
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Out of step

Sorry I missed being on the computer last week, but I had an excused absence. More about that later...

Chipping Sparrows have returned in good numbers.  I got out into the back yard and was able to photograph some without the intervening window pane:

A couple of portrait crops emphasize their subtle color and beauty:

A male Northern Flicker showed up and permitted a few brief views:

The Dark-eyed Juncos have all departed for their northern breeding grounds. This was the last one I saw before my unexpected lapse:

An American Robin flew in and settled on the fence:

It also posed for portraits:

The male American Goldfinches had attained full breeding plumage, but most of the tree buds had not yet opened, on April 11:

Red Maple buds were just beginning to burst on April 11:

Their winged seeds were nearly fully developed by April 23:

The floor of the back-acreage clear-cut showed no new growth on April 7: 

The cleared area was beginning to green up on April 21. Clumps of Sow Thistle were emerging. In mid-summer their fluffy pappus and seeds will provide nesting material and food for the goldfinches:  

On April 21 the lawn and surrounding woodland were finally beginning to look as if spring had arrived:

The twin chimneys of our home cast long morning shadows on April 25:

This was the first time in years that I failed to post a blog every Thursday. I just spent 5 nights in hospital and got out Tuesday. The illness began Thursday night with high fever and shaking chills, diagnosed as septicemia. I was hospitalized and administered IV antibiotics. 

View from my hospital room. I hoped to see migrating warblers amid the fresh foliage, but I spent most of six days lying flat on my back:

Presently I am at home taking oral antibiotics. Fever had been up to 102.6° F (39.2° C) but my temperature has  returned to normal up to present . Feel pretty good but my chemotherapy (which weakens my immunity) has been delayed for another week. 

Effects of the infection and more aggressive chemotherapy have driven my platelet count down to 38-47 (normal is 120) and also caused anemia with low white blood cell count (pancytopenia). I feel pretty energetic now-- if not too cold and windy I got out to sit in the back yard and even took a 1+ mile walk along the lake.

Our lovely granddaughter tried on her gown for a High School senior ROTC Military Ball. It is such a joy to be living as a member of  this three-generation household:

This week's header: Clear Sky on April 25

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Hello, Ken,
    Sorry to hear you were so sick and in the hospital, I hope you are recovering well. Lovely collection of birds and photos. Your granddaughter looks beautiful.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  2. I am so sorry about your health issues. In such a household you must have some great caregivers! Great bird photos!

  3. These bird photos are exquisite and delicate.

  4. Hope you continue to feel better.your pictures are fabulous! And the close-ups of the birds are simply amazing! Glad you're living in that busy family.

  5. Your portrait studio was certainly a popular place! Terrific close-ups to highlight the details of some handsome birds.

    You're in our prayers, Ken. Looks like we'll be heading for that three-generation household experience in the near future. What a blessing to have raised such children!

  6. Hi Ken,
    first of all: Get well soon. "More aggressive chemotherapy" doesn't sound good. But - what has to be, has to be. - I repeat myself, but your bird life is much more colorful than ours. Even the sparrows have a colored head. - Your granddaughter looks beautiful. Is white evening wear common for such balls? I think we tend to wear it to a wedding here.
    Wishing you all the best. And thank you for thinking about Nature Thursday despite everything.
    Kind regards - Elke

  7. We have had so many birds singing happy songs in our back yard. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  8. Wonderful backyard beauties. You live in lovely place

  9. Oh my, that's definitely an excused absence! Glad you are doing better now. That must have been a scary week. Love all the close-up bird photos.They each have their own personality!

  10. That Northern Flicker is so beautiful!

  11. The birds are beautiful and so is your granddaughter. Sending you warm wishes for a speedy recovery.

  12. Amazing bird photos.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  13. I love your bird photos, you love for the birds shines through in your photographs.

    Sorry about having to go the hospital but I am glad you are back. I can tell you still love life and are staying fully engaged with it. Your granddaughter is beautiful and I hope she had a good time at the military ball.

  14. Hello again,
    Ken I hope you are feeling better. It is always better to be home with your family.
    Great captures of the Chipping Sparrow, the beautiful Flickers and Robins. They are all beautiful photos. Take good care of yourself. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  15. I hate to hear you've been so sick and had to spend time in the hospital. But it sounds like they gave you a good treatment and you'll be able to gain strength being back home again. I'm keeping you in my prayers. Love seeing your beautiful Granddaughter....they grow up so fast! Nice to see the birds you've seen this week too! Take care!

  16. Beautiful pictures! I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope your health improves a lot more.

  17. The colours on your Goldfinch are incredible, but the Northern Flicker is my favourite.

  18. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better now. The striking beauty of the birds you capture is a work of art.

  19. Hello :=)
    I am so glad you are now at home and feeling better,...what a scare, septicaemia is a very serious illness, on top of everything else you have to deal with. It was good to know you had a walk and got outdoors to take these fabulous bird photos. The Chipping Sparrow is a pretty bird, but the Northern Flicker is my favourite this week, and the close up is marvellous. Lovely shots of the American Goldfinch too. It is nice to see your Granddaughter looking beautiful in her white dress.
    All the best.

  20. What beautiful photos again you never fail to capture some good close ups :-)
    Sorry to here about you not being well glad your back home and hope you can restart your treatment soon :-)

    Have a sparrowtastic week 👍

  21. Certainly hope you feel much. Much better soon. Such a beautiful post and so many wonderful things in your life to get back to! I enjoyed your sensitive photos of birds and wish your granddaughter our best!

  22. Oh Ken I’m so sorry to hear about your cancer and your recent hospitalization. Septicemia is so serious for anybody let alone now a cancer patient. I hope you will be able to be feeling better soon, but I know that you’re going to be in for challenges. You are inviting the same birds, in like the chipping, sparrows and saying goodbye to the juncos. Just seen spring time here in western New York is raising my spirits and I hope it will raise yours too. Michelle from Nature notes.

  23. I wish for your speedy recovery , I look forward to your posts. I am glad you can spot Sparrows there it is seen less these days in our region. I have never heard of American robin and they look different from the Indian Robin. The red maple buds looks stunning. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  24. Chipping Sparrows are gorgeous. As are the rest.

    So is your lovely granddaughter.

    Best wishes and blessed tidings. Praying for your good health and well being always.


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