
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Red shoulders and red tails

Spring migration has been a bust, at least for me. Cold, windy and rainy days have kept me inside and may have encouraged the birds to fly around or ahead of the storms. This week I had to settle for summer resident species, not bad at all. 

Indeed, on Monday I was treated to an aerial show over the back yard, as a crow bombarded an immature  Red-tailed Hawk.

The hawk was circling lazily until a single American Crow protested the invasion of its air space:

The next day, the local pair of the smaller Red-shouldered Hawks paraded above the lawn...

...followed by their two recently fledged youngsters, which called incessantly:

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds were quickly emptying the feeder. I have seen as many as three drinking the nectar at the same time, all females so far:

Eastern Towhees have returned and will nest in the shrubby edges of the forest:

This male House Finch was in bright breeding plumage:

On May 11, the trees in the woodland surrounding the house were beginning to leaf out:

On May 22, lush foliage encircled the back yard:

Late in the afternoon, rays of the sun pierced the rain clouds:

On our morning walk, we viewed the tranquil surface of Diamond Lake:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Wow, I love seeing your captures of birds in flight. Must be a challenge to keep them in focus. The red tail and crow shots look like something out of Top Gun!

  2. Lovely pictures..Love the Hawk/crow series..Great shots..Beautiful area where you live...Have a good weekend..

  3. Sorry spring was a bust! We've got much action here! PHoebe and robin are on the nest with babies!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  4. Your superb series of photographs with the hawks and the breeding finches, towhees and hummers make for pretty good consolation prizes for missing a bit of migration!

    Very nice post, Ken. Hope you are well. Florida is humid. (News bulletin just in case you forgot.)

  5. The flying patterns of the red shouldered hawk are beautiful, as well as the reddish male finch. And your skies look like watercolors! How is it going with your treatment? (kind of funny to ask a doc that, but since my brother is one I don't feel strange about it.)

  6. Beautiful photos! I was trying to imagine mowing that grass with a push mower. :0)

  7. Hello Ken,

    Great captures of the Hawk in action, they are both beautiful raptors. The Towhee is one of my favorites, they are pretty birds. Love your sky images. Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  8. What a beautiful home and gorgeous lawn! I know you enjoyed seeing the Hawks interact with that crow! They make quite a racket when they are disturbed. Love seeing those pretty hummers too!

  9. Exceptional territorial disputes in photo sequence!!! What a treat.

    Loved the capture of the towhee (we have them, I guess, but I've never seen any to photograph)
    Have a terrific week ahead, and thanks for sharing your link. Happy birding!

  10. Fabulous photos of the hawks and crow in flight! I love the house finches--they sing their little hearts out.

  11. Forgot to say that house is AMAZING!! #SharonsSouvenirs

  12. Awesome captures of the 'confrontation' of birds. Your house looks like it has a bit of history to it.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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