
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Window views of birds and a Bobcat

The weather had finally improved enough to allow pleasant morning walks through our neighborhood. Almost everyone was out clearing weeds and planting flowers. Last night a cold front came through and temperature this morning is 35°F (1.7 °C) and is expected to go below freezing later in the day. 

The bluebirds are frequent visitors to the feeders, which we take inside overnight so as not to attract bears. 

A male Eastern Bluebird waited for us to come out and immediately visited the suet cake:

The female bluebird foraged under the feeder...

...and, looking up, impatiently waited her turn:

Tree Swallows have arrived and promptly occupied one of the bluebird houses: 

The bluebirds have been visiting the other nest box, but I never saw them bring in any nesting material. The swallows immediately began collecting twigs and dry pine needles. The bluebirds may already have hatchlings, as yesterday I saw both parents carrying in insects and suet..

Last spring the bluebirds fought successfully to evict the Tree Swallows and also an aggressive pair of House Sparrows. So far, the House Sparrows have not shown any interest in the nest box. This is the male:

Overhead, a Red-tailed Hawk soared effortlessly on the breezes...

...and partially closing its wings, dropped suddenly into a glide:

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have arrived and the species will stay here to breed. So far the feeder has hosted at least three females and this male:

Although Bobcats occupy our area, we had not yet seen one in our yard, until this past weekend, when one showed up for two mornings in a row. The Saturday visitor chased after a squirrel before I could reach for my camera. The chase was captured on our Ring security camera (videos below). 

I assumed it to be a female because "she" did not appear to be as big as the males I was accustomed to seeing in Florida, and her "mutton chop sideburns" were not as prominent, but I could be wrong. Luckily, she briefly returned after failing in her quest. She was so close to the window of our front door that her body did not fit inside my viewfinder, causing my photos to appear cropped:

She returned the next morning and seemed to be more interested in the birds than the squirrels. My camera was pressed against the window glass. She looked at me straight in the eye but seemed not to be aware that someone was watching:

Note that there is the body of a blood-engorged tick above her right eye. I assume this was the same Bobcat, but on the previous morning there was a tick over the left eye as visible in the first of this series:

I really wished I had a zoom lens. In Florida I compensated for large subjects by backing away, but this was impossible in my closed quarters. I settled for through-the-window portraits of the beautiful animal:

She licked her nose...

...and yawned, closed her eyes and then exposed her perfect teeth:

Oh, for a wide angle lens, as she crouched and and began to stalk and almost capture an unwary cowbird:

Here are three videos of the first encounter from our Ring camera, on May 13 , best viewed full-screen -- There is a 15 second gap between the first two as the Bobcat began her attack, but the third includes most of the action. Watch the second video to the end as the Bobcat returns to the scene of the near-capture of the squirrel--

The first video starts with the Bobcat sitting quietly on the granite shelf near the center of the screen. She then stalks towards the squirrel and chipmunk near the third step from the bottom. They seem oblivious to the presence of the Bobcat and actually move even nearer:

The second video starts about 15 seconds later, when the Bobcat triggers the camera's motion detector by racing down to the fifth step, nearly catching the squirrel (during the first 1-2 seconds!). The chipmunk hides in the vegetation and at the 00:29 second mark runs across to safety in the shrubs. The Bobcat then returns before walking out through the fence:  

This clip is from an adjacent camera facing the back of the house. The squirrel and chipmunk are seen in the right lower corner. At about the 00:49 mark the chipmunk senses danger and runs for cover. The Bobcat fails to catch the squirrel, which reaches the safety of the trees:

Background: The bobcat is the only wild cat found in Connecticut and the most common wild cat in North America. Its status has changed dramatically in our state. Historically, bobcats were not protected in Connecticut and were viewed as a threat to agriculture and game species. The state even had a bounty on bobcats from 1935-1971. By the early 1970s, a large increase in the value of bobcat pelts raised concerns that the population could be overharvested. In addition, deforestation of the state’s landscape that peaked in the 1800s greatly reduced habitat for bobcats and many other wildlife species. In 1972, the bobcat was reclassified as a protected furbearer in Connecticut with no hunting or trapping seasons.  MORE

