also give you some hope and if you have any suggestions Kenneth, please do feel free to share. (Saving the Bees)


  2. I hope my comment comes through.

    God speed✨

  3. Your new header is so cute (hope you forgive me, I can't think of another word) The butterfly and the sunsets are stunning! A happy weekend to you, Emille (Jesh)

  4. Those last photos of the sunset are wonderful, as are the first few photos with the outstanding reflections. And the rest of the photos are just wow.

  5. I love those first few photos with the vivid reflections. It's like my eyes are playing tricks on me!

  6. First 3 are Great Photos!!! #12 has nice bokeh and colors. And the second last is out of this world for sure. Great pics.

  7. Wundervolle Fotos, herzlichst Klärchen

  8. Greetings and Salutations! Love, love, love your photographs of the Florida Keys vacation.

  9. Remarkable photos! The reflections are stunning!

  10. The reflections of the stilts was very creative and fun to see, Kenneth.

  11. Stunning clicks, Adorable owl capture. The bladderwort blooms are beautiful . What a stunning evening sky capture. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  12. Hello Ken,
    I love the Stilts and their reflections, awesome series. Great captures of all the birds, some of my favorites are the Tricolored Heron, Wood Stork and Green Heron. Love the cute Screech Owl and the Bobcat is cool. Your sunsets are gorgeous. Beautiful post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great new week!

  13. Bedazzling is right! Actually, I often find your photos to be bedazzling. And thank you for reminding me of a word I haven't used in a while. I think I will search out reasons to be bedazzled!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/04/the-last-of-these-for-while-i-promise.html

  14. A superb, and nostalgic I'm sure, look back, Ken!

    There can never be too many images of Black-necked Stilts! Especially when they are this spectacular. Nice work.

    All is good in the Sunshine State. Migration is proceeding toward its annual conclusion. Breeding birds are busy. And one of the things I'm certain you really miss - 'skeeters have become quite active.

    Take good care.

  15. Ken, these are all beyond incredible. To get such perfection (especially the stilts) with reflections...just terrific.

    Thanks so much for sharing with us

    ~Anni at I'd Rather B Birdin'

  16. Really nice memories, aren't they? A most enjoyable post.

  17. The reflection shot of the three birds and the woodstork over head are both great shots! Thanks also for joining in #Allseasons. Come back to the same post next week (as I'm on holiday)...

  18. All of these stunning images! Each and every one of them is magnificent!


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