
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Crops & Clips:Flashback to October, 2020

As I do on the first Thursday of each month, I enjoy looking back over my archived photos, taken three years previously, in October, 2020, to remember how things were then in south Florida as contrasted with events this year at our new home in central  Connecticut. As usual, I searched for images which reflected favorite memes: critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies and clouds, reflections, flowers and scenes which speak for themselves. 

Among the 611 photos I processed that month, these views of a male Painted Bunting out in the Wounded Wetlands were a bit soft, but oh so special:

Southbound migrants included Red-eyed Vireo...

...Black-throated Blue Warbler male...

...and dissimilar female:

Ovenbirds were numerous for a few days:

Curious Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, which stay for the winter, seemed begging to be photographed:

Boldly marked Yellow-throated Warblers were welcomed:

Arriving migrants buttressed the year-round populations of Prairie Warblers...

...and Black-and-White Warblers:

To counterbalance such a surfeit of little birds, I must include a few more substantial ones. The Bald Eagles had occupied the same nest since at least 2007. They usually worked to repair and renovate the old one:

However, this year they eventually decided to build a new one not far away. They roosted continually high in a tree to the east but had not yet begun construction.

Other raptors included Merlin...

...and  Red-shouldered Hawks-- this is an immature:

Among the mammals were a Raccoon family...

...and a red Coyote:

I must include a favorite butterfly, the Giant Swallowtail, hovering at Firebush:

We had many beautiful sunrises. In the wetlands we did not have a view of the eastern sky, but often there was great beauty in the sky away from the sun. This view looks south at 17 minutes before sunrise:

Antisolar rays converged to the west:

Storm clouds added drama:

This was a view from our back yard one morning when the sky was too threatening for a bird walk:

This week's header: View from Florida patio panorama

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Your legacy sky photos are mesmerizing. I continue to be amazed at the great photos of you made of a huge variety of birds.

  2. I think the softness of the first photos add to their beauty. Gorgeous captures!

  3. So beautiful photos. You are very talented!
    The images with the sky, are real paintings!
    But the idea of "Antisolar rays" is very... unnatural, from my perspectiv.
    Thank you for dropping by on my blog! Have a fabulous weekend!

  4. Just great! The slight blurring gives the first photos something dreamy, which looks beautiful. The eagle, on the other hand - wow, majestic. And the different sky pictures - they are always fantastic. Thank you for taking part in Nature Thursday and kind regards – Elke (Der Naturdonnerstag)

  5. Hello Ken,
    Your sky images are always so beautiful. Wonderful photos of the birds, the warblers are great captures. They are usually so quick to move. Great sighting and photo of the Giant Swallowtail. The Painted Bunting is one of my favorites, beautiful birds and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  6. Wow! A red coyote! That really is amazing! I would have thought I was seeing a fox. Love your photos and I always try to remember some of the birds you ID. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Diane

    1. I did a search on the antisolar rays and learned more about them. How interesting!

  7. Wowza! That last photograph took my breath away. Be still my heart. I really think that Painted Bunting is a character.

  8. wow! the last ones with reflection...

  9. Another outstanding flashback with so many superb photographs!

    You really captured our Florida fall, Ken. Although I've seen a pretty good selection of migrants, not many have posed for a picture. I'll keep trying.

    Hope your weekend is going well.

  10. I have missed your wonderful wildlife photos over the past year that I have been off of my blog. It is so good to be back and get to visit around again. Thanks for sharing- I think your bird shots are fantastic!!

  11. What a fantastic flashback to October 2020! You've managed to capture some incredible shots of various bird species. The sunrise and sky photos are absolutely breathtaking.

  12. Love the first bird and the raccoons (they're so cute) but the anti-solar rays are spectacular! Amazing! #Allseasons

  13. Another set of beautiful photos so clear colourful and pretty thanks for sharing :-)

    Have a flashbacktastic week 👍

  14. I live by Fox River so I see a lot of ducks, Swans, and a few foxes from time to time and many people walking their dogs. I live across the street from a park/school so everyone walks their pets there too! The River is great... though and the change is seasons with all the trees... it's beautiful!!!! Have a wonderful day. Your photos are amazing! Thank you for sharing!

  15. Beautiful photos...Yes, I have grandchildren and I am terrified for them...Michelle

  16. Wow ! Beautiful photos, painted bunting is adorable. I have never seen such colorful bird in my life. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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