
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Crops & Clips: Flashback to June, 2020

On the first Thursday of each month, I enjoy looking back over my archived photos, taken three years previously, to remember how things were then as contrasted with events this year at our new home in Connecticut. As usual, I searched for images which reflected favorite memes: critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies and clouds, reflections, flowers and scenes which speak for themselves. 

My first bird photo of the month was a dawn portrait of a Tricolored Heron at the edge of the large lake in the local Wounded Wetlands:

On June 5 this Gray Kingbird was the first I had ever encountered locally, though they are fairly common near the coast:

The local Bald Eagles concluded a successful breeding season. Both eaglets fledged and returned to the nest to be fed:

A Carolina Wren posed nearby:

The plumage of an adult male Northern Cardinal contrasted with that of an immature male, which additionally has a dark bill:

A fledgling Boat-tailed Grackle, as large as its mother, begged to be fed:

A Killdeer stood by near its nest, which contained four eggs:

The nest was exposed out in the open, yet blended in with the gravel:

Common Nighthawks were also nesting and active into daylight hours. This is a male, as indicated by bold white throat and wing markings:

I heard the calls of three Eastern Screech-Owls. This red morph adult was out rather late in the morning:

Nearby a brownish individual may have been one of its offspring, as it had a few wisps of natal down:

This one appeared to be another adult, also somewhat reddish brown. Adult birds are either rusty reddish or brownish gray :

A Pileated Woodpecker flew over:

An immature Bald Eagle suddenly rose up from its roost on an old power pole:

Even on one of those gray mornings, beauty visited our back yard in the form of a Great Egret:

A Double-crested Cormorant roosted on our goose decoy:

We often got out in cool  morning darkness to enjoy the night sky. Waning full Strawberry Moon on June 8...

...and crescent on June 16:

On June 8 l also obtained an iPhone image of Saturn, Jupiter and Moon, aligned:

Barred Yellow butterfly on Bidens alba (aka Beggarticks or Spanish nettle):

White Peacock on Lantana:

It was the beginning of a very busy Atlantic hurricane season, so we kept an eye on the weather forecast. Eventually there would be a record total of 30 named tropical or subtropical cyclones in 2020, of which 14 developed into hurricanes. Traditionally, the Weather Service gives them sequential names in alphabetical order, but they ran out of letters and had to use the Greek symbols. Some brushed by Florida but none made direct hits. Although June 1 is the "official" start of hurricane season, two had already developed in May.

Unsettled sky at sunrise on June 18:

This week's header: Great Egret

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. I thought I'd check in..I miss your wonderful photography as I no longer (for whatever reason) get it automatically in my email..
    I love the reflections in the water scenes..Wonderful Owl shots..One of my favorite birds..Happy June

  2. ...Kenneth, you have compiled a fabulous collection of images! As I scroll down I find a favorite and then another and anoth. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Ken,
    I love all your photos but the first one of the Tricolor Heron is fantastic. There is always so much to see with you that we don't get to see in Germany, except maybe in the zoo. And then the sky pictures - great! Thank you for participating in the Nature Thursday and warm regards - Elke

  4. Hi Ken,
    I love all your photos but the first one of the Tricolor Heron is fantastic. There is always so much to see with you that we don't get to see in Germany, except maybe in the zoo. And then the sky pictures - great!
    Thank you for participating in the Nature Thursday and warm regards - Elke

  5. Some of the prettiest skies I've seen in quite a while!

  6. These are amazing photos…. Michelle from Nature

  7. Owl photos are the most outstanding. Love the sunset sky too

  8. That goose decoy photo is hilarious! I love the little Carolina wren.

  9. Nice narration of avian beauties. Looks birds turn intelligent nowadays and can recognize a decoy :-). Even in farm fields, birds recognize the scare-crows

  10. Oh thank you for these great photos. Each one a joy!

  11. The sunset shots are amazing. The shot of the cormorant on the goose decoy was an attention grabber for me. You take such great, crystal clear shots of birds.

  12. Beautiful birds and a wonderful look back. I love the Tricolored Heron and the Eagles. The Screech Owl images are awesome. Beautiful moon and sky captures. What a great collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  13. I love seeing what you saw when you were in Florida. The variety of birds we see here is indeed amazing. I hope you are having a good weekend in Connecticut.

  14. Lovely recap, what wonderful birds! The captures of the gorgeous moon and sky are breathtaking.

  15. Your wildlife photos are fantastic.

  16. As I enjoyed viewing this wonderful "flashback" collection of images, it occurred to me that it is a perfect encapsulation of the season in Florida. Spring is making its exit and summer is arriving. New birds are fledging and the skies are filled with beauty and awe-inspiring spectacles.

    Ken, thank you for sharing memories through your outstanding photography!

  17. This morning, I tried to catch a great egret in flight, but wasn't successful. You sure to have a lot of amazing pics. Enjoyed your post!

  18. Absolutely stunning photos as always the bird captcha's are always so clear and colourful, thanks for sharing :-)

    Have a wingtastic week 👍

  19. These are all so lovely! My favorites are the owls and the unsettled skies.

  20. Absolutely amazing, love your owl pictures.
    I visited you via My Corner of the World
    If interested feel free to visit my entries for this week: #39 as I would love to invite you to come and share your posts and you will have an opportunity to get featured.
    We're open Monday through Saturday every week.
    You will find the linkup information (1) In the Top bar under Blogging: Weekly Senior Salon Pit Stop OR 2nd image In the sidebar
    We hope to meet you there virtually.

  21. Very professional series of nature photos ~ Awesome ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. These are the kinds of memories that let you know you have lived a good life.

  23. I enjoy watching the great blue and green herons hunting the pond. It is amazing when the little green heron puts a stick in the water to attract the fish..Michelle


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