
Thursday, March 2, 2023

Window-watching Week

This past week marked the first time I failed to take a single walk out in the neighborhood or even the back property. Cold, wind and the first "plowable" snowstorm of this winter kept me inside except for necessary medical visits and tests. My wild world has otherwise been viewed through the windows of the "front door" of our Casita suite.

Poor light and the necessity to take photos through double-glazed windows has resulted in a collection of fuzzy images, which is all I have to sort through and share.

On February 23, freezing fog coated the the branches with ice. Black-capped Chickadees repeatedly selected single sunflower seeds and flew up into the bare Aspen to hack them open:

A Male House Finch provided a touch of color:

Two days later it was crisp and cold, but the clouds parted as a small flock of Eastern Bluebirds descended to feast at the suet feeder. The species is essentially insectivorous, but will accept a variety of foods in times of scarcity. A male bluebird tried to possess the energy-rich offering:

A female looked down from the shepherd's hook and waited expectantly:

Her patience exhausted, she displaced the male:

Compulsively, I captured views of a pair which brightened the morning after the snowfall on February 26:

Not to be overlooked, another male House Finch and a Downy Woodpecker:

Tufted Titmouse:

In typical upside-down posture, a White-breasted Nuthatch feasted on the suet:

A White-throated Sparrow gleaned seeds under the feeders:

Views from our back patio on February 26:

I wanted to show the view from my window, but forgot to turn off the interior lights, resulting in a reflected view of my computer station:

Here is the intended view:

After the storm, the snow drifts and psychedelic shadows stimulated my imagination. Am I seeing the upper torso of a human with arms extended, on his back, or on her stomach... or is that a close-up wrist and a hand with fingers cupped upward? 

This week's header: Sunset, February 27

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Simply lovely, Ken!

    If I had such a view from my window, I might be hard-pressed to leave the house!

  2. Beautiful birds so tiny and petite. The colours are great too.

  3. ...seeing a bluebird is a rare treat for me. We had plenty of ice here too.

  4. Hello Ken,
    that looks really cold. I can understand why you didn't want to leave the house. Your photos are still very nice. My favorite is always the Eastern Bluebird. Thank you for attending Nature Thursday again.
    Warm regards - Elke

  5. Such great photographs. No too fuzzy to me.
    I hope that you get a break from the weather so you can go walking again.

  6. Beautiful captures, and very sharp for being taken through two layers of glass!

  7. Your Connecticut winter is truly a thing of beauty. Enjoyed the bluebird photos. I seldom see them here.

  8. Guten Morgen Ken, was für zauberhafte Fotos aus der Vogelwelt sind Ihnen gelungen und einfach wunderbar, dass Sie diese Momente mit uns geteilt haben.
    Herzliche Grüße in einen hoffentlich sonnigen Tag, Karin Lissi

  9. Your windows must be ultra clean to get such great photos. With views like that from inside I don't think I would be that bothered about going out in the freezing cold.

  10. Wishing you well, Ken. I did hop in a few weeks back, not sure you got my comment.

    Lovely shots as always.
    To good health, walks and cheer.

  11. Hello :=)
    The Bluebirds are so lovely, great captures of all the birds in the snow taken through your window. A fine assortment of different species perched on branches and at the feeders. It does look cold out there but the snow covered trees look beautiful. I hope the weather gets warmer so you can take your walks again.
    All the best.

  12. tough weather conditions for birdies. man, what a view you have!

  13. Nice wintry pics! It snowed in my county this week which probably only happens a couple of times per century. I wonder what the birds were thinking?

  14. Wow Ken.
    Wishing I had feathered visitors such as yours.
    Have a super week ahead and your linking in is always appreciated!

  15. That's a beautiful view and I see all kinds of images too. Love seeing the little ice droplets and pretty birds at your feeders. Stay warm and enjoy your week!

  16. What fab and amazing captures I enjoyed these such beautiful birds too :-)
    Have a windowwatchtastic week 👍

  17. You have a great office and wonderful snowy view. Your bird photos are incredible! It's snowy here in the UK too, where I have just arrived! Stay warm.
    Wren x

  18. You are lucky to have so much snow. Here in France we had too few rain during the last months, and a terrible drought is announced

  19. Lovely shots! The views are remarkable.

  20. Hello Ken,
    I do not enjoy walking on those cold snowy days. You do see a great variety from your windows. The Bluebirds is one of my many favorites. Great collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, I am sorry I am late commenting, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  21. The captures of birds from your window sill are stunning , in fact the captures with snow drops on trees are mystical . The sky shot is incredible. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair


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