For this week's customary sky photos, I feature the setting sun as seen from our covered patio:

In addition to the above iPhone images, I took a shot with my DSLR and was surprised to see several sun spots (two at the top pole and 3-5 more at the bottom right):

Breezes distorted the surface of the local lake, so I searched my Florida archives for an undistorted reflection of clouds over the Wounded Wetlands in my former neighborhood:

This week's header: View of sunset from lower patio

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Such delightful wildlife. The Bob cat is so stunning. (That's a huge tick.)
    As are all the birds. Marvelling all the window shots and how impeccable they are, Ken.

    Fascinating to see the nesting birds and all the summer visitors. The sky images are bedazzling and like how.

    I have a medley of forest and home images this time and so very grateful for the joy those moments brought me.


    Have a blessed rest of the week and praying for you to be salubrious and in high spirits always.

    God speed.


  2. Great shots of the tree swallows nesting. I've never seen that before. And the bobcat is amazing!

  3. Delicate bird photos. Scary fangs of the wild cat. Lastly the gorgeous sunset

  4. Incredible variety of photos from birds to that bobcat, amazing photos you have of him. I had a friend in northwest Oklahoma who tried to raise a bobcat as a pet and all was good until it grew up. Great sky photos, especially the header shot and superb view of the sun.

  5. Hi Ken, as usual, I'm more than impressed with your birdlife. And then the Bob Cat! Your photos are great. Wildlife cameras are an exciting thing. I also didn't expect a fox to be in our garden at night. Thank you for this great post and the link to Nature Thursday.
    Best regards - Elke (Nature Thursday)

  6. Fun to see how stealthy the bobcat can move. Beautiful close-up photos. We see bobcats, but only very rarely, out in our local desert.

  7. There's great photos but the bobcat ones are quite special (de don't get them heere so there's always that too!) Thanks for joining #Allseasons

  8. Wow, the bobcat is a beauty. If you don't know you'd think its a domestic cat.

    Worth a Thousand Words

    1. Awesome set of pics! Love that big Cat the most.

  9. Hello Ken,
    Beautiful collection of birds and photos. My favorites are the Bluebirds and Tree Swallows. The series on the Bobcat is awesome, what a cool visitor. Gorgeous sunset captures! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. Ken, I always enjoy seeing your bird photos. You have excellent skills. Your Bobcat photos are amazing. The cat obviously doesn't know you are there. Too bad about the tick. The Bobcat did not seem to be having success with your birds.

  11. How amazing to see the bobcat so close and see every detail! I love the big yawns! What a gorgeous animal!

  12. Beautiful shots. Interesting to read about the bobcat.

  13. Nice birds and photos assortment. Bluebirds and Tree Swallows are my top picks. The Bobcat series is very impressive.

  14. Beautiful photos. What a privilege to see the Bobcat up close!

  15. Thank you for sharing these delightful photos

  16. Terrific series with your neighborhood kitty!

    It's interesting how the occupancy of the nesting box plays out differently each year. Wonderful photographs of those Bluebirds, Swallows and Mr. House Sparrow.

    Sunspots! Wow!

  17. What great shots love the bird colour and great shots of the Bobcat too :-)
    Have a closeuptastic week 👍

  18. Hello :=)
    Lovely captures of the Swallow, Bluebirds. and Bobcat. I have only seen the European Wild Cat with it'.s long bushy black tipped tail, which is it's main distinguishing feature. I also saw it up close to the window but didn't get such fabulous photos as you did with the Bobcat Each of your Bobcat photos is a gem. I like all of them, and the videos.
    All the best..

  19. A stunning set of photos but the Bob cat is very special for me and I love the video. The sky shots are amazing. Keep well Diane

  20. Oh my god that Ruby throated Hummingbird is adorable. You are maestro in clicking birds. The sunrise capture is so calming. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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