
Thursday, June 16, 2022

Wild Turkeys

Hunting season for the Wild Turkey ended June 1. No hunting is permitted in the preserve which joins our back yard, but there is no prohibition on several large tracts of privately owned land nearby. Although native over much of North America, the Wild Turkey population crashed during the 19th Century due to over-hunting and loss of habitat. Thanks to improved wildlife management and active relocation, along with hunting restrictions to protect hens, their population has rebounded and their range has actually expanded to all 48 contiguous states, Hawaii and interior Mexico.  

This morning MaryLou spotted a female which suddenly appeared in our yard with 13-15 poults. (Normal clutch size for this species is 10-14 eggs}. They approached closely and allowed good views as the flock moved slowly across the property from the north side of the house to woodlands to the south. Our daughter and granddaughter spotted a second adult turkey associated with the group and also counted 2 more than we did, so the large number of offspring may have represented a blended family. I saw this one first before it disappeared shortly before it or another adult emerged from the wooded area:

Could this be the second adult? It has a "beard," although some females may develop one and seems to have darker plumage. Possibly it could be a "Jack," a lesser-ranked male.

The female Eastern Bluebird appears to be incubating eggs. She is inside the box for long periods and the male is nearby, watching the nest continuously from any of several  favored perches:

The female bluebird pops out occasionally and then returns inside the nest box:

We have three baby Cottontail Rabbits who emerge from the underbrush around the lawn. They act rather tame, not a good sign for their ability to survive. This little bunny actually kept moving towards me:

The bunny stopped to stretch very casually:

The swimming pool is now open and casts nice reflections of the sunset:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. What a treat to see Wild Turkey in your yard. And you managed to get some excellent photos!

  2. There turkeys look much prettier than the ones regularly roaming around our previous house. I didn't know that one could only hunt them certain months of the year. One time we saw a large group of about 21 turkeys. Your bluebird is so pretty, as well as the sky for sky watch! Enjoy your weekend, Emille.

  3. Nice clicks! Those are some gorgeous clicks. The sky view is the best, for me. Happy #SkywatchFriday and a blessed weekend to you.

  4. I love the turkeys. We've House Wrens in the Bluebird nesting box. I don't think I'll see any. Six US states were helpful in rebuilding our Ontario wild turkeys. They are doing well here!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  5. You must be close to the woods to see wild turkeys and brown rabbits - love the photos!

  6. Wonderful shots! I don't think I've ever seen a wild turkey.

  7. The stretching rabbit is gorgeous! Our dog does the same. I don't know how the hips do it!! Thanks for joining in #Allseasons - don't forget to comment.

  8. Your photographs of turkeys are fantastic. Whenever I see them alongside the rural road, the bunch of them high tail it into the weeds and forest before I can even stop the car and grab a camera. Turkeys are fast!

  9. Wow..What fun to see all the chicks..great pictures..Our Bluebirds have fledged over the past two weeks..Lots of houses here..and yes, rabbits as well...little brown bunnies here and there..easily seen at dusk..Lovely sunset!!

  10. A wonderful selection of photographs!

    Wild Turkey and Bluebird skies around the pool at sunset. There may very well be a hit country song in there somewhere!

  11. So cool to see the baby turkeys. Several times this week mama merganser has swum by. The first time the babies were on her back and trailing behind. The last time they were swimming up ahead. They grow up so fast. - Margy

  12. The turkey photos are very neat and it's always fun to see young ones! Enjoy the week ahead! Take care of yourself.

  13. Hello Ken, long time since I have had the time to blog a bit. That swimming pool looks amazing! I love the young wild turkey images. I know that we have them nearby, but they are never where I can see them, but rather can hear them as they move through the grasses and woods. We have Bluebird boxes up, in the proper setting, position etc and we get none. The neighbors on each side of us get all of them. Hoping that you are doing well. Stay safe~

  14. How cool to see wild turkeys in your yard!

    Incredible photography, Kenneth!

  15. I saw a bluebird today but I did not get a picture. I love the bunny stretched out like that!


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